I am General Malthyra and welcome to the Clan Shar'Matar, a vampire/werewolf guild looking for new recruits. We have been here since the beginning, and offer tons of helpful/friendly members! We are indeed an RP guild, based on the life and times of our coven and clan. We use Discord for our Voice Server.
If what you're looking for is a great story behind your character, a basic set of guild rules, and respect among many, then you have found the right place. We welcome you to your new home, if you think you are worthy. We have different regiments within our clan that serve different RP goals. Which will you serve? What will you become? The choice is up to you young ones.
About us
Mortals are welcomed among us as well, we do give our bites for free. However, each sire chooses their child, as do the wolves their new kin. Patience is valued in the life of an immortal... Be active, make friends, and enjoy yourself. All is noticed, and nothing escapes the view of the Blood Council. There are biting ceremonies each time one is turned, where all who can show their appreciation for the new blood. We promote family among us. That is the way of this clan.
Our background story and beginning plot, along with other things of importance for our guild, is listed on our website:
http://www.sharmatar.comFamily is Law
Clan Shar'Matar, was formed to create an atmosphere in which light and heavy RPers alike can join together to create something many did not think possible. The family we have created is astounding. Loyalty runs strong within this clan. When the night calls we are beckoned, and we listen. Both PVE'rs, PVP'rs, and RP'rs enjoy their time here in Shar'Matar.
"Respect, Loyalty, Honor, and Passion. These are what make us undivided and whole."Tenets
We have but few basic principles. All should be followed as it has been since the beginning of us, and as it shall always be.
1. Respect others in the clan, it is non-negotiable. Each and every member of
this clan, is hand picked and sifted through by the Blood Council. Everyone
is of value, in their own individual way.
2. There will never be selling of the bite. It is given freely to all in the clan by
whatever the sire or wolf sees fit for their new born kin.
3. (All Non-RP chat and OOC chat, shall be in parenthesis. It keeps the chat
separated, and easy to follow along.)
4. Activity. Being active shows your worth. Though you may wish to hide in the
shadows for most of your days, we would all like to see you every other
cycle of the moon in the least. There are many ways to show why you are
of value, so do so.
Are you willing?
Do you have what it takes to serve this Blood General and the clan in which you seek? That is for you alone to decide, and for us to humbly await. I look very forward to hearing from you new bloods.
"May the night watch over you when I may not, and may the shadows guide your path under the pale moons light."