You must be kidding me.
I farmed 2200 Leather and got exactly 1 Wax through refining.
Last time I got 12 out of 1200.
Who ever programs a function like that with RNG making such a huge difference?
I could just so rage right now, so I'm stopping here.
Thx to Giny, Sarana, Thaili, Derra, Cherahim, Gloy, Raweelz and Drimacus, you make the game worth playing even with AoE-caps, no usefull progression past Assault / Support Rank 10, and with PvP being not even close to balanced.
Chars: Sera - VR12 Templar (Heal / DPS) ||| Seraliah - VR12 Dragonknight (DPS / Tank)