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Dragonknight Archer?

So I've been wanting to make an archery focused bosmer alt for a while now, but havent been able to decide on a class. My main is a nightblade, I have a templar and a dragonknight as alts in the other two factions already. At first I considered going sorceror for the ranger-esque feel of the 'pets', but the fact that they're nigh-useless at endgame and that nothing else a sorceror brings to the table meshes well with archery made me give up on that idea.

My current dk on the pact is a pyromancer style character, utilizing only the ardent flame tree and destruction staff abilities. I figure that gives me enough leeway using the draconic power and earthen heart trees to make a second dragonknight without feeling like i'm playing essentially the same character over again.

Lore-wise it seems to fit too - bosmer use nature-oriented magic, and they have at least some ability to shapeshift / manipulate their physical forms, though it's never really detailed how or when or why they can do this via the lore as far as I'm aware. I figure those two facts cover the use of stone/earth/dirt magic (in the case of stonefist, obsidian shield, petrify, and ash cloud), and the use of abilities which may cause a physical change like spiked armor or dragon leap. Green dragon blood might also fit aesthetics wise as a nature type spell.

So my question is - has anyone else tried out a dragonknight archer setup, and how well does it work? I'm probably going to go with a bow on both weapon bars, and set up one bar for primary damage and the other for either AoE or defense/control. Probably something like this:

Bar 1:
Obsidian Shard (knockdown/stun)
Venom Arrow (DoT/Interrupt, Primary damage ability)
Lethal Arrow (Heal reduction, heavy burst damage)
Green Dragon Blood (Self heal / stamina boost)
Dragon Fire Scale (Reflect spells)
Take Flight (for kiting?)

Bar 2:
Bombard (aoe damage/snare/root)
Arrow Barrage (Aoe damage)
Burning Talons (AoE damage/root)
Igneous Shield (Damage shield)
Cinder Storm (AoE snare/debuff/damage)
Magma Shell (Self damage reduction buff, ally damage shield)

Alternatively bar 2 could use petrify and scatter shot/draining shot for additional single target control. In AoE situations, having both bombard/barrage and burning talons/cinder storm on the bar means having both stamina and magicka fueled aoe damage and snares, if one resource gets too low you can rely on the other. I'll probably be splitting my stats between magicka and stamina fairly evenly, with all medium armor (Or possibly 5 medium/2 light, havent fully decided yet).

PS4 / NA
M'asad - Khajiit Nightblade - Healer
Pakhet - Khajiit Dragonknight - Tank
Raksha - Khajiit Sorcerer - Stamina DPS
Bastet - Khajiit Templar - Healer
Leonin - Khajiit Warden - Tank
  • rotatorkuf
    for pve, bow sucks, complete and utter ass

    better off with resto staff or destro staff
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