Nox_Aeterna wrote: »Having companions with you was one of the things i liked the most in SW:TOR.
I already have a pet following me around (my man) but yes, I would like companions. Provided they were smart enough not to get in my way and I wouldn't be able to kill them.
In Skyrim I got the dog. He got in my way and I accidentally killed him. It broke my heart. I reloaded from an earlier save but the stress of managing the companions was too much for it to be worth it. So I send the pooch home and never used any companions ever again.
ZurinArctus wrote: »I remember submitting feedback for this back in beta.
I think it would an awesome addition as you could truly play then ANY PLAY STYLE as they've repeatedly advertised. Right now, you'll be loading up specific bars with synergized weapon and armor sets. You really cannot play any way you want and expect to win.
With a three archetypical companion system, you could compliment any archetype of your own: DPS with tank, tank with healer, healer with tank, DPS with healer, etc.
It would be awesome to be able to pick up a companion at Inns, with each Inn offering different styles of companions. Even better if you could further customize them yourself.
I'd prefer a EQ style of mercenary over FFXI companion ... where you could pay an hourly upkeep to temporarily hire the companion or pay a larger one time fee to have them indefinitely.
MalavarTCOne wrote: »ZurinArctus wrote: »
This would also be able to justify their major hits and nerfs to NB or other veterans who want to solo late game.
Nox_Aeterna wrote: »Mate , only ES had actually went out of my way to have one was skyrim , i got Vilja , which is a mod companion , and she made made the game a LOT better.
Having companions with you was one of the things i liked the most in SW:TOR.
Ruze is a veteran of the PC Beta, lived through the year one drought, survived the buy-to-play conversion, and has stepped foot in the hells known as Craglorn. He mained a nightlbade when nightblades weren't good, and has never worn a robe. He converted from PC during the console betas, and hasn't regretted it a moment since.
He'd rank ESO:TU (in it's current state) a 4.8 out of 5, loving the game almost entirely.
ruze84b14_ESO wrote: »Companions are a great 'handicap'. Keep them out of PvP, though.
By handicap, I mean this: if you complete something competitive (veteran dungeon/trials) with a companion, you get a separate scoreboard and time. If you do it without a companion, this is also noted.
My archer would LOVE to have an in-your-face companion to run ahead of me and aggro mobs.