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Not Going to Punish Myself - Difficulty Change was NOT Tested

  • Natjur
    Before today's patch 7 light armor builds were better, but medium and heavy armor builds could still level (just harder)

    Now, I think most will switch to 7 light armor builds.
  • daihok75b14_ESO
    Soul Shriven
    MrBeatDown wrote: »
    ...are we talking VR10-12? IF so its SUPPOSED to be Hard. Else because the players will /roflstomp the game 12 hours after launch of 1.1 and then will just /elitewhine that they want more content.

    after the nerf the normal v5-v10 trash mob monsters have become very very hard to kill. Can only kill 1 if its by itself. 3 trash mobs completely destroy me now. I haven't even bothered walking out the town in craglorn to see how bad it is. No fun at all, Im a Imperial Dk so I no longer have any viable attack skills.

    This I just don't understand? I am DK Vr3 doing VR5 mobs and can take 3 at a time. I just don't understand this if you are a DK. Other classes im not sure about would have test but my sorc and Templar only vr1.
  • tilolyen_ESO
    Well for *** and giggles, I went back to THE RIFT to fight a mob 1 vs 1 I could take prior to the patch. I went down faster then Oprah after a jelly donut.
  • theweakminded

    Enjoy your f2p game in a couple of months.

    Not until they recover 100% of game's "losses" first. Common industry (and business) practice. IF the game cost 200million... they make 50x1 million on box sales... that leaves 150million in subs left: That would be a year or so in subs (assuming everyone stays onboard).

    At this rate, you are looking at 2yrs, tons of people leaving. Either they do something or they go under.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    At this rate, you are looking at 2yrs, tons of people leaving. Either they do something or they go under.


    And unlike EA Games... ZeniMax doesn't have a horde of capital to bail itself out. Recently Zeni filed lawsuit vs Occulus (or whatever) over patent infrigement.

    Is this an attempt to "fundraise" before they go bankrupt? Hopefully not.

    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on May 23, 2014 3:58AM
    Indeed it is so...
  • Yankee

    Enjoy your f2p game in a couple of months.

    Not until they recover 100% of game's "losses" first. Common industry (and business) practice. IF the game cost 200million... they make 50x1 million on box sales... that leaves 150million in subs left: That would be a year or so in subs (assuming everyone stays onboard).

    I have to wonder if the bean counters want them to cut their losses, kill the population, and shut the servers down.

    Because especially if intended and left off the patch notes, this incredible change will not be keeping subs.
  • zaria
    ciannait wrote: »
    Arreyanne wrote: »
    OP now now they had their elite PTS testers testing this

    It was tested just fine ask them

    Actually it sounds like exactly what happened in beta - lots of reported issues, none of which got fixed for the release.
    This sounds a lot to me like an late bug, high probability that it came inn after they was done testing the normal content and only tested the new zone.
    Probably difficulty for VR11-12 mob who is designed to be fought in groups continued down to the normal veteran levels.

    The patch note said XP gain from killing mobs and players had been increase nothing about difficulty being increased, it also makes no sense increasing difficulty the purpose of increasing xp is to make it easier to grind or pvp to level up, no reason to try to slow people down from reaching VR10 anymore.
    Grinding just make you go in circles.
    Asking ZoS for nerfs is as stupid as asking for close air support from the death star.
  • theweakminded
    Game was too easy before. Stop crying. It should be even harder than this to weed out the button mashers with tunnel vision. As a healer I watch these failhards stand in fire or not dodge big attacks or aoe's all day. Skilled players should be at the top. Not everyone like wow.

    Great business model. Chase everyone off who doesn't want a second (or third) job. Yes, content needs to be challenging, but if you plan to port a very freeform single player game to an MMO, you must have the difficulty set to playable for all. There are better ways to create challenging endgame for the best players.

    WoW for example tried this (not claiming it is perfect or not), but all players can do some level of endgame. Heroic level raiding and high rated pvp (and the rewards) are for the best players and provide a challenge for any good player. Without a model similar to that, games do not survive anymore. May not need both, but have content accessible to all players is mandatory.

    The elitist mindset is no longer viable as a business model. Gaming has evolved into a pastime for all kinds of people. People can learn to be better at games and ESO has a bit of a learning curve in comparison to other memo styles (especially in thru healing and damage avoidance areas). Give people a break and help them learn.
  • ExiledKhallisi
    Vlaxitov wrote: »
    Game was too easy before. Stop crying. It should be even harder than this to weed out the button mashers with tunnel vision. As a healer I watch these failhards stand in fire or not dodge big attacks or aoe's all day. Skilled players should be at the top. Not everyone like wow.

    So my question to this TOOL that belongs back in the shed, IS THIS A GAME OR A JOB??? I bet you are a skilled player as well pushing those 3 heal buttons too. Hypocrisy at its finest.

    I'd be interested in knowing what level content he is playing.

    Like half the dominion V3 content was doable and then I hit a brick wall where the mobs could basically 2-4 shot me if I didn't do something. I'm going down too fast to even get a grip on what is wrong. Basically, the solo content feels like I'm trying to solo a pre vet level dungeon at appropriate level.

    V8 current on main v1 on my alt.

    Really guys, just adapt. This happens in every mmo. People get to comfortable in their little worlds and stuck on FOTM builds or op combos and when the balance bat comes they cry.

    This is their world. Like it or leave it. Its sad that today's gamers want everything to be so simple and easy.

    Inb4 ad him comments because mad.
    >>>>>>>>(DC)Guild Master of Biestas 250+ Active Members<<<<<<<<
    ||||||Vr14 Sorc: Darkened Soul vr14 Templar: Tiffaney||||||
    “Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.”
    ― Sun Tzu, The Art of War
  • Worstluck
    I don't have such an issue with harder mobs here and there, but questing is a mostly solo experience right now, and an increase in difficulty didn't seem warranted to me. We can only hope that it was not intended. I do not understand why there is no one commenting on any of these issues. A lot of my achievements are also just missing; quest achievements reset to zero and the like (i am a dominion hero, yet i've apparently done zero quests there)...finding lots of issues so far unfortunately.
    Edited by Worstluck on May 23, 2014 4:06AM
    Worstluck - Breton Nightblade "Some of us refused to bow. We knew the old ways would lead us back to having a kingdom of our own."
    Elfluck - Dunmer Dragonknight "When I will walk the earth again, the Faithful among you shall receive your reward: to be set above all other mortals forever. As for the rest: the weak shall be winnowed: the timid shall be cast down: the mighty shall tremble at my feet and pray for pardon."
    ―Mehrunes Dagon
    Deadluck -Imperial Templar "Men are but flesh and blood. They know their doom, but not the hour"
    ―Uriel Septim

    Daggerfall Covenant
  • theweakminded
    At this rate, you are looking at 2yrs, tons of people leaving. Either they do something or they go under.


    And unlike EA Games... ZeniMax doesn't have a horde of capital to bail itself out. Recently Zeni filed lawsuit vs Occulus (or whatever) over patent infrigement.

    Is this an attempt to "fundraise" before they go bankrupt? Hopefully not.


    I don't think so. Bethesda Softworks owns the rights to the Elder Scroll Series. Zenimax Online is "leasing" the rights. Zenimax Media is not specifically Zenimax Online Studios.

    Edited for clarity on Zenimax Media sub-studios.
    Edited by theweakminded on May 23, 2014 4:08AM
  • Nox_Aeterna

    What? Ofc there will be other ES games.

    You know bethesda , the one that actually made the other games? Yeah , they will make the next ES game , whatever happens to this one lols.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."
    -Hanlon's razor
  • TheGrandAlliance

    The elitist mindset is no longer viable as a business model. Gaming has evolved into a pastime for all kinds of people. People can learn to be better at games and ESO has a bit of a learning curve in comparison to other memo styles (especially in thru healing and damage avoidance areas). Give people a break and help them learn.

    The elite fail to understand this concept time and time again...
    Indeed it is so...
  • Alphashado
    I am at work and can't test anything. But based on what I've read, this has to be a program error. There is no mention what so ever in the patch notes of increasing mob difficulty outside of Cyrodiil where they raised the mobs to VR5. And they increased the battle level scale to match it.

    I admit that it's strange there is no acknowledgement from zos yet, but they would never do something this major without putting it in the patch notes.
  • TheGrandAlliance
    What? Ofc there will be other ES games.

    You know bethesda , the one that actually made the other games? Yeah , they will make the next ES game , whatever happens to this one lols.


    Edited by TheGrandAlliance on May 23, 2014 4:11AM
    Indeed it is so...
  • penguinlaraub17_ESO
    Vlaxitov wrote: »
    For starters VR mobs do give more XP was getting 42xp for basic kills now getting 106xp basic kills. First everyone complained game was to easy now everyone complaining cause game to hard. Learn to adapt. Is it harder yes its harder. thank goodness is all I have to say. Game was soooo easy 1-50 and even before VR was fairly easy. have I died more since patch? Sure I have. Am I figuring out new ways to survive it? You betcha. Yes I am DK and yes I have felt the small nerfs we got hit by because Bash was definitely in my rotation for dmg. But Im adapting.

    I'll adapt to playing another game because at VR3 content 2-3 mobs can take me down in 5-7 seconds.

    I'm capped HP, Amor, Resists at V5 and two mobs give me so much trouble, 3 is just asking to die. On top of the DK tank nerf this game is unplayable now.
  • theweakminded
    Alphashado wrote: »
    I am at work and can't test anything. But based on what I've read, this has to be a program error. There is no mention what so ever in the patch notes of increasing mob difficulty outside of Cyrodiil where they raised the mobs to VR5. And they increased the battle level scale to match it.

    I admit that it's strange there is no acknowledgement from zos yet, but they would never do something this major without putting it in the patch notes.

    Lack of commentary is likely staffing issues. Only officials bouncing around are forum mode it seems like.
  • ciannait
    What? Ofc there will be other ES games.

    You know bethesda , the one that actually made the other games? Yeah , they will make the next ES game , whatever happens to this one lols.

    Who owns Bethseda? ZeniMax. If ZeniMax goes down... so does all of its assets.

    Zenimax as a parent company isn't betting the farm on this game. ZOS might go away, yes, but Zenimax itself won't.
  • Vlaxitov
    Vlaxitov wrote: »
    Game was too easy before. Stop crying. It should be even harder than this to weed out the button mashers with tunnel vision. As a healer I watch these failhards stand in fire or not dodge big attacks or aoe's all day. Skilled players should be at the top. Not everyone like wow.

    So my question to this TOOL that belongs back in the shed, IS THIS A GAME OR A JOB??? I bet you are a skilled player as well pushing those 3 heal buttons too. Hypocrisy at its finest.

    I'd be interested in knowing what level content he is playing.

    Like half the dominion V3 content was doable and then I hit a brick wall where the mobs could basically 2-4 shot me if I didn't do something. I'm going down too fast to even get a grip on what is wrong. Basically, the solo content feels like I'm trying to solo a pre vet level dungeon at appropriate level.

    V8 current on main v1 on my alt.

    Really guys, just adapt. This happens in every mmo. People get to comfortable in their little worlds and stuck on FOTM builds or op combos and when the balance bat comes they cry.

    This is their world. Like it or leave it. Its sad that today's gamers want everything to be so simple and easy.

    Inb4 ad him comments because mad.

    How exactly do you adapt out of going down in 2-7 seconds? I just can't see it. In most other occasions I'd defend what you're saying but this just doesn't seem right. I've not played this game long enough to concern myself with FOTM specs. I picked my class primarily to heal groups and now I feel too gimped to even level into other another spec to be able handle solo content by myself. I guess I only thought I was decent at these kinds of games until now.

  • theweakminded
    What? Ofc there will be other ES games.

    You know bethesda , the one that actually made the other games? Yeah , they will make the next ES game , whatever happens to this one lols.

    Who owns Bethseda? ZeniMax. If ZeniMax goes down... so does all of its assets.

    To repeat myself, Zenimax Media owns Bethsoft and ZOS. ZOS is on the hook for the cost of ESO. And in all honesty, the loss from ZOS could easily be bailed out by Bethsoft profits and still not prevent other TES or Fallout games.
  • RianaTheBosmer
    It's already bad enough that they bumped Cyrodiil mobs to VR5 basically screwing anyone who isn't around VR5 up...But they also buffed all VR mobs so they're nearly impossible.

    It was hard enough as it was before this.

    Yes, this is completely stupid. You are supposed to be able to enter Cyrodiil at level 10. There is no way Cyrodiil is level 10 and above now. It's VR 6 and above. Honestly, this is a huge screw up. They had better remove the message that you get when you reach level 10 because there is no way a level 10 can enter Cyrodiil now even with a bolster.

    Edited by RianaTheBosmer on May 23, 2014 4:15AM
  • TheGrandAlliance
    ciannait wrote: »
    Zenimax as a parent company isn't betting the farm on this game. ZOS might go away, yes, but Zenimax itself won't.

    ...because it is a Privately held company we do not know if this is true or not. They may well have "overcommited", cash flow wise especially, to ESO.
    Indeed it is so...
  • theweakminded
    Not to mention that Bethsoft could crowd source a Test or Fallout game is they really had to. Both games have insane followings. (just speculation for the lols)
  • ciannait
    ciannait wrote: »
    Zenimax as a parent company isn't betting the farm on this game. ZOS might go away, yes, but Zenimax itself won't.

    ...because it is a Privately held company we do not know if this is true or not. They may well have "overcommited", cash flow wise especially, to ESO.

    No executive wakes up in the morning and decides on the best course of action to run themselves out of business unless there's something seriously fraudulent going on...
  • AZRainman
    Big_O wrote: »
    I was instant killed by a tiger earlier. Solo grinding is almost impossible for me at the moment.

    Yeah they really crapped all over the vr zones. First time I was ever owned in 5 secs from 3 zombies in vr9. Even the wolves are tough. The ludicrous management needs firing.
  • OmniDo
    Obviously you have some masochistic tendencies. People pay to play a GAME and ENJOY themselves. This isn't "how much can we punish our customer" online.
    Turbine exhibited the same behavior with Dungeons and Dragons Online.
    They pushed their customers past the brink of frustration, then dangled them there with minor bonuses while they worked to nerf the latest enjoyment of the game.
    Its a psychology trick; the Love/Hate compulsion that places addiction to the positives slightly above the negatives, but just barely so.
    This way you curse and spew obscenities, but still keep subscribing.
  • ZiRM
    They didn't think this through or test the game at VR levels because this is going to really have many people unsubbing. I agree with you OP.
    Want to become Vampire? 5k @ZiRM in game.
    ESO Server Status. ( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ ) SkåL!!!!!
  • TheGrandAlliance
    ciannait wrote: »
    No executive wakes up in the morning and decides on the best course of action to run themselves out of business unless there's something seriously fraudulent going on...

    ...or reta rded. Case in point: Lehman brothers 2008.

    You assume that ZeniMax management is compentent. Given the launch of the game I would say it is anything but.

    IE edition lockout on first week? Minimal public conversations over game developer-to-player? Bots? Epic Bugs?


    Yes this (ZeniMax) has been /epicfail after /epicfail on how NOT to release a game. WIth Skyrim at least players could self-mod it. With ESO... not so much.
    Indeed it is so...
  • TheGrandAlliance
    To repeat myself, Zenimax Media owns Bethsoft and ZOS. ZOS is on the hook for the cost of ESO. And in all honesty, the loss from ZOS could easily be bailed out by Bethsoft profits and still not prevent other TES or Fallout games.

    ...this of course assumes there isn't a cash flow problem right now with the company.
    Indeed it is so...
  • ciannait
    ciannait wrote: »
    No executive wakes up in the morning and decides on the best course of action to run themselves out of business unless there's something seriously fraudulent going on...

    ...or reta rded. Case in point: Lehman brothers 2008.

    You assume that ZeniMax management is compentent. Given the launch of the game I would say it is anything but.

    IE edition lockout on first week? Minimal public conversations over game developer-to-player? Bots? Epic Bugs?


    Yes this (ZeniMax) has been /epicfail after /epicfail on how NOT to release a game. WIth Skyrim at least players could self-mod it. With ESO... not so much.

    I'm assuming that this particular subsidiary of Zenimax is poorly run. I have zero insight (and as you pointed out, since they're privately held, neither do you) on the corporate umbrella.

    I work in software and the pockets of idiocy can be absolutely startling in comparison to other, semi-independent groups within the same overall company.
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