1.1.2 Ruin Summon Shades

The Shade doesnt hold the aggro anymore so its useless... Before the patch I used summon shades as a bait to hold aggro of groups while I kill mobs one by one with my bow. Now after Patch if you send the shade to a group and then kill 1 mob, you will get the aggro of the entire group, before patch you just get the aggro of the mob that you were attacking while others stay fighting the shadow...

This is how the shades work before patch:

  • Koensol
    The way it was before seems more like an exploit to me.
  • Kryank
    This sucks!! just got my NB to V1 and this was the only way I could manage packs of VR mobs reliably as after our initial burst our sustain is laughable!! we don't even get the same damage if we stealth and attack from behind it has to be a sneak that always baffles me!!
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  • killedbyping
    Shades didnt hold aggro before the patch...
    If you engage into open fights mobs usualy switch to you after 1-3 hits.
    SOME TIMES, and i mean SOME TIMES mobs keep attacking or switch target back to Shade for some unknown reason. But it is only happens SOME TIMES.
    The only way to keep mobs attacking Shade was 1 hit them with Ambush and go sneak again.
    Edited by killedbyping on May 23, 2014 8:54AM
  • Chelo
    Shades didnt hold aggro before the patch...
    If you engage into open fights mobs usualy switch to you after 1-3 hits.
    SOME TIMES, and i mean SOME TIMES mobs keep attacking or switch target back to Shade for some unknown reason. But it is only happens SOME TIMES.
    The only way to keep mobs attacking Shade was 1 hit them with Ambush and go sneak again.

    Man watch the video, the shade hold the aggro of the group, you ONLY get the aggro of the mob that you attack. Of course if you use an AoE, you will get the aggro of the entire group...

    Before patch, the Shade was intented to be a bait while the NB can kill mobs one by one. Now its useless because it cant hold the aggro anymore and still doesnt do dmg like before, because the shade NEVER did dmg, the whole point of having a shade was to use it as a bait...
  • Tzikness
    Soul Shriven
    Well there goes my whole way of accomplishing anything. I shall investigate this for myself.
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    you have to admit. not gaining agro after the shades died was rather broken
  • Tzikness
    Soul Shriven
    Yup, they killed the skill. You can't touch one of them without getting all the aggro.
  • killedbyping
    Chelo wrote: »
    Shades didnt hold aggro before the patch...
    If you engage into open fights mobs usualy switch to you after 1-3 hits.
    SOME TIMES, and i mean SOME TIMES mobs keep attacking or switch target back to Shade for some unknown reason. But it is only happens SOME TIMES.
    The only way to keep mobs attacking Shade was 1 hit them with Ambush and go sneak again.

    Man watch the video, the shade hold the aggro of the group, you ONLY get the aggro of the mob that you attack. Of course if you use an AoE, you will get the aggro of the entire group...

    Before patch, the Shade was intented to be a bait while the NB can kill mobs one by one. Now its useless because it cant hold the aggro anymore and still doesnt do dmg like before, because the shade NEVER did dmg, the whole point of having a shade was to use it as a bait...

    How about you read the post ?
    I am the one who also use this skill. I mainly use single target abilitys still if you engage into open fight mobs turn on you.
    ONLY SOME TIMES they do not agro on you for some reason. It apears you have about 3-4 second to kill the mob and go away from others in order to make them not attack you.
    But if you stay near they WILL turn on you no matter before patch or after.
  • nez
    Koensol wrote: »
    The way it was before seems more like an exploit to me.
    oh gosh you are so clever
    Na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na na Batmaaaan
  • Chelo
    Chelo wrote: »
    Shades didnt hold aggro before the patch...
    If you engage into open fights mobs usualy switch to you after 1-3 hits.
    SOME TIMES, and i mean SOME TIMES mobs keep attacking or switch target back to Shade for some unknown reason. But it is only happens SOME TIMES.
    The only way to keep mobs attacking Shade was 1 hit them with Ambush and go sneak again.

    Man watch the video, the shade hold the aggro of the group, you ONLY get the aggro of the mob that you attack. Of course if you use an AoE, you will get the aggro of the entire group...

    Before patch, the Shade was intented to be a bait while the NB can kill mobs one by one. Now its useless because it cant hold the aggro anymore and still doesnt do dmg like before, because the shade NEVER did dmg, the whole point of having a shade was to use it as a bait...

    How about you read the post ?
    I am the one who also use this skill. I mainly use single target abilitys still if you engage into open fight mobs turn on you.
    ONLY SOME TIMES they do not agro on you for some reason. It apears you have about 3-4 second to kill the mob and go away from others in order to make them not attack you.
    But if you stay near they WILL turn on you no matter before patch or after.

    But I was using the shades with a bow so I always stay out of rage and the mobs never agro me (before patch). Now it doesnt matter if I stay out of range, they sill agro me (after patch)...

    This patch ruin the only viable way to kill groups of mobs using a single target bow build as a NB (staying out of danger)...

    My entire range build revolves around the shade ...
  • Chelo
    Tzikness wrote: »
    Yup, they killed the skill. You can't touch one of them without getting all the aggro.

    Thats the point, the skill only make sense if you use the shade as a bait to agro the mobs because it wasnt a dmg skill before patch and still isnt a dmg skill after patch, the only difference is that it cant hold agro anymore, so basicly they kill the only use of the skill...
    Edited by Chelo on May 23, 2014 11:48AM
  • Lynx7386
    Without drastically increasing the damage output of the shades, it's going to be useless if it cant distract a mob or two like it used to.
    PS4 / NA
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  • adesanawa
    I agree. This update definitely killed the skill for me. The damage wasn't any different from before (not to mention the VR mobs are buffed, which made them just as or even more useless) and they lost their main function: distraction.

    I mean come on, even Sorc pets can hold aggro even for a bit.

    If I have to be positive about it, I think this skill was meant for Tanky NB or to help out the main tank with the 15% damage debuff.
    They should've given us refunds like the other skill changes tho, now this skill is just a waste of 2 SPs.
  • Evergreen
    Koensol wrote: »
    The way it was before seems more like an exploit to me.

    I don't get why Dragon Knights or other classes come into Nightblade threads and are like

  • Chelo
    I hope Devs read this...
  • Koensol
    @evergreen I play a NB ty. @nez Well, OP clearly doesn't think so. Thanks for you condescending though.

  • Stx
    I thought they were going to buff the damage on shades this patch? The hell happened to that
  • Obscure
    The more things change the more they stay the same. Nightblade's getting wrecked in PvE? Business as usual. Think everyone was thinking Nightblade couldn't possibly get worse...clearly did not know who they were dealing with. Give it a few more months for ZOS to figure out how to fix the class. IMHO you want to be an awesome stealth assassin? Roll DK. You'll have the freedom to change it up to be a Tank or a Healer if you get bored too. It'll give ZOS time to figure out WTF the hang up is while you enjoy being awesome.
  • dracobains_ESO
    Devs dont really give a crap about how this affects players. I mean lets be honest here. This was something they meant to happen and it won't change. They either expect grouping or they desire content to be at a difficulty level that only a portion of the population can be successful.

    I am honestly completely confused about what their expectations are for gameplay. I keep hearing we are suppose to group in Vet content but the grouping mechanics of this game are god awful. The LFG tools are pitiful and nobody ever ever seems to use them. Low population, poor tools, and phasing issues make grouping a fruitless endeavor a great deal of the time. Prime time is better, but I rarely play during prime time. So if they expect people to group to get through content, it is the most punitive oversight I have seen from any online game.

    Honestly I have no hope they are ever going to make the game more middle of the road. Forums are nothing but fanboy rage with very little constructive replies and the devs keep everything so F^%&ing ambiguous it is near impossible to glean expectations or discerning what is bugged or as intended. Playing this game has been an exercise in futility but I really was hoping it would be the next evolution to MMOs. How wrong was I...?
    IRONCLAD of Ebonheart Pact
    We don't have popularity contests because we believe it is better to be Feared than Loved.
  • Chelo
    Are Devs going to rework the skill? Im waiting for an entire NB rework...
  • Ilterendi
    As I said in another post. I love this game, but having flashbacks of SWTOR is terrifying. I am quickly losing faith in ZOS 's ability to manage their game. Seems like if you want to compete roll a DK, or Sorc to some degree. Not to mention they implement a "fix" to boting by effectively nerfing templars with zero justifications. Just makes me sick...
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