SuraklinPrime wrote: »Since the reboot I have seen mobs hitting as hard as they were immediately after the Craglorn patch (when you tried to double XP but ended up doubling all stats).
The hotfix seemed to work after each pack had been killed but is it possible that either the hotfix has been removed OR that effectively we will need to kill each mob after each servers restart to 'apply' the hotfix.
Some clarification would be nice here.
GrimCyclone wrote: »They're disgruntled coders putting monkey wrenches into the code. Sadists that like seeing us whine and waste grand soul gems.
They're the real enemy.
Guys, let's raid them. Who's with me? It's going to be sick xp.
This was around Cumberlands Watch.
countesscrownub18_ESO wrote: »SuraklinPrime wrote: »Since the reboot I have seen mobs hitting as hard as they were immediately after the Craglorn patch (when you tried to double XP but ended up doubling all stats).
The hotfix seemed to work after each pack had been killed but is it possible that either the hotfix has been removed OR that effectively we will need to kill each mob after each servers restart to 'apply' the hotfix.
Some clarification would be nice here.
I agree. I'm still getting hit by VR3 mobs for 800 up to 2600 a hit. If when 3 mobs attack you at the same time for even 800 a hit. The last thing you see is the ground as you go face down.
Now having said that. IF I am extremely careful. IF all my skills are up. IF my pets are all alive and healed. IF the wind is blowing the right direction. And IF nobody farted .....I can beat 3 normal mobs...
As many have said repetitively, the stick is curved and over 1000 ft long, our carrot at the end is the size of a peanut. It gets old, very old.
-melee NB
countesscrownub18_ESO wrote: »SuraklinPrime wrote: »Since the reboot I have seen mobs hitting as hard as they were immediately after the Craglorn patch (when you tried to double XP but ended up doubling all stats).
The hotfix seemed to work after each pack had been killed but is it possible that either the hotfix has been removed OR that effectively we will need to kill each mob after each servers restart to 'apply' the hotfix.
Some clarification would be nice here.
I agree. I'm still getting hit by VR3 mobs for 800 up to 2600 a hit. If when 3 mobs attack you at the same time for even 800 a hit. The last thing you see is the ground as you go face down.
Now having said that. IF I am extremely careful. IF all my skills are up. IF my pets are all alive and healed. IF the wind is blowing the right direction. And IF nobody farted .....I can beat 3 normal mobs...
if you have pets then there's the problem. You won't see many pets in craglorn dungeons. The pets of ESO are absolutely useless and a waste of a skill slot
And the clanfear is very useful while questing as it will tank one of the enemies, two is lucky. For group content its hopeless.gladen5rwb17_ESO wrote: »countesscrownub18_ESO wrote: »SuraklinPrime wrote: »Since the reboot I have seen mobs hitting as hard as they were immediately after the Craglorn patch (when you tried to double XP but ended up doubling all stats).
The hotfix seemed to work after each pack had been killed but is it possible that either the hotfix has been removed OR that effectively we will need to kill each mob after each servers restart to 'apply' the hotfix.
Some clarification would be nice here.
I agree. I'm still getting hit by VR3 mobs for 800 up to 2600 a hit. If when 3 mobs attack you at the same time for even 800 a hit. The last thing you see is the ground as you go face down.
Now having said that. IF I am extremely careful. IF all my skills are up. IF my pets are all alive and healed. IF the wind is blowing the right direction. And IF nobody farted .....I can beat 3 normal mobs...
if you have pets then there's the problem. You won't see many pets in craglorn dungeons. The pets of ESO are absolutely useless and a waste of a skill slot
Having pets should not be a problem in the first place. There is an entire skill line devoted to them. Also, no one mentioned being in a dungeon. These are trash mobs out side in the open world.