Refinements to Cyrodiil that would improve longevity

After hitting VR12 and crafting some end game gear, my guild has started spending the majority of our time in Cyrodiil. We are long time DAOC vets and have noticed (perhaps belatedly) that there are some glaring issues with Cyrodiil that are really going to keep us from sticking around for very long if they aren't addressed:

1. There is very little realm/campaign pride. People hop from campaign to campaign, and even within their home campaigns there is active keep flipping occurring so that large guilds can farm lots of former emperors. Possible solutions:
  • Remove the former emperor skill line and just make it a title.
  • Increase the cost of switching home campaigns.
  • Add an RP gain debuff while you are on a guest campaign. (50% or so)
  • Add an RP gain buff that scales up the longer you are in your home campaign.
  • Add a variety of campaign durations/styles to replace some of the existing ghost town campaigns and allow a 1 time free transfer.

2. There's really nothing to do with realm points other than buy siege equipment. For a small guild like mine, that's not very exciting. We can field 4 -8 players and you really can't take on keeps with that. We aren't interested in growing into a zerg guild. We ran 8 man groups back in DAOC and we loved small action. We didn't really realize that a big part of our love of that action was gaining RPs because we could do something to permanently improve our characters with them. Buying gear that isn't very good at end game and/or siege equipment really feels like a very shallow echo of what DAOC realm abilities used to do. Sorry to keep bringing up DAOC, but that game kept us coming back for 10 years, hunting those high realm ranks and abilities. Maybe you don't care if we keep coming back, but I'm just trying to help. Possible solutions:
  • Add more realm skill lines that require higher realm levels.
  • Increase the depth of current skill lines.
  • Add an alternate advancement system that we can spend realm points on for training (to learn or improve skills.)

3. Battles are way too anonymous. We never know who we are fighting against or even who we are fighting with. I can tell what class someone was, usually, but I never notice kill spam, I never see someone's name during combat, and I never have a clue what guild they were with. This helps to reduce realm/campaign pride. There are no rivalries, short of the super guilds that build rivalries on game forums and then agree to meet on certain campaigns. That's certainly not helping immersion, by the way. Possible solutions:
  • Allow the option of seeing nameplates. Maybe not even permanently on, but visible while you hold down a key - like you are looking closely at people around you.
  • Make kill/death spam more obvious. When I'm sitting in Arrius and someone gets ganked a farm nearby, pop that on my screen. Or on a premade PVP tab. Who killed who?
  • Guild tabards/cloaks - I've heard this is in the works, so that will be nice.
  • Guild flags on claimed keeps.

Thanks! Overall, it's a cool game, but it really needs some revising to keep people long-term. I hope you are up to the challenge. I've been a long time supporter and fan!
  • Mends_from_Shadows
    I think the big solution to the guesting issue was one a guildmate of mine suggested.

    Make Guesting a temporary option. Give it a maximum of 6 hours per day and force people back to their own campaigns or force them to change their home campaign.
    Cyrodiil Issues as of 6/3/2014
    - Massive Lag since Craglorn patch.(Still bad lag on "Laggajack" NA and some other campaigns.)
    - Forward Camps and other Siege bugging out frequently
    - Caltrops granting Immunity to Siege Weapon Damage
    - Massive Faction Imbalances in Most Campaigns / Several Dead Campaigns
    - Mercenary Mage Spam (sometimes causing them to go invulnerable)
    - Players exploiting Keeps/Scrolls through DK Chain Pulls to go around defenses

    Yay Zenimax is doing things.
  • rophez_ESO
    I think the big solution to the guesting issue was one a guildmate of mine suggested.

    Make Guesting a temporary option. Give it a maximum of 6 hours per day and force people back to their own campaigns or force them to change their home campaign.

    That would be a step in the right direction, but I still think it's too easy and painless to change home campaigns.

  • Permafrost
    I like your suggestions. They would all be steps in the right direction. ESO has a TON of potential. It's time we see the Devs live up to it.
    Guild Leader of Ganked Again
    • Pioneer of the Tempchanter & Sturdy Dirty Healer Builds
  • Halrloprillalar
    rophez_ESO wrote: »
    I think the big solution to the guesting issue was one a guildmate of mine suggested.

    Make Guesting a temporary option. Give it a maximum of 6 hours per day and force people back to their own campaigns or force them to change their home campaign.

    That would be a step in the right direction, but I still think it's too easy and painless to change home campaigns.

    I think I read somewhere that the switching costs are going up...

    I do agree that the emperor skill line is stupidly strong. It should buff your GROUP, not just you.
  • Gisgo
    Just merge the campaigns to a realistic number (three or four) and suddenly switching campaigns isnt such a big problem anymore.
  • Pinn
    Excellent suggestions.

    <<•Make kill/death spam more obvious.>>
    yes. that builds reputation. good point in the need to discern guilds/players in a fight. A key that you could hold down that would present that information would be great,

    If you make RP's count for something (additional skills) then a RP penalty for campaign hopping would mean something.
  • rophez_ESO
    Pinn wrote: »
    Excellent suggestions.

    <<•Make kill/death spam more obvious.>>
    yes. that builds reputation. good point in the need to discern guilds/players in a fight. A key that you could hold down that would present that information would be great,

    If you make RP's count for something (additional skills) then a RP penalty for campaign hopping would mean something.

    Bolded for emphasis - this is exactly what I was getting at.
  • ErykGrimm
    Pvp motifs would be awesome, make them cost a good bit of alliance points and the cooler the look, the more it costs. It would add pvp gear to the game withoutmaking pve only people upset. Just an idea.
  • JosephChip
    I especially agree on removing the former emperor skill tree. Why is it even there in the first place? Just no.
  • rophez_ESO
    JosephChip wrote: »
    I especially agree on removing the former emperor skill tree. Why is it even there in the first place? Just no.

    The way guilds are trying to farm emperor for the former skill tree just reflects how much RPG players want to be able to continue to improve their characters. We really need more skill trees that we can work toward through PVP. The former emperor one doesn't work because the system is being gamed, it's far too limited, and as it is now, only caters to large guild players. Skill lines that open up at higher tier realm ranks or through alternate advancement via spent realm points would be a lot better, and equitable.
  • true2moon_ESO
    I think a lot of these suggestions will just cause more lag.

    the former emp skill lines do next to nothing, so I dont even know why you care about them.

    emp needs a debuff to ap gain, so others can catch him. hes buffed out to where he can make ap much faster so it wont affect them.
  • SC0TY999
    Cyrodiil has so many bugs and problems which are just soooooooo frustrating and are effectively making me turn away from the game, my sanity just can't take much more.

    Switching campaigns isn't the problem the guesting is the major problem.

    You spend so much time, blood, sweat and tears to capture everything on the map with sheer determination and fantastic co-ordination, from an alliance that had been dominating the campaign for 60 days. Only to find they've gone and got 100's of guests from other campaigns to swarm all over you and recapture everything and in return they'll probably help the other campaigns what a load of ****

    1. The repairing bug is so annoying, especially when you've just about managed to fight off the attackers only to find you've been hit by the annoying repairing bug. By the time you've relogged they're already swarming all over the keep again.

    2. The lag has got so much worse since the updates my guess is; memory leak which was found and they say is fixed but is not! Plus rubbish ping times for the European server = bad ESO experience, someone broke something that's for sure.

    3. Random glitches and bugs i.e. getting stuck inside stair cases, on keep walls and mountains.

    4. More random glitches, getting pulled through the metal grates above a keeps entrance by extended chains, how is that even possible to pull someone through the floor?

    This is just some of the problems that came to my mind while typing this, there were so many more I noticed at the time of playing.

    The worst part about all this is that it's been reported to Zenimax time and time again and they just don't appear to be listening to anyone and doing exactly what they want and not what the paying customer wants.

    They should've fixed the annoying bugs / problems and issues that people are reporting and got a stable, smooth running game first and then released crappy cragporn, that by the way also has bugs!
  • rophez_ESO
    the former emp skill lines do next to nothing, so I dont even know why you care about them.

    Glad you asked. No, I don't care about the actual skill lines, I care about what the skill line does to the environment of Cyrodiil. The way it is now, most campaigns are dominated by a few very large guilds that take turns with very large guilds on other factions swapping the central keeps. This allows them to farm lots of ex-emperors in their guilds. It destroys realm and campaign loyalty and pride of keep ownership.
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