Is a Vampire Tank viable?

I've been playing a DK tank and I would like her to be a vampire for character reasons, but I'm not sure how viable it is with the fire weakness. Fire is EVERYWHERE, it seems. The passives are kind of nice for tanking with extra regen and damage reduction and such, but I'm just not sure how viable it is. Does anyone have any experience here? Any thoughts? Thanks.
  • ChampionSheWolf
    Any tank is viable, what you need to do is account for your weaknesses which vampires only have one of and be prepared because there are a lot of fights that affect that general weakness.
    Harbinger of The Black Wolves.
    Member of Grindstone.

    Ebonheart Pact
    Tyra Ravenheim - Templar (newly rerolled)
  • TwistedRiddlesb14_ESO
    Any tank is viable, what you need to do is account for your weaknesses which vampires only have one of and be prepared because there are a lot of fights that affect that general weakness.

    Yeah. I guess what I am asking is, is it advantageous? Do the benefits outweigh the fire weakness?
  • ErilAq
    I'm not sure how a dk vampire would fit, but my friend runs a NB vamp tank and he has no problems. anything non fire related he can basically tank and spank himself, and while fire hits him harder than it otherwise would, he's never been severely gimped to the point of uselessness. (I may have to pop a larger heal chain than I would have, but it's not severely taxing.)
    Internet armchair warriors attack! Yayayayayayaaaaaah!!!!
  • TwistedRiddlesb14_ESO
    ErilAq wrote: »
    I'm not sure how a dk vampire would fit, but my friend runs a NB vamp tank and he has no problems. anything non fire related he can basically tank and spank himself, and while fire hits him harder than it otherwise would, he's never been severely gimped to the point of uselessness. (I may have to pop a larger heal chain than I would have, but it's not severely taxing.)

    Interesting. Do you know how severe the weakness is?
  • ErilAq
    I honestly don't, but with his fire resist items he takes maybe 1/4 health if he takes a boss ability full in the face, but you can avoid much of that. Like I said, I'm just going off what I see from healing him. It wed makes "oh ****" moments easier with the reduced damage taken when below 50%
    Internet armchair warriors attack! Yayayayayayaaaaaah!!!!
  • TwistedRiddlesb14_ESO
    ErilAq wrote: »
    I honestly don't, but with his fire resist items he takes maybe 1/4 health if he takes a boss ability full in the face, but you can avoid much of that. Like I said, I'm just going off what I see from healing him. It wed makes "oh ****" moments easier with the reduced damage taken when below 50%

    Right. Thanks for the input. I may do it, then. I just wish being a vampire didn't seem so high maintenance. I feel like the feeding thing may get annoying, but I might try it out.
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