My thoughts as I play during my last week of this game

Maintenance for the week of February 10:
• [COMPLETE] ESO Store and Account System for maintenance – February 12, 8:00AM EST (13:00 UTC) - 12:00PM EST (17:00 UTC)
Many things can be debated about Elder Scrolls Online. We can talk all day about whether you enjoy the combat, the crafting system, the classes, etc. But as my subscription comes to end, which is one I will not be renewing, I prefer to talk about the philosophy and idea behind some of the mind boggling decisions behind the core systems of this game. There are whole design decisions that are bad. This is not something a patch can fix. No, this is something deeper.

Some of these things below are basic MMO things that just have to be there.
  • Lack of nameplates above NPCs. Or at least the option to show them. This leads to ridiculous situations when you go to a bank, all you see is 20 or 30 players crowding around a buried NPC banker and you can’t tell who is who.
  • No “search” feature using the guild store (auction house) where you can type in the name of what you are looking for.
  • Main website and its forums do not have a “server status” up or down indicator, something that every single MMO website has.
  • Other players finishing my quests in some areas. You want immersion Zenimax? Well thanks for me getting credit for walking into a room and watching other players do my quest. How is that?
  • There are many quests where you should be alone but aren’t. There are also some instances where you are alone for no real reason and should be with a group to fight some battles which have brutal difficulty.
  • The grouping tools are a chore to use. Nothing is easy in this game. Ge tin a group, you might not see them. Go to a dungeon and accept the quest. Someone teleports in, they can’t get the quest. Regroup, try again. Too many other oddities to mention. This system NEEDS to be perfect for an MMO.
  • Bosses that don’t “reset” properly after you die a couple times. They eventually bug out.
  • Cant track more than one quest at a time. I have massive issue with this. Why? Well the immersion thing must have been why it was left out. But tell me this, why can’t I be the one to choose if I want multiple quests showing up on my UI? At least give the option.
  • Quest rewards that are not select-able, most of the time you will get an item that does not work for your class or spec.
  • No buff or debuff icons, so you can’t tell what you have been afflicted by
  • No option for NPC subtitles. This was stubbornly left out of the game for “immersion”… It is in fact, the first modern story driven game I have ever seen in my life where a subtitles option did not exist. I know you can add NPC speech in the chat window, but seriously?
  • Reporting a gold seller or anything in chat, Is not a one click thing like ALL other MMOs. In ESO you need to actually create a ticket for each chat spam you report, and you even get a ticket number! Why is this so convoluted? Why can’t you just right click and ignore and report?
  • Still issues that MMOs faced 20 years ago. Players standing around, waiting for a special mob to respawn. In some cases so many are waiting you don’t even have time to get a hit in.
  • BOTs that are now out in the open world. Many times you will see a “BOT train” where they run on a set pattern. Want to report them? Again, it’s convoluted and not user friendly and discourages me from taking the time to do it. Why are NPC mobs on a set respawn time? This only makes it easier for BOT companies to create these “trains”.
  • You can’t level up in multiple areas AND you are pretty much “forced” to explore every single square inch of your zone, or you will fall behind in levels. Leveling should not be a pain. GW2 and WoW make leveling fun; you can go into another races starting area at any time and quest. Zenimax has gone out of their way to make sure you level at exactly the speed THEY want you to level at. Mobs in dungeons also give no experience!
  • NPCs are a bit too chatty. Not once did I find an NPC with a simple quest to give me. No, he had to go into detail about the whole history of everything that has happened to him, his companions, the lore of the area in general, and just anything else he wanted to talk about. What happened to me actually “seeing” what is going on?
  • Almost every single public dungeon is the same counter-clockwise loop. You walk in, the door you come out of will be on the left side, always.
  • A little humility goes a long way. It is refreshing to play Guild Wars 2, World of Warcraft, Rift and Wildstar. When you start the game you aren’t bombarded by two or three splash screens with logos, telling you who made the game.
  • Major changes to a class after a patch but did not offer a respec for free. This is a MAJOR MMO no/no and a golden rule.
  • Almost every quest is the same. There is always a “spirit” who needs to be put to rest, chalices that need to be lit to summon a bad guy, etc
  • Just about very injured NPC is holding their right arm. I guess too much money was spent on voice talent to get more “injured” animations.
  • Downloading a 2gb patch. Try clicking on “patch notes”. It takes you to a blank page with this: Patch notes can be read here. No discussions were found. Try clicking on patch notes on any other game, you get a list of detailed patch notes. Even Wildstar in beta. This might be a nitpick, but it is little things like this, little details that say a lot.

Okay so a lot of my complaints might seem trivial. But always remember this. It is better to do 1,000 things 1% better than to do one thing 1,000% better. It is the small things. This is what made games like WoW so popular. They get all of these little details right, and the sum of those details makes for excellent gameplay.

A lot of my complaints can be answered by one thing. Zenimax wanted immersion, and this is why so many things are missing. However, in a stroke of brutal irony, Elder Scrolls Online ends up actually being one of the LEAST immersive MMOs I have ever played. Why? Because I AM the central part of the story. I AM the savior. I GET to kill Molag Bal. Oh yeah, and so does EVERYONE ELSE.

How can you as a company sit there and talk about leaving key things out of an MMO for immersion sake and at the same time have a million of us “heroes” all doing the same thing? Think about interesting it would have been if we were just part of the puzzle, trying to do our best. Imagine a massive fight, like in the cinematic, where the three faction heroes are fighting Molag Bal in the background faded away in glorious depth of field, while we are fighting off Molag Bals army? Would I be upset that I didn’t get to kill him? No way. I would happy because I know I helped. I helped slow down his army along with many other players while the main heroes killed him.

But that’s just one idea really.

So the first major patch, Craglorn and again, another bad idea. A full zone where you are pretty much REQUIRED to explore in a group. That’s right EXPLORE in a group. Does Zenimax not know that exploring is such a personal thing? No two people in the world explore the same. I might want to see whats around this corner and you may not. You might want to climb this little cliff, while I may not, and so on. It’s almost like someone threw the idea out there and not single person really thought about it.

I could go on and on. But believe me, the worst part is, sometimes I love this game. The sunsets, moonlight on the water, and some quests are amazing. That is what makes this even more frustrating. Zenimax had something good here. There are good pieces here, but not all of them fit together.

Someone on the forums said it best the other day:

Its the entirety of their ignorance, lack of foresight, the constant avoidable mistakes, the never learning from their mistakes, the lack of communication, ignoring their players and testers, their messed up priorities, the incompetence of their fixes, lack of effort in dealing with bots, bugs that last for months, and endless bad ideas/designs.

This game could have been amazing, it really could have.
Edited by DarkWombat on May 24, 2014 3:37PM
  • GrafDresche
    Excellent observations and a very constructive post I can fully support.Many of those things were mentioned again and again by us beta testers.

    Especially the comparison to GW2 is very helpful. One might not like the style and story of the game, but the basic mmo systems there are something I have been hoping for ESO from the beginning. It would not harm the ElderScrollsiness of the game to take some more ideas from GW2's mechanics as to how it deals with player interaction.

    I bought a six month subscription to kind of force myself to stay since I really want this game to succeed, and I really like the setting as well as the overall attitude and effort of the creators. But I believe it was released too early, causing quite some damage with the potential player base.
    Edited by GrafDresche on May 24, 2014 3:57PM
  • Altissimus

    I think you're spot on, Wombat.

    Everyone I've spoken to wanted ESO to be successful. The game had so much potential. Zenimax's post-release attitude and care have been the cause of the game's decline, IMO.
  • mutharex
    Have a nice trip!
  • joshisanonymous
    This is a pretty silly list, honestly. It just kinda sounds like you're unhappy with it because it's not every other MMO and, as such, are looking for every trival detail you can find to justify quitting. You can just quit, you don't have to convince yourself or anyone else to do so. The best place for this feedback, if you meant it to somehow be constructive, is /feedback anyway.

    Sorry it didn't work out for ya, though.
    Fedrals: PC / NA / EP / NB

  • zaria
    Crowding in banks is an common issue in MMO, had more issues with it in WOW than in ESO frankly most because funny dranei males in robes standing on top of gnome or dwarf merchants or questgivers, some idiots also used their giant mounts for this, but yes nameplate or indicatore make them easier to locate in the mes.

    Yes guild store is a mess, also no tabs for items to sell is annoying.

    As for multiple quests, they show up on map and in compass with an distance indicator, in cities I often tend to do quests piled together as in VR I explore first and then do quest as the logs fills up.

    For quests: I thought half the quests in Stonefalls was about guars :)
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • Sagranax
    @ the apologists
    That list the OP put up is pretty confrontational innit!?
    And that's not even half of it. Not even close.

    Who in his right mind raises the levelcap two months after release?
    It must because Zeni is panicking. raising ranks to keep people playing/paying.

    Anyways, have fun playing with the other 10 fanboys on this forum. Most people are moving on.

    This aint no MMO in its current state, its a trainwreck.
    So much essential stuff is missing, bugged or simply doesn't work.

    Incompetence on management level, pure and simple.
  • Thunder
    Bah, everything you've said is rehashed whining that has already made the rounds here in the forums a dozen times already.

    By and large the items you have listed are purposeful design choices that you just happen to not agree with and therefore perceive them as mistakes that need to be "fixed". Your entire argument can be summed up by saying, "Other games do it differently. ESO needs to be fixed so that it functions exactly like all other games."

    This is Elder Scrolls. Their intention wasn't for players to hop the closest express train to level cap so they can sit around waiting for raids to fill. Every one of your complaints can be countered with, "Dude, relax. It's just a game. Don't be in such a hurry and you won't feel so rushed and frustrated."
  • DarkWombat
    Thunder wrote: »
    Bah, everything you've said is rehashed whining that has already made the rounds here in the forums a dozen times already.

    By and large the items you have listed are purposeful design choices that you just happen to not agree with and therefore perceive them as mistakes that need to be "fixed". Your entire argument can be summed up by saying, "Other games do it differently. ESO needs to be fixed so that it functions exactly like all other games."

    This is Elder Scrolls. Their intention wasn't for players to hop the closest express train to level cap so they can sit around waiting for raids to fill. Every one of your complaints can be countered with, "Dude, relax. It's just a game. Don't be in such a hurry and you won't feel so rushed and frustrated."

    Wow I just don't know what to say to some of these replies. All I will reply with is this. A lot of these design choices are at a direct conflict with the design of an MMO, and what Zenimax is doing is not unlike designing a car without air conditioning or heat, because they want you to feel the temperature of what its like outside.

    One last thing, any argument against me is invalid. Why? Because not at least giving me the OPTION to turn nameplates, multiple quest tracking etc on, DOES NOT EFFECT YOU AT ALL. It is something ONLY I will see, and a lot of these things should be a choice. Dont force your idea of immersion on me, I am a big boy. I can handle seeing nameplates and still feel attached to a world and story...
  • joshisanonymous
    DarkWombat wrote: »
    One last thing, any argument against me is invalid. Why? Because not at least giving me the OPTION to turn nameplates, multiple quest tracking etc on, DOES NOT EFFECT YOU AT ALL. It is something ONLY I will see, and a lot of these things should be a choice. Dont force your idea of immersion on me, I am a big boy. I can handle seeing nameplates and still feel attached to a world and story...

    Well, except nameplates would definitely affect PvP and you can track multiple quests by installing a simple addon. Actually, you can make the game look a lot more like a carbon copy of other MMOs through addons if you really want that. You have the option. Zenimax has provided that option but maybe they're not working on these things themselves because it's not necessarily what they want for the game. I think that's a pretty good compromise.
    Edited by joshisanonymous on May 24, 2014 7:29PM
    Fedrals: PC / NA / EP / NB

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