Relax and Take Notes is a guild founded on the principle of competition and bettering oneself and others at all times.
Many of us are previously hardcore raiders in other games looking for a less hardcore schedule. Currently we run trials on Saturday and Sunday 9 CST with groups forming randomly throughout the the week. (Generally in the evening) We are not a large group and as such have to pull in a few picked up Raid members. We hope to fill out our remaining spots in the near future.
RTN is a guild with a very small and friendly player base. We maintain our small group to keep the drama to a zero. We work with our members to teach and help people better understand the mechanics of the game. When they begin to show an inclination to a more dedicated PvE playstyle we give them a place to run.
While Relax and Take Notes sounds like an elitist guild name it is intentionally so, it is a tribute to our knowledge of the games mechanics and willingness to teach anyone who asks. Not to inform people that "We are better than you" as we are always open to learning as well.
If you are V12 and looking for a chance to prove yourself in a semi hardcore environment send me or an officer a whisper in game.
Please have mumble installed so we can converse more readily than if we just used in-game chat.The Officer's in the guild to speak would be:
@Asherrion - (Myself)
Thank you for taking the time to look at the guild and we hope to hear from you in the near future!
Edited by Asherrion on June 28, 2014 8:43PM