I was thinking and had an idea. A lot of people enjoy subscription based MMO's. But some people do enjoy their Pay to Win models. Why not open up another Megaserver that is Free To Play? You can nickel and dime them all you want. Let the people win with their credit cards, and then they are happy.
You can use them to test our patches, or parts of content that we get. You could give them content whenever you get around to it. Don't really need GM's or bot control on it since they are happy to have sub par gameplay since they don't want to pay monthly. Then if they decide they want to pay a subscription they could make a character on a Sub based server. Don't transfer the characters but force them to start over again. Or just charge the F2P'ers out the rear to transfer. That would give you tons of money when you start charging them to buy lockpicks to open chests, or charging them real money to post items on the auction house like an Ebay thing. Just keep it seperate from Sub Based Servers.
Just and idea.