In the wake of the new patch, there's been some shakiness with maintaining large groups within Cyrodiil. Some people, all of whom seemed to have had NVIDIA graphics units, were experience massive FPS drops as the group got larger.
Something I'm sure will be ironed out with haste but it got me thinking. Short of numbers and bodies there are no bonuses for grouping.
I therefore suggest that a small batch of bonuses be granted reliant upon size of the group.
Mind you bonuses would not get better with a larger group, they would just change.
Smaller groups (4-6 players) could gain a small bonus to stealth detection and movement speed. Something minute but noticeable and fun.
Medium Size groups (8-16 players) could get a small damage bonus against enemy NPCs, and in combat health regen.
Large groups (16-Full) could get a slower rate of siege decay when attacking enemy keeps and whatnot as well as a slight damage bonus to the structures or a coordination bonus when meeting in force on force battles.
What do you guys think? What other types of bonuses - keep them small and fun not ridiculous and game breaking- would you like to see?
Edited by WraithAzraiel on May 23, 2014 5:24PM Shendell De'Gull - V14 Vampire Nightblade
Captain of the Black Howling
"There's no such thing as overkill..."
"No problem on the face of the Earth exists what can't be fixed with the proper application of enough duct tape and 550 cord."