Suggested Improvements for ESO

#1 Stop forcing Solo Quests
Allowing players to do the Main story and other Quest solo is fine, but forcing it causes unnecessary frustration to the players who don't care about how "leet" they are, and just want to enjoy the game with friends, this is a Massive Multiplayer Online Game after all.

We’re also starting to re-work many quests in the game so we can greatly reduce the chances of you being separated from your party in different "layers" as you explore Tamriel. This is an ongoing effort, but you’ll see the problem alleviated over the course of the summer.

I'm not sure if that means their doing away with Solo quests, more clarification needed.

Strengthen the Crafting Economy:
As it is now we have to much self-sufficiency as players. playing a Dragon knight i can take up blacksmithing and never need to buy any armor or weapons for my character from another crafter, and the same can be said for other classes taking up crafting for their respected armor and weapon needs. So as long as i can do that i will.

1: Limit one crafting skill line at a time until the current craft skill is mastered, and increase the skill points required and xp(IP) needed exponentially for each additional craft. This will also remove the "need" to hinder our inventory capacity since that is the current "soft cap"
2: Separate the duel skill lines , (Clothing,Blacksmithing) Into Clothing makers (light armors) and Leather working (Medium Armors) Armor Smithing (Heavy Armors) and weapon smithing.
3. Add in a skill point requirement per item tree to deconstruct green and above items, and items above level 14, this will reduce the flood of improvement mats hitting the markets as more players learn to deconstruct the rarer items for their more profitable improvement mats.
4. Increase the Stack size of Mats to 1000
5. Bound motifs to the player who looted it.

Improve the Trade System
1.Remove Gold value for crafting resources like Ore/ingots jute ect. ect.. to much gold is made from selling these to vendors. This is flooding gold into the markets.
2.Add in NPC merchant reselling of wares sold to it. for example if i sell a Axe of Flame to the vendor he should show it for sale in his inventory for another player who comes and visits.
3.Add in player Shops, Rentable stalls in towns
4. Add in a "want to buy" option where players can select a craftable item, its level, rarity ect, to the store listing for crafters to accept the order and fill it.

Increase Guild Importance
Change the 5 guilds system into a 1 guild and store system, with 4 Trading Associations player cans join and use the in game NPC guilds as merchant guilds IE Mage's, Fighters, Undaunted ,Theifs, Dark Brotherhood into local trading guilds that players can join that specific local branch. such as a player can join the Davons watch fighters guild and buy/sell items in that areas fighters guild only, the fighters guild in a new zone would be completely separate. (Grandfathering those who currently have 5 guilds, but remove the option for players to reach more than one guild letting it slowly phase out)

Add a Guild Listing where players can browse through guilds and see their how many members a guild has, who the leader is, what they do (PVE.PVP,RP), what there requirement for joining is ect..

Guild Banks:
There needs to be more options to whom may pull what items out and how many/often.

1.Option to set item withdrawal based on tier level (white,green,blue ect) per rank.
2.Option to limit number of withdraws per hour/day based on rank

For example the lowest rank in the guild may only remove white level items and 3 per day. while the next rank up can remove green level items and 6 per day ect.. This would allow for a guild leader/officer to have more control over how the guilds treasury is handled.

Groups :

There's needs to be better bonuses for actually grouping, right now there just isn't any need to group. Those informal "groups" in public dungeons don't count, there's likely no communication, and little chance your going to see them again, and quite often your find yourself dead because your "group" will wait for you to pull and dart off as you get swarmed. So i suggest the following to encourage formal groups.

1.Much higher XP gains, maybe 15 to 25%
2. Increased Gold drops
3. Chance for better loot when grouped. maybe a green instead of that white trash, or a blue over a green ect..
4. New Quest series: Chance to be randomly attacked by elite level thugs/bandits/assassins ect.. with a chance to drop rare armor/weapon set pieces.

Miscellaneous :
1. Add a Rentable horse in the horse vendor for player whos cant afford to own one, or just want to try one out.
2. Make a White(imperial) version of the 42k horse. Seriously we paid extra for the exclusive white horse.
3. Make Nametags/GuildTags an optional on/off in the UI instead of just off.
4. Remove the annoying looping NPC conversations near crafting stations, once its played make it stop.
5. Add Multiple Quartermasters in the Keeps for More than one guild to use, this will encourage more guilds to defend and give more trading opportunity to guilds.

Edit 6/9/14: Adding more suggestions

Dungeon Combat:

To often boss fights that seem more like a child's game of tag your it as they chase the party members down one by one, usually starting with the healers. The enemies/Bosses need to engage with the player who attacked him first instead of ignoring the player who instigated the fight and running straight at the healers or other party members. For a Boss to disengage combat with a player who is currently fighting toe to toe with it there needs to be a reason, such as a higher threat is posed. That threat could be the healer who is healing so much is now becomes a target, or another player who is out damaging the player currently holding the bosses argo.

To many of our ability's are useless in boss fights, take the stone fist for example that knocks enemies down for a couple secs. The Boss might not be knocked down as a lesser enemies would, but he should still be affected by it instead of just being completely immune, The boss could be knocked back, or caused to stumble,ect..

In summary
Fix bosses hitting for absurd amounts of damage. we need balanced fights not kite fights.
Stop enemies charging the healers, even when there has been no healing or any abilities used.
To many ability are Voided in boss fights

Social aspects:

Taverns- We need some Poker like games in ESO, Something that fits the series but gives players something to do in taverns, while also providing a gold sink.

Oblivion style Arena (Not PVP)- id like to see a arena like the one in oblivion where you had to earn you way to champion, and once you have completed the (PVE) Arena , your "champion" as he was when you completed it goes into a list of contenders for players to bet on fights. Players could watch NPC version of their characters compete against each others from the stands.

Archery challenges: How about some bow competitions where players can compete for prizes? of course for the competition you need to disable that soft lock crap to make it a real challenge.

GM Events/Large Scale Dark anchor invasions. What more can be said about this, but we need to bring back the GM involvement into the community, lets lets put those dark anchors to use and have them (controlled by GM) all lights up sending invasions on the choose city while players have to save the town. This could be an opportunity to give out Unique items.

New Skill Lines: we need skills that allow for Non-Combat activities, some of the best hours spent in MMO's are from Social or other non combat activities. Below are some examples of skill lines that can provide activities for those "downtime" gameplay moments.

Bard- a support skill line that provides music and buffs in combat and can entertain us in taverns. This is something that has been missing in many "modern" MMO's. I also think something like the "Battle Fatigue" that Star Wars Galaxies had wouldn't be a bad idea to encourage players to spend time in taverns.

Farmer- a self explanatory Non combat skill line that provides things to do when in downtime, while managing our home front.

Horse Breeder- Give us the players a way to create unique mounts through experimentation

Merchant: A skill line that would allow traveling merchants,Stands and other Vendor skills, to include passives for buy and selling.

Active Skills: - We need a hunter skill ine that includes stuff like setup camp, Tame animal and a general outdoors man feel. Heres an example of one i wrote up pre-launch
Laceration I: You strike clean and swiftly. %5 chance to wound and slow target.

Hunters Mark I: You Mark your Target. 5% Additional damage applied while marked.

Forage I: You search the area for usable items, when near water you cast a bait net.

Set Camp: You deploy a Campsite.

Tame Animal I: 3% chance to tame animal (such as a wolf).

Passive skills

Laceration I: You strike clean and swiftly. %5 chance to wound and slow target.

Gather I: 10% increased animal resources.

Bushmen I: 1% Increase movement speed over terrain.

Tracking I: 5% effectiveness, Heat trails from the Target you marked shimmers leading you to them.

Cover I: You take 5% Reduced damage within X distance of your campsite.

Call of the Wild: Your tamed animal grows in size and strength lashing out at your nearby foes.

Possible Tamable Animals:

Example Tamed Pet Commands:

Retrieve: Seeks out downed prey retrieving loot (hides,meats ect)
Seek: Tracks injured prey, snaring prey within its jaws/Claws to prevent escape.
Feed: Your feed your pet, breeding loyalty and Enhancing them by your choice of food.

Example Usable,Consumable items:

Example Campsites:

Basic Camp: simple campsite with small fire, cooking pot ,and a couple of logs for sitting, Grants faster healing to those in camp.

Intermediate Camp: Larger version of basic camp with makeshift bed and couple of Hide covered wooden chairs.

Advanced Camp: Very Large campsite designed for several Hunters, Site includes Cooking Stations, Bed Rolls, Tanning Racks, Cleaning Stations for fish and Game processing, Feeding Station for Hunters Pets.

War Camp: Very Large campsite designed for PVP Battle, Site includes Healing Stations, (re)Spawn Points, Training Dummy's, Defensive Barriers, Crafting Stations.

Edited by Darastix on June 9, 2014 11:09AM
  • Asasinka
    Re: Strengthen the Crafting Economy
    You have to really like Monopoly :)
    We don't want better economy, we want freedom.
    The real life is already crowded with those who think they have to be special to be "someone" and when they finaly become "someone", noone else can't be, because what the hell was all my effort for then.
    Economy sucks, It's selfish, why is so unacceptable for you everyone can be self-sufficient?
    What do you need your economy for in a game?
    Do you really like that "real" life full of artificial obstacles so you have to reflect it to game?
    I'm fighting for a higher purpose
  • Darastix
    Asasinka wrote: »
    Re: Strengthen the Crafting Economy
    You have to really like Monopoly :)
    We don't want better economy, we want freedom.
    The real life is already crowded with those who think they have to be special to be "someone" and when they finaly become "someone", noone else can't be, because what the hell was all my effort for then.
    Economy sucks, It's selfish, why is so unacceptable for you everyone can be self-sufficient?
    What do you need your economy for in a game?
    Do you really like that "real" life full of artificial obstacles so you have to reflect it to game?

    Nowhere did i ask for a monopoly, or to be "special", but if you want that much self-sufficiency go play a single player game.
    Edited by Darastix on May 30, 2014 3:11PM
  • Carnagan
    I kind of see some of your point, but doesn't that make the game harder for people who play the game casually, whether they play with a group or solo? They aren't going to be able to make gear to fit their needs and they aren't likely going to be able to gather enough loot to be able to pay for it.

    I think you are also missing the benefits of Traits AND the special crafting sections. Yes, it is possible to learn all the traits, but you can only learn three traits at a given time. And it takes longer and longer the more traits you already know for an item.

    For example, after a month and a half of playing I have just learned the 7th trait for shields. And it will take me over 25 days to learn the 8th. When I learn that 8th trait I will be able to use all the special crafting locations, but it will probably be another 2 or three months before I have enough traits on other items to make it worth while.

    So yeah, if I spend all the needed skill points on three crafting skill lines I will be able to craft any basic gear I need. BUT, and it's a big but, it will take me YEARS of actual play to learn all the traits and be completely self-sufficient.
    "You dream of the Moon and a man who is less than a man."
    Proud explorer of Tamriel since 1996
  • Darastix
    Carnagan wrote: »
    I kind of see some of your point, but doesn't that make the game harder for people who play the game casually, whether they play with a group or solo? They aren't going to be able to make gear to fit their needs and they aren't likely going to be able to gather enough loot to be able to pay for it.

    if by casual you mean time limited I don't think so, we really shouldn't be able to just make all our gear and never "need" to seek others help. A casual or hardcore player both would have to purchase some gear, either loot drops posted on store or crafted gear on store/custom ordered.
    Edited by Darastix on May 30, 2014 3:12PM
  • Darastix
    Updated: Strengthen the Crafting Economy -1 to better fit the soft limit goals with crafting.
    Edited by Darastix on May 30, 2014 11:46PM
  • Darastix
    updated with group suggestions.
    Edited by Darastix on May 30, 2014 11:45PM
  • GreySix
    Darastix wrote: »
    #1 Stop forcing Solo Quests
    Allowing players to do the Main story and other Quest solo is fine, but forcing it causes unnecessary frustration to the players who don't care about how "leet" they are, and just want to enjoy the game with friends, this is a Massive Multiplayer Online Game after all.

    Crotchety Old Man Guild

    "Hey you, get off my lawn!"
  • Darastix
    updated with guild banks
    Edited by Darastix on May 30, 2014 11:46PM
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