So I understand that this is kind of a weird subject to post via ESO, but I do feel my issue relates to it, so I am asking for help from Tech Savvy individuals, who can help distinguish the issue I am suffering.
I use a Lenovo y510p laptop, since last October 2013, been running great, no issues thus far.
Today I logged onto ESO and my framerates dropped from the solid 60, to 5 or 6, when it becomes this bad, it usually means my "turbomode" has turned off due to not having any Power Supply coming in, I tabbed out, and saw at the battery screen, it no longer shows the batter with a forked prong indicating that it was charging.
I have restarted, shut down, unplugged everything, and nothing seems to work.
Everytime I load up ESO, and get to Character Screen/Zone in my AC adapter turns off, and I no longer reserve enough voltage to power the game.
Thanks in regards for anyone that can help me solve this,