2 hrs in ww form gives you plenty of time to evaluate

**Previously getting stuck in WW form. Not happening anymore. Edited to remove paragraphs describing issue**

A couple thoughts. We need a decent AoE. Werewolves got the short end of the stick as far as active abilities go. Fear and Jump? I mean, the fact that they don't work aside, come on...

A few changes I would make to the Ultimate:

- Active ability 1: Cone AoE that deals a large amount of damage to enemies in front of you. Possible morphs: 1) Adds % chance for a critical hit on affected enemies, 2) Adds damage shield equal in value to damage done

- Active Ability 2: Knockdown maul ability that deals damage to one target. Possible morphs: 1) Recover % of max health from mauled enemy, 2) Small % chance to completely restore ww timer?

- Bump up damage a little, including a small increase in damage with each WW level you achieve

- Slightly increase reach. Werewolves have tremendously long arms, but I still feel like I have to stand ON TOP of an enemy to hit it

- Increase timer to at least 60 seconds.

- Keep ultimate cost around 700 and cap cost-reduction at 25% (meaning the cost should never drop below 525)

- Allow passives to work in human form as long as weakness is also active in human form

As someone has pointed out, this is an ULTIMATE ability that costs a whopping SIXTEEN points to completely max. Increase damage, let us use our passives all the time, like vampires; make it worth those points.

One more change I would make, just for flavor: more ww textures. Four fur-colors (brown, black, blonde or grey, and a rusty reddish) that would preferably be selected by the character's hair-color, plus white, reserved for pack leader.

Not all complaints though. Thank you, ZOS, for adding dodge - it was much-needed.
Edited by whatsername908 on May 27, 2014 5:08AM
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