Advice for Nightblade Tank Build? (VR/Craglorn Content)

Soul Shriven
I recently turned Veteran Rank 1 and am having difficulties deciding on working and viable Tank Build for my Nightblade character for VR and Craglorn content. I was wondering if anyone who is experienced at playing this class and role at VR lvls could anyone offer any suggestions on which skills they use for their Tank Build and maybe share some of their tactics when playing with said build? And if possible, provide a link to a Build Calculator that I could refer to as well.

To those who decide to read, thank you for your time and I appreciate any advice that can be given on this subject.
  • HazardousNovex
    I'm a Nightblade tank, and I know how hard it is to find a good build for it. Nightblades can be extremely effective at tanking in this game, but you really have to refine your build a lot for it to work well. I did most of the veteran content solo, so my build relies on a lot of self healing and survivability.

    The Idea is to cap magicka and use jewelry that reduces the cost of spells, as your survivability comes directly from magicka.

    In the link below is my build, it revolves around AOE and multiple targets, although it also excels in single target encounters. The second bar is really up to you, I personally use a healing staff for more group utility, but it doesn't matter.

    Basically, to open your attack, you will cast refreshing path, which will heal you in the opening stages of the encounter, then you want to 'spam' sap essence until you run out of magicka, remember to block in between these spams, so that you can minimize damage. After doing this, your ult will have become ready to use, so you want to cast it and keep blocking with your shield, by now most enemies will have died or be on low health, you can just use the magicka that has regenerated to cast sap essense a few more times.

    This build has worked for me through every veteran level, I started using it at VR1, I'm VR12 now and it still works great.

    Edited by HazardousNovex on May 25, 2014 8:23AM
    Novexus - VR12 Dragonknight

    DiE - Oceanic PvP
  • Aedh
    I basically run the same build, but for solo PvE content. It does work great, especially with a resto staff as second weapon.
    Solo build :

    One trick to remember : the Quick Siphon heal procs for every tick of Refreshing Path/Veil of Blades, so you can achieve tremendous amounts of self healing.

    But in group dungeons, I feel the self healing part is not as important, so I switch Refreshing Path with Volcanic Rune for the trash pulls (the 4 sec stuns will trump the 30 hp/s from Refreshing Path). Well, more "utility" overall on both my bars.

    Here's what I currently use in dungeons (haven't played since the last patch though, so I may have to change some things). Bar 1 is for trash pulls, bar 2 for bosses :
  • Monkeyshoeslive
    These look quite interesting. I might have to give it a shot
  • Phaoryx
    This is what I use.

    First bar is tanking, specifically boss fights.
    -Always keep Leeching Strikes on
    -Dark Cloak to remove DoTs and activate the huge armour/spell resist bonus with Shadow Barrier
    -Inner Beast is your taunt
    -Refreshing Path and Swallow Soul are your heals
    Basically, everything is magicka so you can use your stamina on blocking, dodging, CC breaking, etc. If you find you don't have enough mag but you have enough stam, switch Inner Beast with Ransack (increases your armour).

    Second bar is for the trash packs.
    Just cast Volcanic Rune in the beginning, then use Refreshing Path to get to them, use Power Extraction, and mow them down with Steel Tornado. Use Ember Explosion if you want the nice 40% miss chance.

    For the first bar, sub on Absorb Magic from 1h/Sh line for refreshing path if you're facing a heavy magic user (boss). For the second bar, Lotus Fan works nicely as well to build up ultimate. Use either swords or axes with Twin Blade and Blunt, as axes will make your enemies bleed and will charge your ultimate a lot. Good luck, and have fun with your NB tanking :)
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