tell me what u think about that idea.
in another MMo i played for 3 years, i was a druid character, meaning for those not knowing it i was some shapeshifters toon having multiple possibilities.
( as a bear i was a tank, as a lion i was a kind of rogue , as a cheetah i was traveling as fast as mounted toon, as a "tree" i was healing,as a big owl thingy i was a mage , as a eagle i was flying and so on and so on....)
If you were ESO ungry as i was, u eard devs asking us to think about new weapons in videos and podcasts before the lunch of the game.
My idea would be some totems granted by a quest chain that gives the werewolf and vampire skill tree new abilities. a litle like the totems in the lore books that gave some were-bear or were-crows and other stories.
granting new skills associated with those animals, some could be more "rogue types", some more magical ones and such. Those totem would shift not only the weapon but the appearance of your toon so, keeping the weapon system in mind, a player using those totems would only have 2 choices OR 1 shapeshifting totem + a weapon AND if you consider it too OP it could be that the totem prevent the changing of weapons or like in TES games, take time to transform so the player would think twice before changing form.
please comment and tell me what you think of this idea.