Maintenance for the week of June 24:
• PC/Mac: No maintenance – June 24

Bangkorai Dungeons

As a EP player DC is my first vet area and I was wondering (having not done it as a non vet) are the Bangkorai Dungeons as hard for lower level players

I am finding it stupidly hard that one dungeon is just full of trolls - in the open I can deal with them, but in an enclosed environment they are hard as swear word - and now I'm in rubble butte I am surrounded by shock atronachs all with more hp than the end boss of the dungeon so while I try to work out a way to take the boss down I cannot build up any ultimate because the atronachs as way too hard for me to deal with as well

Just curious of others opinions on these, I'm sure I'll work out how to deal with them in the end but at the moment it is a little frustrating that after dealing with most other dungeons fine by myself I'm suddenly up against it in such a way that I'm wondering if I've missed something that would make these dungeons a lot easier

Alternatively does anyone else find certain creatures too hard for solo - my nemisi are:
Atronachs (barring flesh)
Harvesters which are immune to silver shards
Any healer that appears to have a better ability at healing than any player in the game
  • Whisper292
    Amen, testify! I agree 100% with everything you said. You expect the game to get harder the further you go, but it seemed like there was a really big jump in difficulty from Alik'r to Bangkorai. I didn't have too much trouble with the healers, but it seemed like I did a lot of sneaking around the trolls, atronachs, harvesters, and gargoyles.
    Love all, trust few, do wrong to no one. - William Shakespeare
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