all because of the low cost, 30% heal that dk's have available for spammage.
Well, that and a low cost ultimate that reduces damage taken, an armor buff, an aoe damage/self heal, and a damage shield available to the same class.
all because of the low cost, 30% heal that dk's have available for spammage.
Well, that and a low cost ultimate that reduces damage taken, an armor buff, an aoe damage/self heal, and a damage shield available to the same class.
Wifeaggro13 wrote: »
Take away light armor form the DK its plain and simple he will cast those pesky utility spells 2 or three times and be. tapped would you support them removing all that and actually giving us some single target DPS so we can one shot too?Or just f it the DK just needs a couple of flame spells. i say remove the ability for DK's to run Spiked armor with unlimited magica, make it a toggle that caps there magica to a 30% reduction similar to Sorcs penalty for running pets. Also i was one shotted by a NB with a two hander from stealth in heavy armor . shouldny i get some sneak attack immunity in heavy? . are you mad you cant stand toe to toe with a primarily tank class that has high survivability? the problem is a DK should not be able to max his health , his armor and magica all at the same time while having infinte resources. All the other utility your upset about is crucial for PVE grouping. the ultimate problem needs to be addressed, and magica capped for DK's in light armor if they choose not to address the massive imbalance with stamina/health VS magica. With out all the things your pissed about he class wouldnt have any abilities . there are 3 abilites that do DD in all of the 3 trees.
Admittedly I don't frequent the Armor sub-forum very often but I'm guessing there are countless threads about the light armor problem. Oh wait, no, there aren't. It's only in this sub-forum from DKs trying to derail discussions about their OP class. If you sincerely think the problem is light armor(exclusively so) then start a thread over there. I'm sure a lot of us would sign on since we agree but not when you do it here in defense of DKs.
Agreed but if your already at Armor cap with heavy . does spiked armor really benefit you at all ?. i agree and class can hit the cap with guild abilities with out any class stuff.Dk needs adjustment but this Vc is going on and on and on about every god damn ability the class has. and all of it is group firendly . he wants the class gutted to literally 3 abilities fire breat Flame lash , and molten armaments. i suspect he is gonna lobby for our Dot to be removed as well.
I would like to point out that any class can use ONE defensive ability and easily hit the armor/resistance OC. Doesn't matter what combo armor you're using.
Maverick827 wrote: »Talons is just as expensive as Blood.
Yeah, because before you could kill things with just Talons. That totally happened and isn't a figment of your imagination.
Good thing about spamming(remember, Mav, every 4 seconds?) Talons is you shouldn't have to spam much else and definitely not a heal if you're just doing bosses and public dungeons.
Hopefully that's changed now.
Maverick827 wrote: »Yeah, because before you could kill things with just Talons. That totally happened and isn't a figment of your imagination.
then you obvioulsy didnt read my post about DK's need adjustments for sure. Please go make a video of you on your DK in 4 /h 3 /L soloing world bosses VR dungeons . The other factor people are missing with these videos is there is player skill involved with what he is doing . not like he is standing in mechanics and eating all the damage. the guy is good.No thanks, Wifeaggro. I already "roled" one DK and have no intention of doing another.
And as I've said before to you, that DK leveled just fine NEVER paying attention to armors or set bonuses or spending attributes or skill points or, well, anything really. I ended up with 4L/3H or 3L/4H. DK was just so ridiculously OP that nothing mattered after class selection.
But I did switch him to all lights and posted that you were right about the issues with light armor. Did you read that? YOU ARE RIGHT ABOUT LIGHT ARMOR. You're just dead wrong about DKs. Stop trying to conflate things and make it just about the armor.
Wifeaggro13 wrote: »then you obvioulsy didnt read my post about DK's need adjustments for sure. Please go make a video of you on your DK in 4 /h 3 /L soloing world bosses VR dungeons . The other factor people are missing with these videos is there is player skill involved with what he is doing . not like he is standing in mechanics and eating all the damage. the guy is good.
out of curiosity why no hate about templars pulliing 1.4 k ST dPS while being able to heal?