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NB plus Vampire Change

From patch Notes:

Vampire Nightblades can no longer stealth and feed on boss monsters during combat.

While i understand no other class can accomplish this and all that.

Seems to me this ranks right up there with doing this:

Deadric Summoning Sorcerer's Can no longer summon a pet after the itinial one died during Boss monster fights

Being able to use shadow cloak and feed to heal was a perk to being a NB and a vampire.

Ya im fixing to get grief for posting this but what the heck.
Edited by Arreyanne on June 2, 2014 2:57PM
  • Drachdhar
    Did not even know I could do this with my vamp NB. So will not miss it at all.
  • Clutch
    I'm torn because as a NB you get healing skills in your class trees for sustainability. But at the same time it's a tactic that should be welcomed and not discouraged.
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