Issue with guilds (includes solutions)

What is issue with guilds?

I think it would be better and faster to ask "what isnt issue?". Guilds at this moment are something apparently not thought out at all.

*5 guilds issue*

Seems as general solution for most is 1 regular guild and 4 trading guilds.

- I think its stupid. Even tho you can filter out chat you dont want to see (doesnt seem to last thru login/logout) you will sooner or later start answering question given on /guild1 in /guild5. Good if you want to look like insane person talking to him/herself.

- 4 trading guilds means, you need to sip thru 4 different guild stores and pray to find what you are looking for (also if your main guild has store, its 5 different guild stores). It takes long time, filtering doesnt work, there is cooldown on search function. Its unnecessarily tedious to do it. A lot of times I simply gave up and left with "I will find that mat myself". Sometimes its faster to ask in chat (all of them) then going thru guild stores.

- It doesnt prevent flipping. Means you buy in one store cheap, sell in another for much more. Motif flipping is lately good source of income for some. Only thing it does is adding one more layer of irritation and boredom to the game that already has a lot more of that then it should.

- F*ck logic issue. Guilds are crossfaction. Your bank and guild bank is crossfaction too. Food recipes are NOT crossfaction (only VR ones probably). Ever bought recipe and found out that you cant get mat for it? Not worst issue tho.

- You cant play crossfaction. Even tho you do dungeons of other factions and when you become vet you quest in other alliances territories, you cant do that with your guildmates if they play another faction. Doesnt sound logical, does it? Add to it, that as pre-order bonus you can use any race in any alliance or as Imperial you play wherever you want.

- Asocial issue. In case you dont do 1:4 split, you will have sorta schizophrenia issues soon. To which guild do you belong exactly? Where is your loyalty? Maybe you wont remember people soon, cause there is so many of them.

*5 guilds solutions*

- There is player sided solution. You will join multi-guide system and be in essentialy one guild split to 5 parts. But given you have 500 players limit, your guild store wont be exactly stocked well. Its bandage, not solution.

- Real solution is this: 1 normal guild, 1 trading guild.

- Trading guild wont be like normal guilds, they should have about 2,5k player limit. That should keep guild store well fed. Why 2,5k? Well, 5 guilds x 500 players. Your current limit. Also these guilds wont have guild bank. No need for it. And you cant teleport on trading guild players (this is serious gaming flaw anyway, its like cheat).

- Normal guild stays as it is now, no need to change.

*Guilds alternative solutions*

- Removing account based normal guilds. Make it character based. No crossfaction normal guilds. Trading guilds can stay as account based and crossfaction (makes it easier to fill). Tho recipes and alliance specific materials should have small description for which alliance they are.

Problems solved, game is now bit more friendly and you can have better social experience than before.
Edited by Mescalamba on May 27, 2014 4:42PM
Proud owner of personal vampire and werewolf army (4 werewolves/4 vampires)..

I'm also using large doses of irony and sarcasm.

Plus Im mean person, cause I really dont have reason to like you. Or anyone.
  • dc1509
    I didn't get the point of "being a member of up to five guilds" from the start... it just sounds really stupid. I belong to a single guild at one given time, not 5, I can't split myself (and my loyalty) between multiple guilds...

    Well, it may have something to do with the guild store functionality. Due to a poor backend programming, the guild store just can't stand more then 500 members without lagging/crashing. That is just a speculation of course. Being a Linux system administrator myself I do not see any other reason for this to exist, ever.

    Maybe I became too old for this cr**, but could someone explain this "5 guilds" thing to me ?
    truth is born in disputes
  • Mescalamba
    dc1509 wrote: »
    I didn't get the point of "being a member of up to five guilds" from the start... it just sounds really stupid. I belong to a single guild at one given time, not 5, I can't split myself (and my loyalty) between multiple guilds...

    Well, it may have something to do with the guild store functionality. Due to a poor backend programming, the guild store just can't stand more then 500 members without lagging/crashing. That is just a speculation of course. Being a Linux system administrator myself I do not see any other reason for this to exist, ever.

    Maybe I became too old for this cr**, but could someone explain this "5 guilds" thing to me ?

    No idea why they made it either. That part about backend is something I thought about too, seems as probably only reasonable explanation. Although then its not just "reasonable" explanation, but excuse..

    Proud owner of personal vampire and werewolf army (4 werewolves/4 vampires)..

    I'm also using large doses of irony and sarcasm.

    Plus Im mean person, cause I really dont have reason to like you. Or anyone.
  • Cogo
    I think you missed the points of guilds in ESO.

    The guild is whatever the guildcreators want it to be.
    Vampire guild, trade guild, Social guild, raid guild. Inviting 500 anyone so the guildmaster gets their own guildbank (I hate this).

    If you look up the word guild, it actually means a group of people with the same interests.

    We are thinking in to old terms. There still are types of guilds we players have not invented yet.
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Mescalamba
    How can you have "vampire" guild, when you have guild "account bound". Is owner of account real life vampire? (I would like to buy a bite then)

    You cant have pure vampire guild, you cant have pure werewolf guild, neither you can have even as simple thing as pure one faction guild.

    Cause its account bound!

    And you have 5 of these!

    Imagine in real life, you would be part of five completely different organizations, you would need to remember "which part of yourself" belongs to which. Good luck with that. :smile:

    Just cause something is "old standart", doesnt mean its bad. And just cause something is new doesnt mean its right..

    Sure players will manage, we are pretty resilient. But there is large gap between resilience and comfort. This game in general requires a LOT of resilience with almost no comfort at all, no matter what you do.
    Proud owner of personal vampire and werewolf army (4 werewolves/4 vampires)..

    I'm also using large doses of irony and sarcasm.

    Plus Im mean person, cause I really dont have reason to like you. Or anyone.
  • Whisper292
    Maybe I'm missing the point of ESO guilds. I'm new to MMOs and only trade with a small number of individuals, so I don't belong to a trade guild. I'm a member of three social guilds. One is a vamp/ww guild, another is a small group of friends from deviantART, and the other is just a band of random associates. They're pretty easy to distinguish. I could easily see joining other social guilds with like-minded individuals and welcome the opportunity to expand. But if you're a member of so many guilds that you're having trouble keeping track of which is which, it's time to drop out of some of them. I know it says you can be a member of up to five guilds, but it doesn't say you have to.

    My thought about the guilds being account bound is this: Very few things are pure in this world, and very few things are black and white. I currently have four toons. One is a vamp, one plans to become a vamp, and the other two probably won't become either a vamp or a ww. The players in my vamp guild--not the characters, but the players--enjoy the topic of vampires and werewolves in general, and specifically as it relates to ESO. Being a vamp/ww is not even a requirement in joining the guild, and we don't always talk about vamps and wws. Sometimes we just ask, "How's your day?" But that doesn't make it any less of a vampire/ww guild.
    Love all, trust few, do wrong to no one. - William Shakespeare
  • Mescalamba
    Well, I have comparsion to a lot of other MMOs, where it was done "normal way". And no, this change really isnt for the better..

    What you describe as guilds is more like chatrooms or various forums.
    Proud owner of personal vampire and werewolf army (4 werewolves/4 vampires)..

    I'm also using large doses of irony and sarcasm.

    Plus Im mean person, cause I really dont have reason to like you. Or anyone.
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