I know it would be low priority, and that there is more important stuff to work on right now, but I'm just wondering if there will ever be a way to either pay cash to have a character moved to another faction, or (preferably) do some long awesome quest to "betray your alliance" and switch that way? Ideally seems like after hitting 50 would be a perfect time for this (or after you finish any faction's zones).
My main char is Aldmeri, but I have made some good friends on an alt in DC. My Aldmeri friends are now disappearing from the game, and more and more I find myself wishing that my main was DC so that I could play with the friends who are still here. I'd really rather not level up the alt, in the hopes that maybe one day I can switch my main instead, as I've already put alot into that toon.
I'd much prefer if there were a quest we could do, but if there are really separate servers for each alliance, I don't know how that would be possible. So I'd love to know if faction switching will ever be doable, or if I just need to swallow this pill and make the alt my main.
Edited by curlyqloub14_ESO on May 31, 2014 5:10PM