It took me a long time to realize that your stamina recovery rate drops to a quarter of its value while you are sprinting. My stamina focused NB for example goes from 54 to 14 while sprinting.
I'm wondering what exactly is the point in doing this? Seems like sprinting already eats up your stamina bar quick enough to make sprinting forever impossible, it seems like this just punishes stamina based builds unfairly. I don't see people losing magika regen while drinking potions or anything like that. I guess I'm just upset that I had to discover this on my own and it explains some troubles I've had in the past, so many times wondering why my stamina won't regen all of a sudden.
Also, is there anything I can do to minimize the loss, sprinting during combat is just something I have to do, but I find myself standing still more than I would like, just so my stamina won't drain simply from moving around.