1. Uncharted Waters Online: (Offline Trading System)
In this game players setup shop and sit wherever they like and logout.
Other players can see those player shops and browse through their wares and buy stuff and even sell stuff to them!
This in my opinion was the Best way to do trading which resembles an RPG .
Step1: Find a good spot to setup shop.
Step2: Put items in your Shop with Sections for Buying and Selling! (Awesome)
Step3: Log off
The player who see the Shop can browse through the content and buy or sell wares to the offline shop.
When you come back online, you see the results!
2. Weekly Mega-mall: (My own idea)
At a certain time of day there would be Tax Free trading zones.
Meaning all trading in this zone for that time will be Tax Free!
Items you sell here gives you a certain Reknown Points as a Merchant!
Use these Points to buy Merchant Scrolls which allows a merchant to trade Tax Free for a Week! Although it does not seem much , it will probably be an incentive to do trading in the Zone.
3. Merchant Guild: The more you sell and buy items in the MegaMall you get Ranking in the Merchant guild which gives you skill points that Unlock Certain special skills available only to merchants.
Example: Hire Guardians - 5 Guardians show up for 30 seconds and you can pay them 200g per use. The costs decrease as you Rank Higher in the Merchantile Skill Line.
Also as you rank higher, the level of the guardians also increases.
Hire 5 Gaurdians (Level 10) for 200g (Can be hired every 3 mins)
Hire 5 Gaurdians (Level 20) for 400g (Can be hired every 3 mins)
Hire 5 Gaurdians (Level 30) for 600g (Can be hired every 3 mins)
Hire 5 Gaurdians (Level 40) for 800g (Can be hired every 3 mins)
Hire 5 Gaurdians (Level 50) for 1000g (Can be hired every 3 mins)
Cost of Hiring reduces as your Merchantile Rank increases.
< Insert more Ideas here>
I think some of these ideas might reduce a lot of Botting as well. Not sure though.
Edited by BlueAvenger on May 26, 2014 8:18AM