I feel very cheated by what has recently transpired. For those of you who don't know, there is caravan in Reaper's March with various (gambling) activities and games. One of these activities is Lizard Racing. In order to compete in this game, contestants must first pay an entry fee and then pick one of the lizards available to race.
This is where money comes into the picture. The idea is simple, everyone pays a fee toward the pot and the victor collects it (after Hadran takes his cut). Three lizards race from one end of the 'track' to the other, and the first one to reach the other side is the winner.
It's all very exciting, except there's one major flaw with the system. The winner doesn't actually receive any prize whatsoever. Whaaaat? Yeah, you heard right, there's an entry fee but no reward!
This type of practice is unacceptable.
Needless to say, my lizard won the race and I fully expect my 59g to be returned to me. You can donate the rest of my winnings to a charity.
Good day.
Oblongship wrote: »
Crying over 59g?
I feel very cheated by what has recently transpired. For those of you who don't know, there is caravan in Reaper's March with various (gambling) activities and games. One of these activities is Lizard Racing. In order to compete in this game, contestants must first pay an entry fee and then pick one of the lizards available to race.
This is where money comes into the picture. The idea is simple, everyone pays a fee toward the pot and the victor collects it (after Hadran takes his cut). Three lizards race from one end of the 'track' to the other, and the first one to reach the other side is the winner.
It's all very exciting, except there's one major flaw with the system. The winner doesn't actually receive any prize whatsoever. Whaaaat? Yeah, you heard right, there's an entry fee but no reward!
This type of practice is unacceptable.
Needless to say, my lizard won the race and I fully expect my 59g to be returned to me. You can donate the rest of my winnings to a charity.
Good day.