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Okay is this DMG Right?

This is vr 4 NPCs on a VR 7 Templar with mix of heavy/light armor = this is from yesterday and today..... I mean really????

  • Jimm_ay
    ps not all of the npcs were vr4 - I was in a 37 zone for one of them.
  • Khazaad
    I believe that's what mathematicians frequently refer to as an [snip].

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on Cursing & Profanity]
    Edited by ZOS_SandraF on May 30, 2014 11:04PM
  • Yankee
    Ya, that looks about right. Not stepping out of a pending volley or failing to block a dagger throw hurts pretty bad in VR.
    Edited by Yankee on May 30, 2014 10:12PM
  • Mishoniko
    All of the big hits in those traces are telegraphed, interruptible, blockable and dodgeable.
    Edited by Mishoniko on May 30, 2014 10:30PM
  • jesterstear
    That said, if you're getting hit for 240 every couple of seconds by standard attacks that you can't block, well that's you dead in 20 seconds against one mob, against three you'll last not much more than six, assuming you block/avoid everything that is telegraphed.... doesn't look like fun.
  • Worstluck
    Problem is that those mobs are just spamming special attacks. They don't do white damage anymore. You can see this by finding some mobs in VR6-10 (If you are DC then go to The Rift and Northwind Mine I think) and fight the Stonetalon Clanslayers and Sentries. They just spam quick strike mixed in with uppercuts and others specials. It's nuts. Conversely, go to Cyrodiil and go to any solo dungeon and the VR 5 NPC's in there are doing white damage and acting normally, just like they did before patch 1.1.2. Also, the random mobs around in Craglorn do not act like this.
    Edited by Worstluck on May 30, 2014 11:07PM
    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
    ―Uriel Septim

    Daggerfall Covenant
  • Jimm_ay
    even the 1000+ lava whip? lol. I know I can dodge and trust me I try but in a fight when you are mitigating that much incoming sometimes the archer 20 meters away is not that easy to see or think about..Trust me if knew a bow did that much dmg for me I would be using it. Does Lava whip do 1000+ damage for a DK ? I dunno I don't have one. :)
  • Worstluck
    Jimm_ay wrote: »
    even the 1000+ lava whip? lol. I know I can dodge and trust me I try but in a fight when you are mitigating that much incoming sometimes the archer 20 meters away is not that easy to see or think about..Trust me if knew a bow did that much dmg for me I would be using it. Does Lava whip do 1000+ damage for a DK ? I dunno I don't have one. :)

    But but you should block it!!! That's all I get when I report these types of things.

    I would advise that you post those shots, where the mobs where, megaserver etc in this thread:
    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
    ―Uriel Septim

    Daggerfall Covenant
  • Azethoth
    Lava whip is impressive on the dk but unless it's a stealth crit no it does not hit that hard.
    I find that blocking the lava whip is more than sufficient. When I block it it barely takes maybe 10 percent of my health and I am siting rather low at 1500 VR2.
  • poochie
    I think a players skill should be doing the same damage as a npc. My acid spray never hits for that amount of damage. My scorched earths never hit for that much either. Its like they do that much damage coming out of stealth. 1704 damage is like what I could do IF my stealth+focused aim actually super crit which it really doesn't because being stealthed doesn't grant 100% crit chance which it should.
  • Lord_Hev
    Welcome to fake difficulty 101. NPCs have better dps on identical PC accessible skills, and bandit no-lifes have like 2k health to boot.
    Qaevir/Qaevira Av Morilye/Molag
    Tri-Faction @Lord_Hevnoraak ingame
    PC NA
  • Censorious
    NPCs have standing orders to execute the first 10 players into a resource or keep area.
    This is to prevent small groups taking unoccupied maps (aka night-capping).

    They are buffed in health and damage to 'execute' levels and it is your dumb luck to be the one they pick. (Once you know that, you can let somebody else be first in the door)

    Now I've got over the initial shock, I can see the logic. They have a long CD on the skill so after the cull the rest of your force can take them down before they reset. If you have enough players left to do it quickly.

    Knowing this it simply becomes an L2P issue. Cannon fodder in first please!
    'Clever' sigs get old real fast - just like this one.
  • Selstad
    Just wait till you get that 3000 hit on you from some strange place of Oblivion delivered directly to you.

    Just dodge or get out of their advertised way? Not that easy when you have delays all the God Dam Time in this game. Want to change weapon? Better wait 2-3 seconds after you pressed the button. Want to dodge out of something and you have a full stamina bar? Here, just calm down and wait 2-3 seconds until we react.

    And then you have the lovely "we didn't bother advertise our attack so you can react, here, take some 3000 damage" that comes as said from pockets of Oblivion.

    You'll die a lot up to level 12 out of bad game design and lovely delays, so just get used to it. Accept it. Nothing much to do.
  • GrimMauKin
    I'm level 44 in Cold Harbour and have been taken out a couple of times by single hits, one was an ice wraith dealing something in the region of 1146 in a single hit and that second an Ice Atronaught dealing around 1156 (Frozen Ground or somesuch).
    I am one of The Great Mediocracy, those whose role in life is to provide the baseline by which The Few deem themselves Great.
  • skeletorz_ESO
    That said, if you're getting hit for 240 every couple of seconds by standard attacks that you can't block, well that's you dead in 20 seconds against one mob, against three you'll last not much more than six, assuming you block/avoid everything that is telegraphed.... doesn't look like fun.

    You're not taking into account regen and heals.
    “If you would be a real seeker after truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things.” -- René Descartes
  • Mjoel
    - Volley is shown on ground (red circle) just step outside

    - Throw Dagger has a own animation while casting you can see this very good on npcs and block it

    - Lava Whip can be blocked (enemy should be stunned after a block when using the skill on you)

    - Arrow Spray has a casttime on NPCS too and can be blocked

    I don't understand where the problem is being tank does not mean nothing can kill you or you dont have to block

    Use block, cancel magic (block + attack), step out of red areas and you can do it

    Normal mode was > Yawn* brain afk just have to spam skills

    VR mode is > Have to block... now my chance attack... yes first one dead... cast ultimate oh no healer is healing up fast cancel... and so on
  • Cody
    you think this is bad? lol. I saw an image of a PvP NPC mage doing 3028 damage.
  • Cogo
    Reading through this thread, it gets more and more obvious that the option of moving/trying other things and mostly looking around you and trying to figure out what is damaging you and why, then try to avoid it or counter it, IS the problem.

    This seams to be the main problems for most peoples complaints about dying or something is to hard.

    It seams to me, those who dies the most, stands still, rely on their gear/protective skills and damage skills. When I see a big fireball thrown at me....I move the HELL away! Wouldnt you?

    ESO CORE feature is that one of the main factors in this game is the players skill and their own build.

    On another topic. Graglorn. I am only level 41, but played since early access almost daily. No addons what so and creating a guild with trustful people does takes it time. Skyshard hunting is one of my favorite things to do in the game. ONE of em. Sure, I probebly would be vet level if I used a the addon or map, but why the hell would I rob myself of having fun when I play?

    Also, out guild has an open guildbank and a system for tradeskillers so I need to spend about 1 hour each day to fix the guild bank. Which I gladly do since our guild works.

    I also know that features and fixes for guild, guildbank and guild store is in the works. Great!
    Edited by Cogo on June 3, 2014 3:07AM
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Hilgara
    You can no longer just wade into a group of mobs any more. it takes some thought and probably a different approach depending on the group set up. I tend to use CC and traps a lot more now but I actually find it more fun. Its challenging again.
  • Redwyrm
    Yes, this damage is right. Welcome to VR content - learn to block, learn to interrupt, learn to dodge.
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