I would like to see the ability to take 7 pieces of armor, nullify all of its stats and turn it into a Player Created Costumes.
This would work by Combining 7 pieces of armor to create 1 Costume, which is bound when worn.
After it has been bound to the players account, said Costumes could be Naming similar to the horse. (This is to block foul names, you know what I mean ^_-)
Reason: I would love to REenjoy the look of Armor styles that I outlvled and provide very interesting aspects for the RP community. There are already a few Rare Costumes out there, but there is nothing like one you made yourself

How would this be added to the game?:
1. A special Wardrobe vendor could be added, asking the player to stick in the armor pieces into the correct slots (Just like the character equipment gui), then click [fashion]. The would require X amount of gold to preform.
2. A new Crafting line could be added which works similar to the above vendor, however you must gain high enough lvls in the skill line to place higher lvl gear / quality together. Also special Fashion mats are needed based on the quality of the costume being put together.
Example Skill line:
(+)0/9 -Attire: Allows Higher level pieces of armor to be fashioned together.
(+)0/4 -Ensemble: Allows Higher quality pieces of armor to be fashioned together.
(+)0/3 -Apparel Hireling: A hireling that sends random style of armor pieces and fashion mats.
*These armor pieces would sell for like 0g to vendors, they are purely for style*
(+)0/3 -Asunder: Increases the chance to obtain Fashion mats when deconstructing costumes.
Edited by Jade_Knightblazerb14_ESO on June 25, 2014 12:26AM