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ESO PVP: Core Issues (Comments from 6x season 2400 bracket Gladiator/High Warlord Rogue WOW)

Hey guys! So far loving ESO, it takes up the majority of my free time(and then some) and have had a blast from day one. I just thought I would share my views and concerns on the current state of PVP in Cyrodil.

I'm not here to brag, theres thousands of other people that made it to glad in WOW, I am stating my experience in MMOrpg pvp because WOW was so successful in it's pvp and i feel it relevant.

This is so much fun, the concept I mean. Riding around in bands guilds fighting guilds. Pugs taking keeps. This is great, there's pvp everywhere and I love it. Anyhow here goes...

Core Problems IMO:

1.) Lag. It's just bad. I know this is something that's being worked on constantly and they are probably banging their heads against the wall in the office trying to figure this out. But it is undeniable. I think patience will eventually see this resolved.

2.)The large group bug where you constantly get kicked offline over and over until you manage to leave the group before it happens again. This is annoying and should be fixed asap.

3.) SERIOUS CLASS IMBALANCE: When I look around in a large battle and see: DK DK DK DK DK Sorc DK DK DK Sorc DK NB Temp DK DK DK Sorc Sorc Sorc Sorc...........
The signs are there and obvious for everyone to see which classes are imba. NB patch should help a little bit but Templars are being forgotten. Class Balance is the most important aspect of competitive pvp for it to work.

4.)POPULATION IMBALANCE: Lets face it the underdog perk doesn't cut it when you are outnumbered 2 or 3 to 1, Why there wasn't a system in place to make teams equal from the get go is beyond me. I suggest an auto balancing mechanism that removes players from Cyrodil who are over the balance cap.

5.) Bolt Escape: Sorry sorcs this just needs to be nerfed. Its incredibly stupid that you can teleport in nuke then leave without anyone being able to chase you down this needs a cooldown. Stop being in denial about this, always seek balance not your cake and eat it too.

6.) Everyone can "stealth" really? There should be one class who can do this and it should be their perk.... Nightblades.

7.) A reward system that doesn't cost MILLIONS of points per item. I laughed out loud when I first checked the vendors.

8.)Emperor.....This is not awarded by skill. But by time investment. There should be things in any mmo that are rewarded for time but not pvp. PVP should reward skill not whoever can neglect their family and friends the most.

All in all I have high hopes for ESO still. The game is beautiful, breathtaking and very well put together. I am not one of the naysayers that will claim GAME IS DEAD or cry about the small things. I feel Zen has a lot on their shoulders and people should give them more space and time. The game is still new.
Edited by ExiledKhallisi on May 29, 2014 6:27AM
>>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
“Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • Anilahation
    I am fine with stealth mechanics.

    Leaderboards is not a real leaderboards it is a no life board, unlike the trial leaderboards.

    Ap is useless other the jewellery and siege equipment.

    Asking for class homogenization via bolt escape nerf.

    Lag. Opinion.

    Faction imbalances, of course their is no faction pride because I have to play through every alliance zone to level cap.
  • andersan
    Leaderboards is not a real leaderboards it is a no life board, unlike the trial leaderboards.

    The trial leaderboard are "how many dks and sorcs can you group up with and all use the same specific spec"

    That's also not a real leaderboard.
  • Korah_Eaglecry
    Next time leave out your gamer resume.
    Penniless Sellsword Company
    Captain Paramount - Jorrhaq Vhent
    Korith Eaglecry * Enrerion Aedihle * Laerinel Rhaev * Caius Berilius * Seylina Ithvala * H'Vak the Grimjawl
    Tenarei Rhaev * Dazsh Ro Khar * Yynril Rothvani * Bathes-In-Coin * Anaelle Faerniil * Azjani Ma'Les
    Aban Shahid Bakr * Kheshna gra-Gharbuk * Gallisten Bondurant * Etain Maquier * Atsu Kalame * Faulpia Severinus
    What is better, to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature through great effort? - Paarthurnax
  • ExiledKhallisi
    Asking for class homogenization via bolt escape nerf.

    This is actually an issue of its own. No other class can put out the damage they can and escape combat unharmed completely. It needs a cooldown. End the denial.

    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • Bloodfang
    I agree that everyone should be able to stealth if they want to. I have a friend that has been playing WoW for 8 years, so it happens he's a Rogue, a damn good one in PvP too.

    No offense but PvP in WoW works like this: Gear > Class > Spec > Skill.
    It's probably one of the worst PvP experiences I've ever had, even though I was pretty good. So yeah forget about that "Rogue experience" here.

    As for other things, they will get tweaked or fixed either way.
  • ExiledKhallisi
    Despair9 wrote: »
    I agree that everyone should be able to stealth if they want to. I have a friend that has been playing WoW for 8 years, so it happens he's a Rogue, a damn good one in PvP too.

    No offense but PvP in WoW works like this: Gear > Class > Spec > Skill.
    It's probably one of the worst PvP experiences I've ever had, even though I was pretty good. So yeah forget about that "Rogue experience" here.

    As for other things, they will get tweaked or fixed either way.

    "Endgame" wow pvp everyone wears the same gear. Team combinations are random at que so "Class>Spec" is negligible. I have seen the most odd combinations do very well in high brackets.

    Are you all saying everyone should be able to stealth because currently it works out in your favor? That is not something a real pvper would argue.... argue for balance. Riding through a field with no trees or anything to hide behind and getting ambushed by a group of somehow invisible griefers not even trying to take a keep is just ...well lame lol. Perhaps the "sneak" mechanic should only really work for everyone while not moving. It makes pvp Cliche as well when everyone can do it.
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • Purple_Prophet
    Only one class should be able to stealth? Have you ever played an ES game before?
    And the world comes to a close once again...
  • apterous
    oh yeah you can chase bolt escapers, just takes a while but imagine the frustration they feel when you finally kill them after 5min chase :D
    Edited by apterous on May 29, 2014 4:28AM
  • temjiu
    Only one class should be able to stealth? Have you ever played an ES game before?

    He may or may not have, can't tell ya. you know what I can tell ya? that ES has never made a PvP game before.

    elder scrolls = / = PvP balance.

    he's right on most counts. even if sorcs didn't get a CD on bolt, it needs to me mana intensive. or something. it would still be an "iconic" sorc ability...just on a timer.
  • Fuzzylumpkins
    Wrong place for people to care about how you 1 shot macro'ed your way to glad in another game. Well with all the existing exploits, if you are a Templar I am sure you will find yourself at home so.. carry on.

    What is with people dropping game resumes on eso forums?

    I have a rr 12L4 mins and RR13 cleric in DAoC from years ago. Must give me some webcredz. /throws ESO gang sign
  • Phaedryn
    Wrong place for people to care about how you 1 shot macro'ed your way to glad in another game. Well with all the existing exploits, if you are a Templar I am sure you will find yourself at home so.. carry on.

    What is with people dropping game resumes on eso forums?

    I have a rr 12L4 mins and RR13 cleric in DAoC from years ago. Must give me some webcredz. /throws ESO gang sign

    Filthy Alb scum! ;)

    Signed, Tree Hugging Hibby
  • Fuzzylumpkins
    Phaedryn wrote: »
    Wrong place for people to care about how you 1 shot macro'ed your way to glad in another game. Well with all the existing exploits, if you are a Templar I am sure you will find yourself at home so.. carry on.

    What is with people dropping game resumes on eso forums?

    I have a rr 12L4 mins and RR13 cleric in DAoC from years ago. Must give me some webcredz. /throws ESO gang sign

    Filthy Alb scum! ;)

    Signed, Tree Hugging Hibby

    This. This made me smile. Ahh when a game's community was as amazing as the game.

    Neck check. Summoners at the pad!
  • Nuitar
    Hey guys Cloudsong boss is up
  • Phaedryn
    Phaedryn wrote: »
    Wrong place for people to care about how you 1 shot macro'ed your way to glad in another game. Well with all the existing exploits, if you are a Templar I am sure you will find yourself at home so.. carry on.

    What is with people dropping game resumes on eso forums?

    I have a rr 12L4 mins and RR13 cleric in DAoC from years ago. Must give me some webcredz. /throws ESO gang sign

    Filthy Alb scum! ;)

    Signed, Tree Hugging Hibby

    This. This made me smile. Ahh when a game's community was as amazing as the game.

    Neck check. Summoners at the pad!

    Uh guys...I accidentally had a Thid necklace on. Can you wait for the next port please??

    Sigh...there is always ONE.
    Edited by Phaedryn on May 29, 2014 5:33AM
  • Fuzzylumpkins
    This thread just became interesting. It went from a broken exploited wow class that used infinite addon cheats that would auto-counter opponents for 4 years to DAoC.

    Meet you at the AMG (that's pre NF talk) we need to get to Emain. Shrooms er'whur!

    Good times.

    /throws DAoC gang sign \O
    Edited by Fuzzylumpkins on May 29, 2014 5:37AM
  • Fuzzylumpkins
    Nuitar wrote: »
    Hey guys Cloudsong boss is up

    OMW with salamander! Don't engage Ermai without me! I just need the credit for muh buffbot!
  • Necronomicon
    6x season 2400 bracket Gladiator/High Warlord Rogue WOW , thanks for the laugh.
  • vicNBitis
    Usually I'm disinclined to agree with someone who puts their CV in the thread title but, umm, yeah, pretty spot on actually. Kudos to you, sir.
  • Anilahation
    Asking for class homogenization via bolt escape nerf.

    This is actually an issue of its own. No other class can put out the damage they can and escape combat unharmed completely. It needs a cooldown. End the denial.
    Lol my mains a dk
  • ExiledKhallisi
    Wrong place for people to care about how you 1 shot macro'ed your way to glad in another game. Well with all the existing exploits, if you are a Templar I am sure you will find yourself at home so.. carry on.

    What is with people dropping game resumes on eso forums?

    I have a rr 12L4 mins and RR13 cleric in DAoC from years ago. Must give me some webcredz. /throws ESO gang sign

    How does this contribute at all to this thread? Templars suck right now btw. And if everyone could 1 shot macro their way to glad.... everyone would have been glad... guess what.... they weren't. Your comment is cliche and typical of someone who couldnt make it to glad. This isn't about bragging on skills in a game I now hate. This is about ESO and if all you people can take from it are little tid bits then...move along? I figured it relevant to say that i have plenty of MMORPG pvp experience. Experience is relevant in talking about balance in RPG pvp. Especially despite what you think, since wow's pvp was very successful.

    You can ad hom your way in and snark remarks that no one really cares about or you can partake in relevant conversation. You are on these forums because you care for the longevity of this game we're all addicted to right?
    Edited by ExiledKhallisi on May 29, 2014 6:28AM
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • ExiledKhallisi
    "Nothing constructive or intelligent to say, posts ad hom comments"

    Lets talk ESO lol....

    I really want to see this game succeed and wish dev's and players would actually band together in making this happen. Please stay on topic.
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • andreas.rudroffb16_ESO

    5.) Bolt Escape: ........ then leave without anyone being able to chase you down

    a nightblade with path of darkness can easily outrun us ...... (because their skill has no block on regenerating the stamina ... ours has on magica)


    oh, nightblades dont use that skill / or dont know it maybe ^^ ..... i feel so sad

    Edited by andreas.rudroffb16_ESO on May 29, 2014 6:38AM
  • charley222
    technical issues i`m agree and Bolt Escape
    but dont be too much nb lover lolol nb and nb vam are very strong
    the wall of the covenant
  • ExiledKhallisi
    And for the record... DAOC was amazing. But ToA ruined it. RIP DAoC. Percival ftw.

    5.) Bolt Escape: ........ then leave without anyone being able to chase you down

    a nightblade with path of darkness can easily outrun us ...... (because their skill has no block on regenerating the stamina ... ours has on magica)

    oh, nightblades dont use that skill / or dont know it maybe ^^ (or morphed it to more damage instead of running faster) ..... i feel so sad

    But we all know Nightblades suck... and they cant really outrun you because u can just spam it and swap directions quickly... Stop the denial lol.

    Edited by ExiledKhallisi on May 29, 2014 6:36AM
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • Purple_Prophet
    temjiu wrote: »
    Only one class should be able to stealth? Have you ever played an ES game before?

    He may or may not have, can't tell ya. you know what I can tell ya? that ES has never made a PvP game before.

    elder scrolls = / = PvP balance.

    he's right on most counts. even if sorcs didn't get a CD on bolt, it needs to me mana intensive. or something. it would still be an "iconic" sorc ability...just on a timer.

    I agree, it should be a lot more mana intensive. Although it is very fun to use with a 2h crit build with crit surge. Just use streak, then use critical rush to get some heals if needed plus high dmg.
    And the world comes to a close once again...
  • FunkyBudda
    5.) Bolt Escape: Sorry sorcs this just needs to be nerfed. Its incredibly stupid that you can teleport in nuke then leave without anyone being able to chase you down this needs a cooldown. Stop being in denial about this, always seek balance not your cake and eat it too.

    sure, when CCs and gap-closers gets the same treatment with diminishing returns and cool downs.

  • Ragnar_Lodbrok
    Hey guys! So far loving ESO, it takes up the majority of my free time(and then some) and have had a blast from day one. I just thought I would share my views and concerns on the current state of PVP in Cyrodil.

    I'm not here to brag, theres thousands of other people that made it to glad in WOW, I am stating my experience in MMOrpg pvp because WOW was so successful in it's pvp and i feel it relevant.

    This is so much fun, the concept I mean. Riding around in bands guilds fighting guilds. Pugs taking keeps. This is great, there's pvp everywhere and I love it. Anyhow here goes...

    Core Problems IMO:

    1.) Lag. It's just bad. I know this is something that's being worked on constantly and they are probably banging their heads against the wall in the office trying to figure this out. But it is undeniable. I think patience will eventually see this resolved.

    2.)The large group bug where you constantly get kicked offline over and over until you manage to leave the group before it happens again. This is annoying and should be fixed asap.

    3.) SERIOUS CLASS IMBALANCE: When I look around in a large battle and see: DK DK DK DK DK Sorc DK DK DK Sorc DK NB Temp DK DK DK Sorc Sorc Sorc Sorc...........
    The signs are there and obvious for everyone to see which classes are imba. NB patch should help a little bit but Templars are being forgotten. Class Balance is the most important aspect of competitive pvp for it to work.

    4.)POPULATION IMBALANCE: Lets face it the underdog perk doesn't cut it when you are outnumbered 2 or 3 to 1, Why there wasn't a system in place to make teams equal from the get go is beyond me. I suggest an auto balancing mechanism that removes players from Cyrodil who are over the balance cap.

    5.) Bolt Escape: Sorry sorcs this just needs to be nerfed. Its incredibly stupid that you can teleport in nuke then leave without anyone being able to chase you down this needs a cooldown. Stop being in denial about this, always seek balance not your cake and eat it too.

    6.) Everyone can "stealth" really? There should be one class who can do this and it should be their perk.... Nightblades.

    7.) A reward system that doesn't cost MILLIONS of points per item. I laughed out loud when I first checked the vendors.

    8.)Emperor.....This is not awarded by skill. But by time investment. There should be things in any mmo that are rewarded for time but not pvp. PVP should reward skill not whoever can neglect their family and friends the most.

    All in all I have high hopes for ESO still. The game is beautiful, breathtaking and very well put together. I am not one of the naysayers that will claim GAME IS DEAD or cry about the small things. I feel Zen has a lot on their shoulders and people should give them more space and time. The game is still new.

    TL;DR translation:
    PvP sucks because is not wow like.
  • hk11

    TL;DR translation:
    PvP sucks because is not wow like.

    Some of his points are valid even with the invocation of the word WoW.

    Other than DAoC, shadowbane and maybe Darkfall, WoW had the best PvP until Arenas. So experience with it may not be the worst credentials.

    There was more pvp at tauren mills and southshore than all of ESO.
  • FunkyBudda
    Hey guys! So far loving ESO, it takes up the majority of my free time(and then some) and have had a blast from day one. I just thought I would share my views and concerns on the current state of PVP in Cyrodil.

    I'm not here to brag, theres thousands of other people that made it to glad in WOW, I am stating my experience in MMOrpg pvp because WOW was so successful in it's pvp and i feel it relevant.

    This is so much fun, the concept I mean. Riding around in bands guilds fighting guilds. Pugs taking keeps. This is great, there's pvp everywhere and I love it. Anyhow here goes...

    Core Problems IMO:

    1.) Lag. It's just bad. I know this is something that's being worked on constantly and they are probably banging their heads against the wall in the office trying to figure this out. But it is undeniable. I think patience will eventually see this resolved.

    2.)The large group bug where you constantly get kicked offline over and over until you manage to leave the group before it happens again. This is annoying and should be fixed asap.

    3.) SERIOUS CLASS IMBALANCE: When I look around in a large battle and see: DK DK DK DK DK Sorc DK DK DK Sorc DK NB Temp DK DK DK Sorc Sorc Sorc Sorc...........
    The signs are there and obvious for everyone to see which classes are imba. NB patch should help a little bit but Templars are being forgotten. Class Balance is the most important aspect of competitive pvp for it to work.

    4.)POPULATION IMBALANCE: Lets face it the underdog perk doesn't cut it when you are outnumbered 2 or 3 to 1, Why there wasn't a system in place to make teams equal from the get go is beyond me. I suggest an auto balancing mechanism that removes players from Cyrodil who are over the balance cap.

    5.) Bolt Escape: Sorry sorcs this just needs to be nerfed. Its incredibly stupid that you can teleport in nuke then leave without anyone being able to chase you down this needs a cooldown. Stop being in denial about this, always seek balance not your cake and eat it too.

    6.) Everyone can "stealth" really? There should be one class who can do this and it should be their perk.... Nightblades.

    7.) A reward system that doesn't cost MILLIONS of points per item. I laughed out loud when I first checked the vendors.

    8.)Emperor.....This is not awarded by skill. But by time investment. There should be things in any mmo that are rewarded for time but not pvp. PVP should reward skill not whoever can neglect their family and friends the most.

    All in all I have high hopes for ESO still. The game is beautiful, breathtaking and very well put together. I am not one of the naysayers that will claim GAME IS DEAD or cry about the small things. I feel Zen has a lot on their shoulders and people should give them more space and time. The game is still new.

    TL;DR translation:
    PvP sucks because is not wow like.

    rofl, and I like how he included (Comments from 6x season 2400 bracket Gladiator/High Warlord Rogue WOW), as if that's worth anything like some sort of "street cred".
  • kieso
    I've been playing PVP games in MMO's for decades and like to think I can spot an imbalanced skill pretty easily and yes Bolt escape needs a nerf and I also play a Sorc, so..
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