Play on the "Sun priest"

  • pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO
    My thoughts? Well, here goes. What is the point of creating such a discussion where you just put up a link to skill calculator? You wanted to discuss your build, right? What was your build intended to do? How is it supposed to be different from what you've seen/used before? These are all the things that can help have a constructive discussion.

    And right now what can I say... I think it looks hilarious to have Bat Swarm, Invigorating Drain and Vampire's Bane on the same quickbar :grinning: I do think that having all skills oriented at only Magicka may not be the best use of resources. For my personal liking you have too many attribute points into magicka.
    Edited by pavelcherepanskyrwb17_ESO on May 29, 2014 12:51AM
    "Do you want the book or not? Then go whack some people with Wabbajack!!"
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    i have no idea why you would have destructive reach and bindigg javelin. do you really need 2 magika based knockbacks?

    at the very least dump one of them and stick backlash or something else that can deal damage there.
  • primuspilus.hbb14_ESO
    I got my inspiration for the build from the Sun Priest section of the first Templar build thread. It was very popular, so I assumed that folks would know from the title of my thread. My apologies. It is a single DPS and healing build. I've had alot of success on the healing side of things, so Im not too worried about that. The damage side is what Im having trouble with. I agree that I had too many knockdowns. Im actually going to get rid of destructive reach for Backlash. That would probably help a bit.

    On the DPS side of things, my main thing is to keep a burn going the whole time, and if I get into trouble hitting bat swarm and drain. I've never really played any DPS in any MMO, so Im kind of out of my element there...

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