If there is already an area for this sorry didn't see one so thought I'd post something where we could add future content that we would like to see in game, i.e new skills, weapons, spells, etc.
1) Cloaks/cape: Think it'd be cool if our characters could have cloaks or capes over our armor.
2) Horse combat: Perhaps and a skill line where you can have mounted combat and mounted combat perks, such as charging, mounted archery, etc. Think it'd be great for pvp as well as rp'ing.
3) Perhaps giving us more looks for each races armor and weapon type when crafting. Meaning I just don't have to have one look for the sword I'm crafting, or have my great sword be so huge and the pommel of the sword so exaggerated.
4) Ability to color coordinate our armor that we find while adventuring or if create armor of different races. (I know they have a dye coming sometime in the future).
5) Staffs to have more elaborate head pieces, such as claws, crystals, lighting effects, etc.
6) Spears (for throwing or regular use) maybe even give them a bonus to mounted combat if we had that, crossbows, flails, lol and perhaps whips.
7) More horse looks, some of them armored would be nice give them more hp bonus or something. Even nice designs on them.
8) More pet types, even perhaps allowing ability to obtain larger pets that help in combat.
Now I'm sure that some of these may not be do able due to time/trouble creating them in game. But this is just a wish thread so lets not get bogged down in arguments of how a development team could create or note create something.
When asked what he would do for a Klondike bar. Grand Moff Tarkin said "why I would blow up Alderaan."