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Can anyone tell me the price for jejota's

Just wondering what the price is for the jejota I have 44 of them
  • zorni
    Should be around 300G.
  • Roberts3393
    Thanks for that so I should be looking at selling then all for around 10?
  • zorni
    300G / each Jejota :)
  • Loxy37
    If you sell a job lot to someone then I would sweeten the pot like: WTS x44 b]Jejota[/b 300g each or 12,000 for all 44.
  • cjmarsh725b14_ESO
    300 for a jejota? that's more than a little high. 100-200 is the highest I've ever seen them sell for. What faction are you in?
  • Roberts3393
    Ok thanks loxy ill do that :)
  • Roberts3393
  • zorni
  • Roberts3393
    Zorni how did you get that so you could see what things are selling for
  • Lazarus_Long
    I would NEVER pay above 100g gold for one! Even then I would need to be so desperate to get it that I would find one farming runes before your COD would arrive.
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  • zorni
    @Lazarus_Long‌ it's the law of supply and demand. Thankfully it's everybodys decision if he spents time in farming or not :)
  • redspecter23
    I would NEVER pay above 100g gold for one! Even then I would need to be so desperate to get it that I would find one farming runes before your COD would arrive.

    To be fair, you're not the seller's target audience. I personally also wouldn't pay anything for a Jejota, but I enjoy node farming between questing, at least at this point in the game. I have more Jejota that I know what to do with.

    The seller is looking for the types of players that have no interest in farming whatsoever but do have disposable gold to toss at players that do farm up mats. For those sort of players, 300 is reasonable and buying in bulk might be a bit more attractive. Like most items in the game, if the seller is looking to get rid of them quick, he should look at a price lower than everyone else. If he doesn't mind taking hours or more to sell them, then he can try for whatever he wants.

  • ShADoW0s
    200-250 is what Ive seen it sell for in VR zones.
  • heraclito.bhrunnonrb18_ESO
    Jejota ​​300g? Denata will be around 600? Do not think you're putting too high a price?
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