Bash done for??

  • Cyrdemaceb17_ESO
    Arundo wrote: »
    Just sucks that I now have to relearn something else to kill stuff, a well luckily this game gives you lots of options to do so.

    Unfortunately everything that's not a staff is subpar at the moment.

  • Arundo
    Hmm I dont like a Staff for my DK with Heavy Armor.
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    All this QQ about the bash from the glass cannons, and cloth wearers, has screwed over a whole skill line.

    What ZoS should have done is simple.

    Remove all Bash and Armour bonus enchantments.
    (the ones that give armour bonus)

    That way we couldn't not have bash spam that was unreasonable, hell they could add 50% stamina cost to it, or a cool down after the second hit.

    In addition the Armour bonus enchantments, because is stupid right now, to have cloth armour with more AC than full Heavy Armour.
  • Heraclea
    What I would have done is turn the skill that improved Bash into something that gave the benefits of Blocking (reduced damage and resist CC) passively so that we actually get to use other attacks.
    Hircine loves me, this I know,
    Your intestines told me so.

    Quæ tam fera immanisque natura? - Cicero
  • Tanabe
    Bash with shield seems fine now, you all just have to deal with it.
  • p_tsakirisb16_ESO
    You do understand that shield is not an option any more?

    I can block the same amount of damage with 2H as I do with shield.

    Which means only 1 things. Uppercut spam from now on.
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    Ffolks wrote: »
    I'm just amazed that people cried nerf over bash, a single target ability, when there's people running around in light armor and a staff taking down groups of 6+ V11 mobs in Craglorn. On my NB I'm having difficulty now taking down a group of two V10s and prior to the patch I could handle 3 max, and I never stacked bash buffs either.

    I could change I suppose, and jump on the staff bandwagon, put I chose sword and shield in beta because I liked the aesthetic and it was viable. It's not now and I'm discouraged from playing. I can no longer play *my* way.

    They should have compensated for the lost DPS in another ability in the sword and shield line.

    No longer having fun.

    There are people "crying" about the benefits of light armor too, including me, a poor heavy armor wearer.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on May 26, 2014 7:50AM
  • ShintaiDK
    Bash was the last melee skill that was useful. Then they didnt just nerf it. They utterly destroyed it completely.

    Its so OP when a melee skill does 250dps. But its absolutely fine when a staff/magicka user does 1000dps. And on the note that the staff user can spam it endlessly while she or she abuses immoveable and other stamina based high defence skills.
    Edited by ShintaiDK on May 26, 2014 6:57PM
  • Still_Mind
    I'm not using melee in VR content anymore. Well, I do, rarely, but it's an exception rather than the rule. A lot more risk, but without higher reward.

    A light armour Destrostaff\Volcanic rune (+some class powers) is enough to solo big pulls (2-3 packs, minding AoE caps) easily.

    Basically, in melee, all of your resources are expended. Stamina for defending (attacking and controlling, too, depending on the build), Health for absorbing *all* blows - both ranged and melee, and Magicka for damage, control, sustenance.

    At range, the only ranged attacks dent your health, and you need to block *way* less attacks, leaving more Magicka and Stamina for offensive powers.

    This leads me to believe that melee CC should be much cheaper, more accessible, and stronger than ranged CC, and should be ergonomically applied on multiple targets without additional expenditures, in order to mitigate damage at close range, with all melee styles.
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