Error 301 work around (worked for me as well as others)

If you can't log in to the game because it times out then gives you the 301 error code, try this:

Disable all of your add-ons. To do this:

Documents/Elder Scrolls Online/live/Add On Settings and:

Change all of the numbers from 1 to 0.

When you go to close out the document, you will be given a choice to make the changes. Choose to make the changes.

You should be able to get into the game now. Sucks to have to do this, but hell, if you can play, then thats not all bad.
  • nerevarine1138
    If this issue turns out to be add-on related, I'm going to want a physical version of this thread to smack people over the head with.
  • mfischer303b14_ESO
    nope didnt work for me
  • harleysub17_ESO
    If this issue turns out to be add-on related, I'm going to want a physical version of this thread to smack people over the head with.

    LOL. The solution still begs the question, but I'll be happy if folks can get into the game.

  • Eorea
    :( Didn't work for me. Blast it!
  • harleysub17_ESO
    Dang. Was hoping for a one size fits all solution. Well, it worked for myself and others, so some may get in by following this. Hate to have anyone wait till tomorrows reset. That just plain sucks!
  • harleysub17_ESO
    One further suggestion is to launch from the .exe rather than the launcher.
  • jimstr_ESO
    No dice. I have been trying to log in for 2 days.
  • Skewki
    nope. thanks for trying to help though
  • Eorea
    Yeah, it was worth a shot :3
  • PikkonMG
    We had a few people in guild who had this issue, and for them telling their AV software to exclude the ESO game directory worked.
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