Zoning for parties

I know this was a huge discussion awhile back and I'm sure the post is still there somewhere but I really don't want to go digging for it so I appologize for bringing up old stuff but ZOS, can you give us an update on what you are doing regarding zoning for groups/parties? I mean I really enjoyed playing this game with my friends when they were on. However I got so far ahead of them and sooooooo many areas are zoned that I can't play with them anymore and it has killed all of our drive to play this game since we can't play it together. I get very little free time to play MMO's which is the main reason why I haven't payed for one in over 3 years. With that being said I have been a huge supporter of this game since it was in beta and I want to see the game continue to grow and be fun but if the zoning issue has been forgotten I'm afraid it will continue to die. I know of a handful of people who have said they will try again in 6 months when hopefully many of these issues are straightened out but if too many people say that, I'm worried if this game will continue to fall short. Please give me and the community an update to how you are working/intending on improving this so we can continue to enjoy this game with our friends no matter what content they are on. If you want suggestions or ideas I have a number I'm sure you have already considered but am willing to throw them around anyway in case anything has been overlooked. Thank you for taking the time to read this and hopefully respond.

Faelan Lindaru
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