Attribute Values: Magic/Stam/Health-Is There a Point?

Loading up on Health gives you more health, same as adding other attributes increases their total value, this is clear.

What is not clear, to me:

Do the points in Magika and Stamina actually increase the damage/healing? Or am I simply getting additional spell or melee attacks?

The point values are so low it seems the Health is most important as it increases the most of the three. Magic or Stamina can be increased beyond attribute selection with enchantments.

Can anyone explain how or if Magika or Stamina affect spell or weapon power?

  • Xilo
    Magicka scales damage and shield value of anything that costs magicka.
    Stamina scales damage and shield value of anything that costs stamina.

    Stamina scales damage of ALL light and heavy attacks. Even staves.

    All ranged magicka costing spells go against spell resistance and use spell crit.
    All melee magicka costing spells go against armor and go off of weapon crit. (i.e. Concealed Weapon, Jabs, etc)

    Stamina is also used for blocking, dodge, CC break, sprint. These values are STATIC, NOT % based. At max level dodge is around 410 and CC break around 560.

    Spell Damage Scales damage and effectiveness of ANY magicka costing SPELL in the game that is NOT A WEAPON SKILL.

    Weapon Damage Scales all the damage and effectiveness of ANY WEAPON BASED abilities. Even Staves!
    I.E. Restoration Staff heals scale with Weapon Damage, Magicka, and now Spell Crit (patch allows them to crit).

    Templar Class heals with Spell Dmg, Magicka, Spell Crit.

    Weapon Damage WILL increase the damage of your light and heavy attacks.

    STAMINA WILL NOT increase your weapon damage.

    In the end the 2 best scaling stats are Spell/Weapon Damage.

    Hope it helps.
  • RoCoL
    Thanks Xilo.
    I really like this game, but I long for the basic math calculations like D&D.
    Intelligence or Charisma determines caster spells: 10 points get you no bonus to penetration or damage, but each increment of 2 adds 1 to your base damage , penetration, etc.
    I have spent thousands trying different attribute values and never really saw much of a difference
  • Xilo
    This is why all one stat builds are over rated. Come up with a synergy of abilities... then build your stats to sustain those abilities. As simple as that. Most of your damage scaling will come from weapon dmg/spell damage/crit/ or sustained use of x, y, or z ability. I think it's an ingenious system. People complain because they can't put 5 DW abilities on one bar and 5 bow abilities on another and not be gimped...

    There is a reason you get 20 points in all attributes on a level.

    For the most part Armor type dictates your type of build. Then build from there.
    Edited by Xilo on June 1, 2014 9:22PM
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