Yes, I am of those "odd ball" players who enjoy farming and grinding (at least to a point). Today, I was farming some mats for personal use. (To buy more bank slots and power level my crafting level). I am waiting for my stock pile of research items to be smaller before I can do more questing.
Another player follow me for a bit and was thinking I am a bot. --lol After a some friendly tells, we part ways. I do not use any type of addons or macro type programs, I farm the old time way -- by playing the game. I do fall into a pattern and I can see why I might look like a bot to an outsider and I do not blame her for checking it out -- sending a tell is the best way to see if a player is a bot or a real person. I had my chat window closed, so I can not see "say" chat channel, but tells do flash on my screen.
I am wondering:
1) Something like this happen to other players before?
2) I am little concern being mis-reported, any way to tell if one is reported? I have not done anything wrong. Farming for personal use is not against TOS, but what happens if one might be reported for doing it for personal use? ZOS has the data and *should* be easy for them to see that I am a real player and not a bot. I hate bots and report them every chance that I can get.