alexandru987eb17_ESO wrote: »Its balanced as it is... they can teleport a lot you can charge them a lot too...
If they ever put a cd or anything on the teleport they would have to also place cooldowns on related spells like the NB invisibility, the DK`s root, every charge/movement speed buff and so on...
You can`t just nerf one spell, you either nerf them all or you leave it as it is....
The spell does exactly what was intended... it helps the mage escape... it has counters and it not all that OP as he isn`t doing anything, he is not killing you he is just running away. He has no magicka to both run AND do something...
Its the same with a NB going invisible... right now its bugged and it will pull them out of it for a lot of reasons... BUT soon it won`t be and they will just spam it too...
That`s why every class has some nice and unique abilities, to force people to be creative...
charley222 wrote: »
nothing stop teleport spamer