what I'd like to see in cyrodiil

So here is my idea to spice things up in Cyrodiil. I don't know how many of you used to play Ultima Online, but one of the few things I loved in that game in it later year were the Champ Spawns, in particular the ones in Fellucia (PvP realm). Now cyrodiil already has the foundation with the anchors (that no one seems to ever do BTW) and all that would need to be done is add some kind of rare rewards, maybe a pet or costume, but on a rare drop. This is what drew people to those champ spawns in fellucia, that lure of a +15 or +20 skill scroll. But it did more than that because it laid the foundations for some of the most epic PvP battles I've ever had in a game were you are not just fighting to claim the reward but also the people trying to take it from you.

Like I said, the foundation is there, buff the anchors and cyrodiil and add a chance at a rare reward and watch the sweet chaos that will blossom from it. :D
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