Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »A veteran rank vampire nightblade. Gotcha.
First, how is sneak not working correctly. I've actually had no problems with the basic stealth mechanics of this game, so I'm confused on what issues you might be having.
Secondly, what's happening with 'invisibility'. Are we talking the potions, the vampire mist form, or the nightblade shadow cloak?
If you are referencing shadow cloak, please understand that there are known issues with it, particularly an annoying one where if you have damage-over-time ticks applied to an enemy (which many nightblade skills do), you will get broken out of cloak, because technically you are still doing damage to the enemy. This is one they recognize and is on their list to fix, and players are encouraged to not use DOT attacks and attempt to cloak until that fix occurs.
BSGDevastator wrote: »
-Mage NPCs on Castles in Cyrodiil can spot you half a mile away. Why?
-Sometimes if you engage in a small skirmish you can't go invisible for about 2min
-Why am I, as a NB Vampire with full Medium Armor, as easy to spot as a DK with full Heavy Armor?
Shadow Cloak:
Blackwidow wrote: »Magelight, maybe?
Blackwidow wrote: »Because ESO makes no sense with armor and sneaking. To be fair, even TES is a little wacky with how easy it is to sneak in full plate.
I know there is a passive that helps with sneaking on medium. Are you saying it does not work?
Blackwidow wrote: »Can't help ya, sorry.
sevcik.miroslaveb17_ESO wrote: »I don't comorehend sneaking also.
I have sorc and if I see someone going stealth and I run to their possition it is near to impossible to get them out of stealth. Me on the other hand... I go stealth and enemy finds me from a long distance and they are not even using mage light. So I do not understand the system.
Slantasiam wrote: »pehaps those mages are using a enhance smell spell and smell you from a mile away..l2shower
BSGDevastator wrote: »
What do you mean by that?
Blackwidow wrote: »
BSGDevastator wrote: »
Thank you, I got it there. No need to act as if I'm stupid. Since I can neither hear your voice nor see your gesture while telling me this, I had to assume that it was some sarcastic comment.
Blackwidow wrote: »
BSGDevastator wrote: »
Things that are annoying about sneaking:
-Mage NPCs on Castles in Cyrodiil can spot you half a mile away. Why?
So players have to leave the keep after it has been capped by another faction. Otherwise you could have a small party inside and recap it w/o taking out the outer wall, after the zerg moves on.
-Sometimes if you engage in a small skirmish you can't go invisible for about 2min
This happens when players tab-target you, it was fixed recently/range was shortened. It means Some1 is nearby and still has you tab targeted, which means they see the big white box around you and can detect you.
-Why am I, as a NB Vampire with full Medium Armor, as easy to spot as a DK with full Heavy Armor?
You aren't, as soon as I equip anything but 7/7 medium armour I die a couple times in cyrodiil relearning the stealth radius of the new armour. Try it. Also, the detection radius Isn't completely circular. You have increased detection in the direction your character is facing. Meaning a heavy armoured player that detects you first is facing you, while your looking away.
Shadow Cloak:
-Invisibility always breaks in the most crucial moments where you want to sneak past a few enemies. *)
-Trying to escape from NPCs by using Shadow Cloak constantly until you're behind an obstacle to hide is impossible. They always exactly know where you are although that shouldn't be possible
Yeah, you have to get out of their "tether range" if you want to deaggro them. If they added full LOS the npc could reset while your trying to fight it, it'd just make it worse.
*) I did NOT attack anyone and I did NOT get attacked while invisible. It wasn't due to a Potion nor Magelight. If it was a Potion I would've still stayed in the black-red invisibility form, but would've still been attacked. It just BROKE. 0.2sec and Shadow Cloak stopped working.
I pulverized my whole magicka in 1 second trying to get past a group of enemies. Of course, as soon as it stopped, everyone noticed me and killed me instantly, due to the first problem I've mentioned. I have attacked and killed someone about a minute prior to this event, so sneaking did obviously not work, what ultimatively got me killed.
It sounds like someone had you tab-targeted and was following you. Most likely when you tried to sneak through the group he attacked you to reveal you to other players. Was this after 1.1.2?
From these points I've called, the inability to enter sneak for a few minutes is the absolutely worst. I'm using an AddOn which shows me when I enter or leave combat and I usually don't leave combat after minutes of killing someone.
You should enter combat when you deal the first hit / when you got hit and leave it 10 seconds after the last damage has been dealt.
I find that the nightblade dark cloak can be upset by lag very easily. I play on two different internet connections, one very fast, and one slow. I find that when I'm on my fast connection I can use dark cloak to dodge projectiles/completely cancel crystal shards channelling, I've even used it to sidestep shield charge a few times. When I'm on my slow connection I have issues with basic projectiles, probably has something to do with the server not recognizing your invisible while being attacked, confirming a hit, then breaking invis shortly after you enter it.
I've also heard there could be an addon/hack that shows sneaking enemy players on your map. And have experienced some odd behaviour myself.
sevcik.miroslaveb17_ESO wrote: »Sorry about my pehaps dumb question, but what do you mean by tab target?
Do you mean to target locked nearest opponent like it is in WoW? I hope it is not the case as I though targerting in ESO is done only by pointing crosshair on direction you want to target.
Thank you.
So wait, this is what has been happening to me? After healing for most of my pvp career, I recently started going stealthy Nightblade, and I am constantly in combat, so annoying.
So someone can tab-target me while I am stealthed, if they happen to catch a glimpse of me, and even when they can't see me they can still have me targeted? Shouldn't Dark Cloak break the target?
xsfkxnub19_ESO wrote: »Yeah the mage's detection area is ridiculous.
BSGDevastator wrote: »
Dark Cloak does not break the TAB-Lock sadly.
And it should cause the issue is I can tab target someone, kill him and he can respawn across the map and the tab target will persist for ever if I don't tab target anyone else, that's broken IMHO.
Kewljag_66_ESO wrote: »If you attack an enemy player and DO NOT kill him you will not be able to go into sneak for about 1 minute. Or if someone attacks you and you dont kill them then you will also have that long timer to before you can sneak again.
BSGDevastator wrote: »
Tab Targeting should be removed entirely. If you can't land your skills, then you're just bad. We don't need that stupid feature.