thank you @ZOS staff :)

I saw the message while logging in the forums with the hot fixes and a bit more communication. This is a huge step in fixing this game! Thanks to you, I noticed u are gathering info on NBs so u can fix my class. Keep up the good work!
Guildmaster of Decimation Elite
"Take all that you can, and give nothing back!"
  • Rologue

    [Moderator Note: Edited per our rules on thread bumping].
    Edited by ZOS_SandraF on May 27, 2014 2:10AM
    Guildmaster of Decimation Elite
    "Take all that you can, and give nothing back!"
  • PayneTK
    I would congratulate them too if they didn't broke my Templar class.

    Especially for finally giving us True Fullscreen, now the game looks frikin awesome in 3D Vision. (best 3D of all the games, except for the shadows). Too bad they ruined my gameplay with this patch.
  • Rologue
    @paynetk I am an NB archer. Don't need your crying.
    Guildmaster of Decimation Elite
    "Take all that you can, and give nothing back!"
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