Should Werewolves have a toggle-able transformation?

Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the fix, but lets face it, the WereWolf Skill line is still out DPS'ed with everything else. The cost is still outrageous, with the devour bug fixed Which I have to admit, I did abuse...but without it, its extremely hard to stay in form.There have many comments about making the transformation an "Anytime" toggle, which i have to agree with, its brilliant!

The "other" option is one I saw by a fellow commentator and idea i really liked, is the idea that its your choice to stay as a wolf, but doing so for to long, you may "Lose control" of the wolf, resulting in the inability to revert form.
It could work like this

5min=+10% DMG and -5% poison resist
10min= +15% DMG and -10% poison resist
20min= +20% DMG and -20% poison resist
30mins = +30% DMG and -30% poison rest

this would continue until it reached and hour in wolf form, at which point you would get a warning along the lines of "I'm losing control, I have to fight it" From that point of the warning you will have 30mins to revert your form, or face the consequences of the wolf consuming your humanity. You still gain buffs, but also more debuffs.

65mins= -15% defense +65%DMG and -65% poison resist
70mins= -20% def +70% DMG and -70% poison resist.

It would put time management on the player, not the game's side, and provide a more immersive feel.
The only way to revert again, is to visit the Hunting Grounds again, but this time, you fight your human self, once you have completed this you regain your humanity.

The cool down of the toggle would be half time spent in wolf mode, for example 30mins spent in wolf mode = 15mins of cooldown time.
Edited by PurpleFox on May 22, 2014 8:25PM
IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
Class: Night-Blade
Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.

Should Werewolves have a toggle-able transformation? 73 votes

Yes, werewolf transformations should be toggleable.
RaginSpyfox007_ESONosfuratuGeeYouWhyMockingCatfootloosejarlb14_ESOHypertionb14_ESOJade_Knightblazerb14_ESOn.englishb14_ESOElynaTabkeyTheBullcris13crossb16_ESOMost_AwesomeScardyFoxOrihara_IzayaBrittany_JoyTravailAunraelb16_ESOTaz 50 votes
No, I prefer it as an ultimate.
ClutchWhitePawPrintsTannakaobiGisgosagitter 5 votes
I like the toggle with your suggestion.
IagoZhoyzuelectricsnakeGrim13TargolakbiodragonPurpleFoxKlauenLocksoliMonkeyshoeslive 10 votes
Something else
smercgames_ESObloodenragedb14_ESOPyatraSyrrisdevlinXupacabraBrassRazoopanemetcircensesRazum_Khar 8 votes
  • WhitePawPrints
    No, I prefer it as an ultimate.
    Toggle would be a great idea for those who enjoy running around as packs (hoping that they'll add the four-limbed sprint instead of the current one). However, if Werewolf is ever made strong enough to justify it's high ultimate cost, then there might be balance concerns. The only way I can see toggle, and powerful werewolves being playable is if Toggle becomes another skill morph choice. Overall, I hope secondary morph choices will be added for all skills and that'd be great for the Werewolf Transformation.
  • PurpleFox
    I like the toggle with your suggestion.
    Toggle would be a great idea for those who enjoy running around as packs (hoping that they'll add the four-limbed sprint instead of the current one). However, if Werewolf is ever made strong enough to justify it's high ultimate cost, then there might be balance concerns. The only way I can see toggle, and powerful werewolves being playable is if Toggle becomes another skill morph choice. Overall, I hope secondary morph choices will be added for all skills and that'd be great for the Werewolf Transformation.

    Thanks for the input anyway :wink:
    My hope is that of a complete revamp of the skill line, and that four-limbed sprint, I want that back too ;-;
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Bigswanga
    Soul Shriven
    Yes, werewolf transformations should be toggleable.
    Yea I would love the idea of being able to change at will. It would be even better if they gave the wolf more skills. Personally i would let the time run out and be a wolf 24/7.
  • Zhoyzu
    I like the toggle with your suggestion.
    the thing you suggested sounds really awesome (excluding number because i dont feel like debating specifics).

    That concept would entice me to get ww for all my characters
    Zhoyzu - Nightblade Alchemist (v15) RETIRED
    Has-No-Heart - Templar Enchanter (v4) FUBAR
    Ambadassador - Dragon knight (v1) Naked with no future (returned from the naked realm to tank PvE)
    Sakis Tolis - Sorceror (v10 in progress) Living Legend!

    Xuhl'Xotuun - Warden Current Main as im starting the game over essentially with this character aside from crafting.

    Creator of Khajiit fall dmg reduction racial passive concept.

  • MockingCat
    Yes, werewolf transformations should be toggleable.
    I like your setup but the -def wouldnt be good i realize thats kinda the point but WWs already drop like fly's in a mob of 3 or more with the -def we would be decimated by mobs of 3 or more. Unless we get more skills that give us more servivablity i cant see the -def being a reasonable debuff. I think a higher poison weakness and the stuck as WW would be a good debuff after the hour in WW.
    Also i dont think there should be a CD as theres no skill CDs. But if it should stay an ult the cost should stay at 1k If its tooglable. That wold be your cooldown and WW would be worth the 1k ult.
  • PurpleFox
    I like the toggle with your suggestion.
    I like your setup but the -def wouldnt be good i realize thats kinda the point but WWs already drop like fly's in a mob of 3 or more with the -def we would be decimated by mobs of 3 or more. Unless we get more skills that give us more servivablity i cant see the -def being a reasonable debuff. I think a higher poison weakness and the stuck as WW would be a good debuff after the hour in WW.
    Also i dont think there should be a CD as theres no skill CDs. But if it should stay an ult the cost should stay at 1k If its tooglable. That wold be your cooldown and WW would be worth the 1k ult.

    I kind of thought of those buff/debuff things on the spot to be honest, I would like to be a WW for as long as i want, but I don't want to have it made toggle-able without a reprimand. By this I mean that, if we do get just straight toggle, no penalties, you know there will be people who *** to have it nerf'ed, then it inevitably will, so its best to have the negatives in place already.
    Defense was the first thing that came to mind.
    I see what your saying though that the 1k would be the cooldown, but how would that work exactly, it being toggle and ultimate?
    If it were like the Siphoning strikes where it toggle on and off at your choice, then you could put a time limit, heck even switch abilities while its on cool down. We are about talking about a massive overhaul here, anything is possible!
    Edited by PurpleFox on May 23, 2014 2:11AM
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • biodragon
    I like the toggle with your suggestion.
    It should be toggle without doubt.
    I also like "feral" version werewolf, but you go to deep with the numbers.

    Here I described what I'm expecting from werewolves: (wall of text warning)
    Edited by biodragon on May 23, 2014 10:14AM
  • MockingCat
    Yes, werewolf transformations should be toggleable.
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    I like your setup but the -def wouldnt be good i realize thats kinda the point but WWs already drop like fly's in a mob of 3 or more with the -def we would be decimated by mobs of 3 or more. Unless we get more skills that give us more servivablity i cant see the -def being a reasonable debuff. I think a higher poison weakness and the stuck as WW would be a good debuff after the hour in WW.
    Also i dont think there should be a CD as theres no skill CDs. But if it should stay an ult the cost should stay at 1k If its tooglable. That wold be your cooldown and WW would be worth the 1k ult.

    I kind of thought of those buff/debuff things on the spot to be honest, I would like to be a WW for as long as i want, but I don't want to have it made toggle-able without a reprimand. By this I mean that, if we do get just straight toggle, no penalties, you know there will be people who *** to have it nerf'ed, then it inevitably will, so its best to have the negatives in place already.
    Defense was the first thing that came to mind.
    I see what your saying though that the 1k would be the cooldown, but how would that work exactly, it being toggle and ultimate?
    If it were like the Siphoning strikes where it toggle on and off at your choice, then you could put a time limit, heck even switch abilities while its on cool down. We are about talking about a massive overhaul here, anything is possible!

    Only resion i dont like the -Def is that curtly we have 2 skills a distance closer and a fear. We dont hit hard and have no other skill that we can use at close range like a maul or a sweep something like that. If we had a few more skills and a heal type skill(or make devor be our heal but remove the CD on it) that would give WW more damage output. Then the -def would be fine. But right now WW are weak as all, like i could stand in a mob of 3 and die slower in human form. If i did that in WW form id die alot faster. To me thats not right WW form should not die faster than your human form. Your sapoted to go on a rampage not die from a few hits before you can do so.
    Im not totaly sure how to do the cooldown. only resion i sajest it be a 1k ult if tooglable is to keep with the no cooldown on skills.
  • Hypertionb14_ESO
    Yes, werewolf transformations should be toggleable.
    I think it would work very well as a toggle if....

    1. Make Duration based on ultimate,

    2. Basic Ultimate gain locked while in WW form

    3. Devour Restore Ultimate in order to increase time.

    4. Devour Ultimate restored Based on number of nearby corpses when used, base restore = 100 per.

    5. Keep the current initial cost as the required amount to enter the state, like the base cost that Overload has to enter that state.

    and the result would be a WW that can be "toggled" like Sorcerers Overload, like a 40 ultimate cost per second while in WW form, for a base time limit of 25 seconds without feeding.

    done right you could wait untill combat ends to feed and then immediately exit the form so you can save enough ultimate to re-enter asap in the next fight.
    I play every class in every situation. I love them all.
  • dr_zed
    Yes, werewolf transformations should be toggleable.
    The thing is, WW atm is not stronger than a normal form, it's just different. So a cost on it is ridiculous because you are not getting "stronger", you are not getting something worth 800 ultimate points. Not even mentioning the weaknesses and all the skill points spent in the ult. I think toggle is the best course of action here. It would balance it, it would make it a viable ultimate.

    You can just let the WW be as it is, change it to toggle, rework Devour and Blood Rage (cause they will be pointless with toggle), and just let the ww stay as it is: with no CC break, no roll, no sneak. Idc about that if the toggle compensates it.
    Edited by dr_zed on May 25, 2014 12:46AM
  • MockingCat
    Yes, werewolf transformations should be toggleable.
    dr_zed wrote: »
    The thing is, WW atm is not stronger than a normal form, it's just different. So a cost on it is ridiculous because you are not getting "stronger", you are not getting something worth 800 ultimate points. Not even mentioning the weaknesses and all the skill points spent in the ult. I think toggle is the best course of action here. It would balance it, it would make it a viable ultimate.

    You can just let the WW be as it is, change it to toggle, rework Devour and Blood Rage (cause they will be pointless with toggle), and just let the ww stay as it is: with no CC break, no roll, no sneak. Idc about that if the toggle compensates it.

    Agreed, Being in human form your considerably stronger than in your WW form. WW should be stronger or at lest up to par with your human form not weaker.
    And we do have a dodge roll now since patch 1.1.2
    Edited by MockingCat on May 25, 2014 1:41AM
  • Novantco
    Yes, werewolf transformations should be toggleable.
    Yes and at the very least reduce the damn ultimate cost for the moment ugh. It wouldn't take much effort to improve the skill line imo WW and Vamps should get as almost as much attention as the main classes.

    Having something like that in an MMO makes it stand out from the crowd and would attract customers. So you don't want more customers then Zenimax?
  • panemetcircenses
    Something else
    I made a rather wall-o-text suggestion of my own elsewhere, here, and a further clarification of my suggestion and reasoning behind it, here. I'm not sure a full toggle would work from a balance perspective, but for Werewolves to be fun they certainly need better access to their abilities and to have their Skill point investment do something minimally worthwhile when not Transformed. At this point, putting Skill Points into World Skills - Werewolf is a wasted investment most of the time, and you end up with Poison Vulnerability on top of unusable Skill Points in mortal form.
    Edited by panemetcircenses on May 27, 2014 12:26AM
  • PurpleFox
    I like the toggle with your suggestion.
    I go away for one weekend, come back to find 22 emails on alerting me to multiple thread reply's....damn this blew up fast :/

    It's also nice to see the voting coming along pretty well :)


    I read through your page, and although its really quite a great idea, though I think that's a bit over the head of the Dev's especially when they have NightBlades to fix among other things.
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • BrassRazoo
    Something else
    Warewolves should not be a playable character / type.
  • PurpleFox
    I like the toggle with your suggestion.
    BrassRazoo wrote: »
    Warewolves should not be a playable character / type.
    "Don't make me angry, you wouldn't like me when i'm angry." -Bruce Banner

    That is one opinion I don't think this community will appreciate, my suggestion would be to run, and take shelter on the full moon...Some aren't as understanding as I am after all.
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • panemetcircenses
    Something else
    PurpleFox wrote: »
    I go away for one weekend, come back to find 22 emails on alerting me to multiple thread reply's....damn this blew up fast :/

    It's also nice to see the voting coming along pretty well :)


    I read through your page, and although its really quite a great idea, though I think that's a bit over the head of the Dev's especially when they have NightBlades to fix among other things.

    Hey now, the only mechanic I borrowed from the NightBlade for my suggestion was one that isn't bugged... so far as I know. I'm not completely crazy, really. :innocent:
  • Syrrisdevlin
    Something else
    I'm not sure if this has all been said or not I know most of it has been but here is my 2cents on WW. I fully agree WW should be a toggle ability but I feel it should have sharp incentives to keep peeps from running around in ww form 24/7 perhaps adjusting it so poison dmg is increased to 100% while in ww form vs 50% while in human form. maybe lowing your health regen by 50% while in ww form keep ww form as a ultimate that's toggle

    maybe add another ability that's melee based. Like a swip or something that does dmg to mult targets in your frontal arc with the morph abilities 1 adding a knock back to the targets and the other morph maybe increasing dmg done to closest target like the Templar spear ability

    devourer should be changed from increasing ww time to restoring health along with any other abilities that currently add to ww time to reducing the penalties for being in ww form like the vampire abilities do for being in stage 4 hunger,

    feral pounce is just plain out crap as is if nothing els it needs to be changed from 1 sec of added ww time to 5-10secs because as is most the time it takes longer to pounce then the amount of time you gain from doing so. but to go along with the changes make feral pounce add a bleed effect to said target that heals the ww so much over time

    bloodrage should be changed to add stamina regen in ww form

    savage streangth should add power to your attacks per kill for 5-10secs stacking up to 5 times

    call of the pack could be changed to add health regen to other ww while in ww form
  • PurpleFox
    I like the toggle with your suggestion.
    I'm not sure if this has all been said or not I know most of it has been but here is my 2cents on WW. I fully agree WW should be a toggle ability but I feel it should have sharp incentives to keep peeps from running around in ww form 24/7 perhaps adjusting it so poison dmg is increased to 100% while in ww form vs 50% while in human form. maybe lowing your health regen by 50% while in ww form keep ww form as a ultimate that's toggle

    maybe add another ability that's melee based. Like a swip or something that does dmg to mult targets in your frontal arc with the morph abilities 1 adding a knock back to the targets and the other morph maybe increasing dmg done to closest target like the Templar spear ability

    devourer should be changed from increasing ww time to restoring health along with any other abilities that currently add to ww time to reducing the penalties for being in ww form like the vampire abilities do for being in stage 4 hunger,

    feral pounce is just plain out crap as is if nothing els it needs to be changed from 1 sec of added ww time to 5-10secs because as is most the time it takes longer to pounce then the amount of time you gain from doing so. but to go along with the changes make feral pounce add a bleed effect to said target that heals the ww so much over time

    bloodrage should be changed to add stamina regen in ww form

    savage streangth should add power to your attacks per kill for 5-10secs stacking up to 5 times

    call of the pack could be changed to add health regen to other ww while in ww form

    ._. Yes it has been said already, saw the same post on "FIX THE WEREWOLF" thread....please...don't copy and paste
    IGN: Sophie Daedric-Heart
    Class: Night-Blade
    Pack Master of Hircine's Wolfpack
    Don't Sell the gift, instead, give the gift.
  • Chrlynsch
    I can see WW as a viable investment if you go the extreme of one of two routes. The two being; Toggle ultimate class and high ultimate cost/highest damage.

    Ww toggle mode would allow a lot of people their dreams come true, give them a few more abilities to mix up their gameplay devour already heals but only give them that, make it apply a hot after initial heal but no other healer healing abilities. Let them transform at will, sneak/stalk their prey, and a solid speed boost on all fours when sprinting. Make it fun! Remember wolves can't mount.

    But here is the catch... toggle doesn’t mean instant. Make the transformation looonng, make it look frightening, and make it look painful. I'm talking 8+ seconds. Pvp it allows vulnerability so one cant access that third skill bar whenever with ease. They won't be able to drop form, apply heals buffs hots and switch back.

    Ultimate should be similar to now buuut a hefty boost to damage. No way to increase time but morphs should be a "wrecking ball" or "spiked wrecking ball". Pure damage and hard to kill. Flexibility makes up for increased ultimate cost. Most people can't block dodge interrupt any ultimate. The Wolf will keep coming. The Wolf won't stop.

    Pack Leader of Scourge Alliance- First Fang of Hircine, The Beast of Bruma
    PC NA
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Yes, werewolf transformations should be toggleable.
    Vamp here, agree WW form should be toggled. But along with that, the stat boosts of the WW form should be reduced a bit, while the ultimates Gives a bit more or transforms into something else. I think the traits do a good job of boosting resource management as it is. I would like to see an ultimate where they summon a bunch of wolves or other WW NPCs to aid them in battle (while in WW form). That would be good for the Pact leader morph of the ultimate.

    They should have the same survival abilities that you would have outside of WW form too.

    IDK about that inability to revert form deal tho. Us vestiges seem to be special enough to counter total domination from daedric influence, so should leave that out. Hircine cant keep us. But, something like forced transformations would be better. I think Skyrim had something like that with a WW quest that involved a ring.

    The stages idea is good too, tho times are way too short. I think it should be the same as vampire. 4 stages each with penalties and benefits, while the pluses for transforming are increased based on the actual stage of WW. The vamp stages themselves are really lackluster in their penalty/benefit balance but I've given my speal on that in a vamp thread. Lets see if I can muster a good 4 WW stage list that is good and bad for the WW and edit this post with it. Also, WW's need In WW form and out of WW form differences for their stages. Then, WW should be able to "feed" off of a living target instead of just a dead one to both CC them and reduce their WW stage, and heal while feeding. A sneak attack pounce, gnaw their neck off. Would look awesome too. (damages put in the lists)
      Stage 1 As humanoid
    1. Increased Health and stamina regen by 3%
    2. Reduce damage taken by 3%
    3. 5% chance every 1.5min to force transform to WW for 2 minutes. (or until feeding)
      Stage 1 as WW
    1. Increase movement speed by 5% (10% if forced)
    2. Increase health and stamina by 5% (3% if forced)
    3. Increase poison damage taken by 5%
    4. Increase damage taken from anti-WW skills by 5%
    5. Reduce the duration of CC immunity after break by 1 second
    6. increase block cost by 5%
    7. Pounce feed takes 10% of target's max HP.
    8. Heal 10% of your max HP when transforming to WW. (5% if forced)
      Stage 2 As humanid
    1. Increased Health and stamina Regen by 5%
    2. Reduce damage taken by 5%
    3. 10% chance every 1.5min to force transform to WW for 2.5 min (or until feeding)
      Stage 2 as WW
    1. Increase movement speed by 10% (20% if forced)
    2. Increase health and stamina by 10% (5% if forced)
    3. Increase poison damage taken by 15%
    4. Increase damage taken from anti-WW skills by 10%
    5. Reduce the duration of CC immunity after break by 2 seconds
    6. increase block cost by 10%
    7. Pounce feed takes 25% of targets max health.
    8. Restore 20% of your max HP when transforming to WW (10% if forced)
      Stage 3 As humanoid
    1. Increase health and stamina regen by 7%
    2. Reduce damage taken by 7%
    3. 25% chance every 1.5min to force transform into WW for 3 min (or until feeding)
      Stage 3 as WW
    1. Increase movement speed by 15% (30% if forced)
    2. Increase health and stamina by 15% (7% if forced)
    3. Increase poison damage taken by 30%
    4. Increase damage taken from anti-WW skills by 20%
    5. Reduce duration of CC immunity after break by 3.5 seconds
    6. increase block cost by 20%
    7. Pounce feed takes 40% of targets max health.
    8. Restore 30% of your max hp when transforming to WW (15% if forced)
      Stage 4 as Humanoid
    1. Increase health and stamina regen by 10%
    2. Reduce damage taken by 10%
    3. 50% chance every 1.5min to force transform into a WW for 4min (or until feeding)
      Stage 4 as WW
    1. Increase movement speed by 20% (40% if forced)
    2. Increase health and stamina by 20% (10% if forced)
    3. Increase poison damage taken by 50%
    4. Increase damage taken from anti-WW skills by 30%
    5. Reduce duration of CC immunity after break by 5 seconds
    6. increase block cost by 30%
    7. Pounce Feed take 80% of targets max HP
    8. Restore 50% of your max HP when transforming to WW (25% if forced)

    In all stages, retain the "attack damage based on max stamina" that the ultimate currently has. And like vampire, there needs to be reasons to drop Stages. I think the high chance of detrimental forced transformations accomplishes this for WW. More power, higher risk. Manual transformations should have a cooldown to revert back, maybe 30s to 1m cooldown free healing. Of course, feeding anytime after transforming should allow immediate reversion.

    I didn't put increased anti-ww damage in humanoid form (silverbolts and such) because I really don't think they should be able to effect WW's outside of WW form, but then they take more damage from them While in WW form and depending on stage of WW.

    And as long as they eventually give WW the ability to block and break CC, I don't think theyd need the extra armor, but don't know why they didn't give them increased HP.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on June 1, 2014 3:13PM
  • WhitePawPrints
    No, I prefer it as an ultimate.
    Vamp here, agree WW form should be toggled. But along with that, the stat boosts of the WW form should be reduced a bit, while the ultimates Gives a bit more or transforms into something else. I think the traits do a good job of boosting resource management as it is. I would like to see an ultimate where they summon a bunch of wolves or other WW NPCs to aid them in battle (while in WW form). That would be good for the Pact leader morph of the ultimate.

    They should have the same survival abilities that you would have outside of WW form too.

    IDK about that inability to revert form deal tho. Us vestiges seem to be special enough to counter total domination from daedric influence, so should leave that out. Hircine cant keep us. But, something like forced transformations would be better. I think Skyrim had something like that with a WW quest that involved a ring.

    The stages idea is good too, tho times are way too short. I think it should be the same as vampire. 4 stages each with penalties and benefits, while the pluses for transforming are increased based on the actual stage of WW. The vamp stages themselves are really lackluster in their penalty/benefit balance but I've given my speal on that in a vamp thread. Lets see if I can muster a good 4 WW stage list that is good and bad for the WW and edit this post with it. Also, WW's need In WW form and out of WW form differences for their stages. Then, WW should be able to "feed" off of a living target instead of just a dead one to both CC them and reduce their WW stage, and heal while feeding. A sneak attack pounce, gnaw their neck off. Would look awesome too. (damages put in the lists)

      Stage 1 As humanoid
    1. Increased Health and stamina regen by 3%
    2. Reduce damage taken by 3%
    3. 5% chance every 1.5min to force transform to WW for 2 minutes. (or until feeding)
      Stage 1 as WW
    1. Increase movement speed by 5% (10% if forced)
    2. Increase health and stamina by 5% (3% if forced)
    3. Increase poison damage taken by 5%
    4. Increase damage taken from anti-WW skills by 5%
    5. Reduce the duration of CC immunity after break by 1 second
    6. increase block cost by 5%
    7. Pounce feed takes 10% of target's max HP.
    8. Heal 10% of your max HP when transforming to WW. (5% if forced)
      Stage 2 As humanid
    1. Increased Health and stamina Regen by 5%
    2. Reduce damage taken by 5%
    3. 10% chance every 1.5min to force transform to WW for 2.5 min (or until feeding)
      Stage 2 as WW
    1. Increase movement speed by 10% (20% if forced)
    2. Increase health and stamina by 10% (5% if forced)
    3. Increase poison damage taken by 15%
    4. Increase damage taken from anti-WW skills by 10%
    5. Reduce the duration of CC immunity after break by 2 seconds
    6. increase block cost by 10%
    7. Pounce feed takes 25% of targets max health.
    8. Restore 20% of your max HP when transforming to WW (10% if forced)
      Stage 3 As humanoid
    1. Increase health and stamina regen by 7%
    2. Reduce damage taken by 7%
    3. 25% chance every 1.5min to force transform into WW for 3 min (or until feeding)
      Stage 3 as WW
    1. Increase movement speed by 15% (30% if forced)
    2. Increase health and stamina by 15% (7% if forced)
    3. Increase poison damage taken by 30%
    4. Increase damage taken from anti-WW skills by 20%
    5. Reduce duration of CC immunity after break by 3.5 seconds
    6. increase block cost by 20%
    7. Pounce feed takes 40% of targets max health.
    8. Restore 30% of your max hp when transforming to WW (15% if forced)
      Stage 4 as Humanoid
    1. Increase health and stamina regen by 10%
    2. Reduce damage taken by 10%
    3. 50% chance every 1.5min to force transform into a WW for 4min (or until feeding)
      Stage 4 as WW
    1. Increase movement speed by 20% (40% if forced)
    2. Increase health and stamina by 20% (10% if forced)
    3. Increase poison damage taken by 50%
    4. Increase damage taken from anti-WW skills by 30%
    5. Reduce duration of CC immunity after break by 5 seconds
    6. increase block cost by 30%
    7. Pounce Feed take 80% of targets max HP
    8. Restore 50% of your max HP when transforming to WW (25% if forced)

    In all stages, retain the "attack damage based on max stamina" that the ultimate currently has. And like vampire, there needs to be reasons to drop Stages. I think the high chance of detrimental forced transformations accomplishes this for WW. More power, higher risk. Manual transformations should have a cooldown to revert back, maybe 30s to 1m cooldown free healing. Of course, feeding anytime after transforming should allow immediate reversion.

    I didn't put increased anti-ww damage in humanoid form (silverbolts and such) because I really don't think they should be able to effect WW's outside of WW form, but then they take more damage from them While in WW form and depending on stage of WW.

    And as long as they eventually give WW the ability to block and break CC, I don't think theyd need the extra armor, but don't know why they didn't give them increased HP.

    Always wondered how these "stages" would work for the beast races, like the Khajiit and Argonians. Imagine an Argonian going through those stages... And personally, I wouldn't want a copy of the Vampire model applied to the Werewolves; that would just seem to be lazy of Zenimax, honestly.
    Edited by WhitePawPrints on June 2, 2014 5:50AM
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Yes, werewolf transformations should be toggleable.
    WW as an unchanging entity is lazier. They put more work into the vampire than they did the WW, and it shows. Stages is a good way to give greater benefit with greater penalty in levels.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on June 2, 2014 6:00AM
  • Syrrisdevlin
    Something else
    PurpleFox wrote: »

    ._. Yes it has been said already, saw the same post on "FIX THE WEREWOLF" thread....please...don't copy and paste

    you relize its my own post and im not about type it out every single time for the 100 different ww threads so if I feel like copy and pasting my own post a crossed several different threads so that many different people can see it with out having to make yet another ww thread then I will thank you
  • smercgames_ESO
    Something else
    I don't like the idea of a consistent toggle like Mage light/siphon etc.. I do like the idea that the minimum cost of the ultimate is 1 and your time in WW form is based on your ultimate amount, sorta like how Death Stroke gains damage depending on the amount of ult amount until a cap. The numbers ofcourse could be played with but imagine 1 second in WW form per ultimate. So you can pop it with 50 ult and you get 50 seconds worth or you can hold off and pop it at 500 ult and go a very long time in WW form. I feel like WW transformation should not be completely controllable but I would consider your ultimate bar a sort of "rage" to let the beast out. Then of course devour and all the passives would modify the time. One of the morphs on the transformation could even be to allow you to revert back early and partially save some of the time you didn't use?

    I also feel like vampires and WW definitely need more active abilities. Especially WW since you completely change and should be doing deadly bites and swipes.
  • WhitePawPrints
    No, I prefer it as an ultimate.
    Hircine should open a sanctuary in his Hunting Grounds for Werewolves to run around forever! It'd be like the Shine, that we can toggle in and out as much as we want, and it'd be a cool place for Werewolves to hang out at and meet other Werewolves.

    Similar to the... one place in World of Warcraft that was meant for Druids to hang out at. I forgot the name of it but Druids got a teleport ability pretty early on to it.
    Edited by WhitePawPrints on June 3, 2014 9:13PM
  • alex33x
    Soul Shriven
    Yes, werewolf transformations should be toggleable.
    First post and yes it should be a toggle.
  • Drachdhar
    Yes, werewolf transformations should be toggleable.
    Right now... I would be happy with anything that actually made playing a werewolf fun and rewarding. Which in short would be to become a combat monster with its own skills.
    Toggle is needed more or less to actually PLAY the werewolf, especially if you would use it in pvp since ulti gain is slow in pvp... at least in my experience. And werewolves should be scary beasts, although not as flexible as non-werewolves. But where they should shine when transformed is in resilience and pure damage output, they are the apex predators of Tamriel after all.

    There are already a bunch of drawbacks to being one, such as greater damage from basically everyone, 9% more... Getting hit with Silver Bolts can seriously hurt you real bad as well. And many other fighters guild skills will also hurt you, but atm unlike the vampire, the wolf does not get a single benefit for all their weaknesses.
  • Clutch
    No, I prefer it as an ultimate.
    It should stay as an ultimate but not only do we need a skill or two more for sustainability (I'm surprised Roar didn't get a heal morph ability instead of the 1second longer to ulty) but it could last a little longer. Something more akin to Skyrim which was 2 minutes by default and every feast added 30 seconds.

    You're a melee machine which is awesome but at the same time all it takes is someone or thing with wits to kite you. Our skills are a little on the heavy side (although I keep it in mind that I am a low level so my stamina pool is fairly small) and I've encountered a bug where using devour didn't recharge my ult properly.
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