QQ moar... I need to make coffee and I am all out of sweet, sweet tears.
Basic circle of complaints on ESO Forums:
1) Users: Fix game/class/bug
2) Zenimax Online: Brings servers down and fixes issues and deploys patches.
4) Zenimax Online: Brings servers back up!
5) See 1)
Look at this here is the announcement
The Dragonknight is still a bit stronger than intended, and we’ll be making some small changes over time to the class. Our intent—no matter what you read on the internet—is not to nerf DKs into Oblivion (so to speak), but to continue tweaking them until they are in line with the survivability of the other classes.
We also know that Nightblades are reporting they are underpowered. I know all about this, as my main character is a Nightblade, and I’ve been running into some of these same issues myself. Again, just like the DK, we’re not going to make wholesale changes quickly; instead, we’re going to make small, incremental adjustments until NB class abilities fall in line with other class abilities.
Also, I sincerely apologize for not having the Biting Jabs change documented in a patch note when Update 1 went live. This was an oversight, not a nefarious omission by design. We have clearly documented many other ability nerfs in the past—we just missed this one in the massive Update 1 patch.
Ultimate spamming is a problem in PvP. We’ll address it on an ongoing basis.
- end quote
So the pressing issue is the survivability of the tanking class DK.
Not the ridiculous dps and survivability of other classes . Please Zenimax outline this changes so we can judge for ourselves before purchasing next subscription .
I seriously do not understand their philosophy. How can they nerf DK multiple times without fixing NB once? How has templar DPS not been buffed? Why are virtually all stamina weapons and corresponding builds still vastly inferior to the two staffs? They nerfed Vamp into the ground because people were abusing ultimate cost reduction mechanics instead of just implementing a minimum cost hard cap, and WW is just FUBAR.
Balancing is a two way street Zeni, if all you are going to do is nerf effective builds back to mediocrity you won't have much of a player base left.