Hey guys. Looking for a Werewolf bite.
Xbox One GT: DeathsTheLimit
IGN: Cain Highwind
Ebonheart Pact
NA Server
Please message me on Xbox Live if willing. I'll return the favor for others in the thread once bitten.
Friend of mine was bitten earlier today. He's going to pass it on to me as soon as he can. If any of you run into me in game, feel free to message me. If I have a bite to give, I'll share.
Arch_angel767 wrote: »Hey everyone! I'm Arch_angel767. Looking for a Werewolf to take a chomp out of me. Here's my info:
PSN: Arch_angel767
Server: North America
Alliance: Daggerfall Covenant
Oh yeah, I'm on PS4, if my PSN didn't give that away. I have some big plans for a ww bite, so message me soon! Love ya all!