Many people have been having issues with certain zones, big groups, and quite a few other areas of the game causing an unknown error where you are either disconnected, your connection times out when trying to log in, or you flat out pull the error on trying to log in with certain toons and get kicked back to login. I'm sure many of us have tried the ESO support options after sending in a ticket(checking/forwarding ports etc) with no luck. Sometimes they have maybe tried to move your character to a different zone some working some still stuck. I imagine they are swamped with tickets at the moment so I can't be too hard on them even when after being sent to the higher ups their main suggestion was restarting my computer *face palm*. So I thought I would make a thread if anyone has found their own ways of getting back in that maybe ESO support hasn't mentioned or just something that worked for you feel free to post. If you just feel like venting a bit from the frustration as well feel free I've lost about 8 days of game time so far with no response back from ESO about refunds or fixes or anything so I am sure there are plenty of players here who can understand.
Current List of Suggestions:
Try Heading to cyrodil if you can log in (Saet)
Check out of date addons and disable (Yakidafi)
Edited by ianangelospreub18_ESO on June 5, 2014 3:50AM