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Is there enough to do in ESO? Feeling lackluster :/

EDIT: Long read, so I added a TLDR at the bottom. I feel as though I get my point across well though.

So I've been playing a TON of ESO lately. Its been pretty fun, but as of late I find myself wondering what is there to do next. I'm not even finished with the main quest line (Level 31 on a Templar, level 16 on a Dragon Knight) and I'm already finding myself looking for other things to do.

One fun thing to do is fine recipes/motifs/items and sell to others. Hording gold is fun for me, because in my head I figure "Hey, its an MMO! It will always expand, therefore I'll be glad I have this money in the future!"

Another is playing dungeons with friends. I only have one friend who plays, and we've only taken on Banished Cells with 2 random players, and that was pretty fun.

My question to all of you is though, what else is there? General questing can get tiresome for me. PVP is unbalanced in that Veterans will stop you infinitely, so that's out of the question until I hit Veteran 12 myself. Dungeons are fun, but there is no reward system! I looked it up, apparently "Legendary" items can only be crafted and not dropped. What's with that? What is the point of doing a really tough dungeon if the only reward is more gold?

Speaking of gold, while it is fun to horde it and sell items, its pointless at the moment. All you can purchase really is bag space for more things to sell.. for more gold... and the only thing to purchase is a horse. There isn't even an auction house to make selling easy, there is only Guild Stores which work but are often slow in selling items.

What else is there to this game? General questing, unbalanced PVP, dungeons, and merchant-ing is all I see. I feel like this game needs to be more epic.

This game needs:
2. A form a raiding system
3. Auction house
4. Not sure what, but something to make gold matter besides repairing armor
5. Balanced PVP, in that you only play with people within your own level.
Ex: 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, Veteran 1-12.
6. Character name re-changing. I feel most people want this.

Problem with the balanced PVP system, is so few people are playing PVP at any given time (Wabbajack is the usually the biggest, everything else is on low).

TLDR: I LOVE ESO, but I'm getting bored. I want dungeons with ACTUAL rewards in the form of Legendary and Epic drop CHANCES. I want raids, auction house, and something to make it so money is used for something other than buying horses. What do you want?
Edited by NerosCinema on May 27, 2014 8:00AM
  • ToBbErT
    I wish the game was as beautiful as this song

    Most people that worked on this game missed the passion to build something epic. The game feels bland and slapped together by amateurs. It breaks my heart to say this but its the truth. I think its time for me to move on.
  • Induron
    Agree, simply not enough to do yet - but I do have the confidence that this will change once the initial issues are done away with.

    Player Run Vendors within city markets -our/and an auction house.
    Player housing.

    Are some of the things that I would like to see in game.

    Content/loot will come hence such design features would be nice additions.
    There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood, leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat. And we must take the current when it serves, or lose our ventures.

    William Shakespeare
  • KriHavok
    Just take a break if you are starting to feel bored. The break can either be a few weeks/days or even when the next major patch comes out (which I might suggest if you are bored with the current content, BUT it depends on your subscription of the game). Or, you could battle through the boredom which would be completing quest-lines, dungeons, clearing locations, skyshards, etc. Regardless, I wish you luck in finding something that would interest you in ESO. On a personal note, I find PvP to be very fun, if you are getting bored of PvE.
    UESP Staffer & Wiki Editor
  • mutharex
    Seems like you want another game.....
  • Drasn

    If you are bored at level 31 there is a good chance you are going to be bored at higher level. Even more so due to VR "content."

    1. Bosses do drop purple items. Crafters turn those purple items into yellow items.
    2. There are raids, in Craglorn...sort of.
    3. I have no issues selling items in Guild Store quickly. (I also don't try to sell vendor trash. Let's be honest, at level 31 you are trying to sell items that no one wants.)
    4. Respeccing. Horses. Repair. Enchants. Gear. Crafting Mats. Foods. Potions.
    5. Leveling up doesn't provide as much "uberness" as you think it does.
    6. You made a bad name. Ha Ha. All kidding aside, they said they plan on adding this a while back as part of an online shop or some such.
  • frwinters_ESO
    EDIT: Long read, so I added a TLDR at the bottom. I feel as though I get my point across well though.

    So I've been playing a TON of ESO lately. Its been pretty fun, but as of late I find myself wondering what is there to do next. I'm not even finished with the main quest line (Level 31 on a Templar, level 16 on a Dragon Knight) and I'm already finding myself looking for other things to do.

    One fun thing to do is fine recipes/motifs/items and sell to others. Hording gold is fun for me, because in my head I figure "Hey, its an MMO! It will always expand, therefore I'll be glad I have this money in the future!"

    Another is playing dungeons with friends. I only have one friend who plays, and we've only taken on Banished Cells with 2 random players, and that was pretty fun.

    My question to all of you is though, what else is there? General questing can get tiresome for me. PVP is unbalanced in that Veterans will stop you infinitely, so that's out of the question until I hit Veteran 12 myself. Dungeons are fun, but there is no reward system! I looked it up, apparently "Legendary" items can only be crafted and not dropped. What's with that? What is the point of doing a really tough dungeon if the only reward is more gold?

    Speaking of gold, while it is fun to horde it and sell items, its pointless at the moment. All you can purchase really is bag space for more things to sell.. for more gold... and the only thing to purchase is a horse. There isn't even an auction house to make selling easy, there is only Guild Stores which work but are often slow in selling items.

    What else is there to this game? General questing, unbalanced PVP, dungeons, and merchant-ing is all I see. I feel like this game needs to be more epic.

    This game needs:
    2. A form a raiding system
    3. Auction house
    4. Not sure what, but something to make gold matter besides repairing armor
    5. Balanced PVP, in that you only play with people within your own level.
    Ex: 1-10, 11-20, 21-30, 31-40, 41-50, Veteran 1-12.
    6. Character name re-changing. I feel most people want this.

    Problem with the balanced PVP system, is so few people are playing PVP at any given time (Wabbajack is the usually the biggest, everything else is on low).

    TLDR: I LOVE ESO, but I'm getting bored. I want dungeons with ACTUAL rewards in the form of Legendary and Epic drop CHANCES. I want raids, auction house, and something to make it so money is used for something other than buying horses. What do you want?

    So you want an MMO that is the same as every other MMO out there? Nothing different? No getting away from the norm what we are all used to?

    I like different. Love there is no AH. Competitive trials with rewards at the end of them. War style PvP in a huge zone with an awesome story behind it and lots of potential. The game needs time and it seems like people are burning through content and getting burned out.
  • Hadria
    You're playing too much or just not into it stop. I'm 47 almost 48 and find plenty to keep me busy.
  • Alurria
    TLDR: I LOVE ESO, but I'm getting bored. I want dungeons with ACTUAL rewards in the form of Legendary and Epic drop CHANCES. I want raids, auction house, and something to make it so money is used for something other than buying horses. What do you want?
    Post edited by NerosCinema at 4:00AM

    A million dollars...but seriously take a break.
  • Sleepwalker
    TLDR: I LOVE ESO, but I'm getting bored. I want dungeons with ACTUAL rewards in the form of Legendary and Epic drop CHANCES. I want raids, auction house, and something to make it so money is used for something other than buying horses. What do you want?

    The heavenly melody of the GONG that plays when research on a piece of gear dings on its eighth trait. The prospect of this sound is what keeps me going... I'm sure that it exists... It just has too... :'(

    Seriously though. There's too much to do here to be bored with it after two months. And did I read right that your highest character is 31? Come on now. Finish your first plate before asking for a second helping, friend. ;)
    "QUIT CRYIN'! Do some pushups or something!"

    Grayfield - V2 Breton Nightblade
    Windspike - 40 Bosmer Sorceror
  • Liquid_Time
    I really enjoy long walks on the beach, dancing in the rain, playing my lute with the band, and counting grains of sand.

    Take a break man. That is why I am glad I have to work 40+ hours a week.. makes me take a break whether I want to or not.
    ¸.•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
    (¸.•´ (¸.•`
       IGN: Liquid Past || Rank: V14 || Class: Nightblade || World Skill: Vampire
  • krez23
    1-6 all sound like WoW. Maybe you are in the wrong game?
  • zeuseason
    Be prepared for the anti-wowify argument incoming!

    Ohhh.....I think I'm too late.
    Edited by zeuseason on May 27, 2014 8:48PM
  • TicToc
    It is hard to feel any sympathy for you when you have only run 1 dungeon out of the 9-12 that have been available to you.

    PvP is quite doable at low levels. Yes, you need to join up with others if you are lower level, but you can certainly contribute and have a good time. I do not want to see the PvP areas divided by levels. It worked briefly in DAoC, until most people realized they wanted to be in the "real" PvP area, then the low level ones became ghost towns. The devs then just gave everyone the ability to auto level to get to the end-game PvP quicker.

    There is a form of raiding system, but like most games you have to wait till you get to the end-game to do it.

    I also find it odd that your list is mostly NOT things to do. Three are about loot/selling, and one is about a name change. Those are not "things to do". The things that are in game to do, you avoid. That is all on you. Go run some dungeons, go play PvP without your preconceived notion that you can't, go fishing, level up and do trials. Play the game that is already there before complaining that there is nothing to do.
  • robacooperb16_ESO
    zeuseason wrote: »
    Be prepared for the anti-wowify argument incoming!

    Ohhh.....I think I'm too late.

    It's a good augment though; instead of trying to make the game WoW, play the game you are in. Though those rabidly opposed to anything and everything WoW are as off-putting as those who want everything to be WoW TBH.
    The only negative experience in ESO is those that make it negative.
  • reagen_lionel
    I do agree there doesnt seem much to do or various ways to actually level as one would expect.

    Ie: Crafting doesnt give XP for leveling, gaining skills from books dont contribute to you leveling, pvp grants less XP than pve, and doing the pve quests in pvp area gives about the same pve XP outside cyrodil so why do them?

    Fishing isnt really worth jack. And there isnt much reason to do any exploration besides crafting and searching for chests or the little bit of exploration Xp you'll get
  • Sleepwalker
    I do agree there doesnt seem much to do or various ways to actually level as one would expect.

    Ie: Crafting doesnt give XP for leveling, gaining skills from books dont contribute to you leveling, pvp grants less XP than pve, and doing the pve quests in pvp area gives about the same pve XP outside cyrodil so why do them?

    Fishing isnt really worth jack. And there isnt much reason to do any exploration besides crafting and searching for chests or the little bit of exploration Xp you'll get

    This is a subjective stance. All of the things you've mentioned, while you may not see the point of their existence, are fun for a great many people. I personally like fishing every now and then to break up the quest grind monotony, exploring every now and then without worrying about how much XP I'm going to get, and crafting (researching new traits) is essentially a mini-game with rewards for the real game.

    It's not always about level XP. When you start to let that go, you may be surprised at how much fun you can have.

    "QUIT CRYIN'! Do some pushups or something!"

    Grayfield - V2 Breton Nightblade
    Windspike - 40 Bosmer Sorceror
  • GreySix
    I really enjoy long walks on the beach, dancing in the rain, playing my lute with the band, and counting grains of sand.

    Take a break man. That is why I am glad I have to work 40+ hours a week.. makes me take a break whether I want to or not.

    This. We've had the game since pre-release, and our main characters are only at Level 26 ... of course we've also been in the middle of a move, so that slows things down a bit.
    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Gedalya
    So I've been playing a TON of ESO lately. Its been pretty fun, but as of late I find myself wondering what is there to do next.

    I am so sick of theses threads; I've been playing this game since launch, almost daily, and I still haven't hit level 50 on my main character. Who are you people who finish the game; literally, go through all of the content, three alliance story lines and tire of PvP in such a short time frame? Do you have jobs? Are you even adults? Are you on school break?


    If you still need something to do read a book; go outside; get a job; start a family; help your neighbor; or play another game in the interim. WTB filter for people who need a life.
    Baskin Robbins always finds out.

    Check out my ESO name generator:
  • Zershar_Vemod
    Haven't you ever stopped and just looked around at the environment that TESO has? I'm only VR 2 because I always stop during a mission and take tons of screenshots or just sit around watching the sunsets/sunrises or looking at the smaller details.

    It pretty much sounds like you want a different game (though I do agree that TESO should have a faction wide trading hub / system) and are finding excuses to not play this one.
    Edited by Zershar_Vemod on May 28, 2014 2:45PM
    House Nyssara (NA)
    Black Market Traders
    Order of the Lamp Post
    Thorn Brigade
    VR15 Nightblade Vampire
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