fredarbonab14_ESO wrote: »^^^ We will enjoy it, and will send you a post card how much fun we are having along the way. Where should we address that post card?
HI everyone and I'd like to express this thread towards everyone and Zenimax as well.
I have experience from most MMOs since early MuDs, the first giant Everquest, many years through WoW and others which are to many to mention here.
I have followed the progress around ESO for over a year before the release, and my hopes where if only half of what was promised, was delivered, I would be very interested in ESO. ESO exceeded my expectations by creating the game they marketed.
ESO is what was promised, and have broken new ground in creating a new type of MMO, with an experience as player you do not get anywhere else. The player choose their destiny, whatever that may be. The choice is yours in about everything. Your choices even have different effects on you and the game depending on what you choose.
As all MMOs, there are bugs/mistakes/changes and the constant balance issue.
Zenimax has proven to work very hard on problems, and even change priorities when a serious problem occurs. This makes me very secure as a player.
ESO has been managed very well. Not only does Zenimax work on the game itself, but they have a long term plan, including a vast number of different areas, with the amazing ability to hold everything together in the Lore of Tamriel. Everything is connected. From the players choice, events in game, current and future features.
ESO really IS a new type of MMO where level, quests, class and character skill does not define the game. The game starts with you at level 1, where you go from there, is up to you, not the game.
The choice to create your own class, more called "build", choose what to do and in many cases your choices have different effects is nothing else then outstanding.
The way everything connects, NPCs comments, quest that makes sense and ALL are voice, the fight for power in Tamriel to the "simple" explorer, makes ESO a MMO like no other.
Thank you for a very well CORE game.
HI everyone and I'd like to express this thread towards everyone and Zenimax as well.
I have experience from most MMOs since early MuDs, the first giant Everquest, many years through WoW and others which are to many to mention here.
I have followed the progress around ESO for over a year before the release, and my hopes where if only half of what was promised, was delivered, I would be very interested in ESO. ESO exceeded my expectations by creating the game they marketed.
ESO is what was promised, and have broken new ground in creating a new type of MMO, with an experience as player you do not get anywhere else. The player choose their destiny, whatever that may be. The choice is yours in about everything. Your choices even have different effects on you and the game depending on what you choose.
As all MMOs, there are bugs/mistakes/changes and the constant balance issue.
Zenimax has proven to work very hard on problems, and even change priorities when a serious problem occurs. This makes me very secure as a player.
ESO has been managed very well. Not only does Zenimax work on the game itself, but they have a long term plan, including a vast number of different areas, with the amazing ability to hold everything together in the Lore of Tamriel. Everything is connected. From the players choice, events in game, current and future features.
ESO really IS a new type of MMO where level, quests, class and character skill does not define the game. The game starts with you at level 1, where you go from there, is up to you, not the game.
The choice to create your own class, more called "build", choose what to do and in many cases your choices have different effects is nothing else then outstanding.
The way everything connects, NPCs comments, quest that makes sense and ALL are voice, the fight for power in Tamriel to the "simple" explorer, makes ESO a MMO like no other.
Thank you for a very well CORE game.
The guy likes the game. Give him a break. The game needs a lot of work, yes. But it is still freaking amazing. Positivity is a good counterbalance to much of the cynicism and hate. Why does someone being happy about a game offend people? I would recommend anyone that hates to see other people happy to seek counseling and resolve those childhood issues.
This is absurd. Are you an employee of the company because you are constantly arguing with anyone who express displeasure with this game. You argue about issues not being there for you so they must be made up. Not that this is an argument towards anyone specifically but geez, are you on drugs man?
Personally I am tired of seeing your posts here. Great, you like the game. Nothing to learn here.
HI everyone and I'd like to express this thread towards everyone and Zenimax as well.
I have experience from most MMOs since early MuDs, the first giant Everquest, many years through WoW and others which are to many to mention here.
I have followed the progress around ESO for over a year before the release, and my hopes where if only half of what was promised, was delivered, I would be very interested in ESO. ESO exceeded my expectations by creating the game they marketed.
ESO is what was promised, and have broken new ground in creating a new type of MMO, with an experience as player you do not get anywhere else. The player choose their destiny, whatever that may be. The choice is yours in about everything. Your choices even have different effects on you and the game depending on what you choose.
As all MMOs, there are bugs/mistakes/changes and the constant balance issue.
Zenimax has proven to work very hard on problems, and even change priorities when a serious problem occurs. This makes me very secure as a player.
ESO has been managed very well. Not only does Zenimax work on the game itself, but they have a long term plan, including a vast number of different areas, with the amazing ability to hold everything together in the Lore of Tamriel. Everything is connected. From the players choice, events in game, current and future features.
ESO really IS a new type of MMO where level, quests, class and character skill does not define the game. The game starts with you at level 1, where you go from there, is up to you, not the game.
The choice to create your own class, more called "build", choose what to do and in many cases your choices have different effects is nothing else then outstanding.
The way everything connects, NPCs comments, quest that makes sense and ALL are voice, the fight for power in Tamriel to the "simple" explorer, makes ESO a MMO like no other.
Thank you for a very well CORE game.
Personally I am tired of seeing your posts here. Great, you like the game. Nothing to learn here.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »HI everyone and I'd like to express this thread towards everyone and Zenimax as well.
I have experience from most MMOs since early MuDs, the first giant Everquest, many years through WoW and others which are to many to mention here.
I have followed the progress around ESO for over a year before the release, and my hopes where if only half of what was promised, was delivered, I would be very interested in ESO. ESO exceeded my expectations by creating the game they marketed.
ESO is what was promised, and have broken new ground in creating a new type of MMO, with an experience as player you do not get anywhere else. The player choose their destiny, whatever that may be. The choice is yours in about everything. Your choices even have different effects on you and the game depending on what you choose.
As all MMOs, there are bugs/mistakes/changes and the constant balance issue.
Zenimax has proven to work very hard on problems, and even change priorities when a serious problem occurs. This makes me very secure as a player.
ESO has been managed very well. Not only does Zenimax work on the game itself, but they have a long term plan, including a vast number of different areas, with the amazing ability to hold everything together in the Lore of Tamriel. Everything is connected. From the players choice, events in game, current and future features.
ESO really IS a new type of MMO where level, quests, class and character skill does not define the game. The game starts with you at level 1, where you go from there, is up to you, not the game.
The choice to create your own class, more called "build", choose what to do and in many cases your choices have different effects is nothing else then outstanding.
The way everything connects, NPCs comments, quest that makes sense and ALL are voice, the fight for power in Tamriel to the "simple" explorer, makes ESO a MMO like no other.
Thank you for a very well CORE game.
Personally I am tired of seeing your posts here. Great, you like the game. Nothing to learn here.
I get this feeling alot, too. Only mine is along the lines of:
Great, you dislike the game. Nothing to learn here.
If there was an ignore feature on these forums, there are a couple names that pop up spewing hate and disagreement in nearly every thread. They'd be on my list.
I wonder how much of this agenda against ESO I'd see then? I can promise that the Nightblade stickied post would be less than half it's current size if only ONE user was removed, and all his posts are repetitions of 'nightblades are completely broken', which is also completely false.
The guy likes the game. Give him a break. The game needs a lot of work, yes. But it is still freaking amazing. Positivity is a good counterbalance to much of the cynicism and hate. Why does someone being happy about a game offend people? I would recommend anyone that hates to see other people happy to seek counseling and resolve those childhood issues.
Him being pleased with the game is fine, but when someone proclaims their opinions on an open forum, people are bound to disagree. Deal with it
The guy likes the game. Give him a break. The game needs a lot of work, yes. But it is still freaking amazing. Positivity is a good counterbalance to much of the cynicism and hate. Why does someone being happy about a game offend people? I would recommend anyone that hates to see other people happy to seek counseling and resolve those childhood issues.
Him being pleased with the game is fine, but when someone proclaims their opinions on an open forum, people are bound to disagree. Deal with it
People getting angry at someone just for being happy may very well need some professional help. I am not trying to be demeaning in any way, I am genuinely concerned for people that see happiness and rage. This is the community forums afterall, I'm just looking out for my fellow gamers. But that's just my opinion, in this open forum, so...uh deal with it?
ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »HI everyone and I'd like to express this thread towards everyone and Zenimax as well.
I have experience from most MMOs since early MuDs, the first giant Everquest, many years through WoW and others which are to many to mention here.
I have followed the progress around ESO for over a year before the release, and my hopes where if only half of what was promised, was delivered, I would be very interested in ESO. ESO exceeded my expectations by creating the game they marketed.
ESO is what was promised, and have broken new ground in creating a new type of MMO, with an experience as player you do not get anywhere else. The player choose their destiny, whatever that may be. The choice is yours in about everything. Your choices even have different effects on you and the game depending on what you choose.
As all MMOs, there are bugs/mistakes/changes and the constant balance issue.
Zenimax has proven to work very hard on problems, and even change priorities when a serious problem occurs. This makes me very secure as a player.
ESO has been managed very well. Not only does Zenimax work on the game itself, but they have a long term plan, including a vast number of different areas, with the amazing ability to hold everything together in the Lore of Tamriel. Everything is connected. From the players choice, events in game, current and future features.
ESO really IS a new type of MMO where level, quests, class and character skill does not define the game. The game starts with you at level 1, where you go from there, is up to you, not the game.
The choice to create your own class, more called "build", choose what to do and in many cases your choices have different effects is nothing else then outstanding.
The way everything connects, NPCs comments, quest that makes sense and ALL are voice, the fight for power in Tamriel to the "simple" explorer, makes ESO a MMO like no other.
Thank you for a very well CORE game.
Personally I am tired of seeing your posts here. Great, you like the game. Nothing to learn here.
I get this feeling alot, too. Only mine is along the lines of:
Great, you dislike the game. Nothing to learn here.
If there was an ignore feature on these forums, there are a couple names that pop up spewing hate and disagreement in nearly every thread. They'd be on my list.
I wonder how much of this agenda against ESO I'd see then? I can promise that the Nightblade stickied post would be less than half it's current size if only ONE user was removed, and all his posts are repetitions of 'nightblades are completely broken', which is also completely false.
Two things....
1. There is no agenda against ESO, its pissed off customers unhappy with the product and service they purchased. All that talk about wanting respect for your opinion doesn't mean much if you don't respect others' in kind.
2. NBs are broken, just not completely. They are significantly behind the other 3 in practically every possible role that could be filled.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
Great everyone who is happy with the game is very happy. Go play the game then. Stop posting about how happy you are and let the rest of us vent and commiserate together.
How can you NBs need fixes but they aren't broken? That is teetering on the edge of contradiction. If you enjoy playing that toon, then great. But even you admit sorcs and DKs are ahead, the metrics indicate its one hell of a gap.
How can you NBs need fixes but they aren't broken? That is teetering on the edge of contradiction. If you enjoy playing that toon, then great. But even you admit sorcs and DKs are ahead, the metrics indicate its one hell of a gap.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
I was happy with the game at one point as well. People who are happy with a product generally do not talk about that product or the related happiness unless someone asks them specifically.
These forums are full of doom and gloom. People have strong negative feelings because they DO care about the product. People come here to vent, list things broke/incomplete/broke/unbalanced/broke/bugged about the game. Generally those are done in a manner that is constructive, it is when the TESO monkey pops in to argue that there is nothing wrong with whatever point you are attempting to make or state how great the game is, that is when the contention begins.
Great everyone who is happy with the game is very happy. Go play the game then. Stop posting about how happy you are and let the rest of us vent and commiserate together.
I was happy with the game at one point as well. People who are happy with a product generally do not talk about that product or the related happiness unless someone asks them specifically.
These forums are full of doom and gloom. People have strong negative feelings because they DO care about the product. People come here to vent, list things broke/incomplete/broke/unbalanced/broke/bugged about the game. Generally those are done in a manner that is constructive, it is when the TESO monkey pops in to argue that there is nothing wrong with whatever point you are attempting to make or state how great the game is, that is when the contention begins.
Great everyone who is happy with the game is very happy. Go play the game then. Stop posting about how happy you are and let the rest of us vent and commiserate together.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
I was happy with the game at one point as well. People who are happy with a product generally do not talk about that product or the related happiness unless someone asks them specifically.
These forums are full of doom and gloom. People have strong negative feelings because they DO care about the product. People come here to vent, list things broke/incomplete/broke/unbalanced/broke/bugged about the game. Generally those are done in a manner that is constructive, it is when the TESO monkey pops in to argue that there is nothing wrong with whatever point you are attempting to make or state how great the game is, that is when the contention begins.
Great everyone who is happy with the game is very happy. Go play the game then. Stop posting about how happy you are and let the rest of us vent and commiserate together.
In the real world positive feedback is just as important as negative feedback, and in many cases more important. How do you tell someone you like something if you don't communicate it? I don't know any mind readers. You act as though you are being forced to read positive threads. If that is the case then you need to contact the authorities and notify them you are being imprisoned and forced to read positive forum threads. Divines be with you.
Great everyone who is happy with the game is very happy. Go play the game then. Stop posting about how happy you are and let the rest of us vent and commiserate together.
ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »I was happy with the game at one point as well. People who are happy with a product generally do not talk about that product or the related happiness unless someone asks them specifically.
These forums are full of doom and gloom. People have strong negative feelings because they DO care about the product. People come here to vent, list things broke/incomplete/broke/unbalanced/broke/bugged about the game. Generally those are done in a manner that is constructive, it is when the TESO monkey pops in to argue that there is nothing wrong with whatever point you are attempting to make or state how great the game is, that is when the contention begins.
Great everyone who is happy with the game is very happy. Go play the game then. Stop posting about how happy you are and let the rest of us vent and commiserate together.
I often feel required to post positive opinions, even though I have my disagreements, too.
The reason I do, is because I was an active forum member through Star Wars Galaxies and it's Combat Upgrade, and New Game Enhancements. These two features wrecked the game entirely.
I witnessed many forum posters pop online and ask for rather insignificant or obviously rediculous changes. "There are too many options." "Classes are easier to balance." "The damage is too strong for melee." "Jedi are too rare."
Seemingly innocent, until SOE (spit on their building) was literally forced to act on them by their primary party. And thus, a truly unique and wonderful game was ruined completely.
I almost feel that if I stand by and let that type of hate and negative commiseration build up again, I'll lose another beloved franchise. In this game, and in others I play. I support developer vision above player vision every time (even in my own love of housing). I support fixes over changes every time.
It's not always how I would prefer it done, I agree. And I've made more than my fair share of suggestions. But I still feel like I need to put a little positive in now and again.