Death Stroke patch 1.1.2?

Death Stroke: This ability no longer receives the critical damage bonus when used as a sneak attack. It will still cause a stun and a guaranteed critical hit.

I am abit confused with this change. So that means if you open with DS, you will guaranteed with a crit hit but NOT award crit bonus? Overall, this is a nerf to the skill itself if you use it as an opener.
  • Daendur
    yes, instead of fixing the broken morph that doesn't grant critical damage they nerfed the basic skill....
    this is an undeserved nerf
  • Creslian7
    Ultimates are not allowed to be more powerful than dragonknight standard. Did you not get the memo?
  • siuolly
    So.. someone please help to understand this:

    Crit Chance: is the percentage (chance) to get a critical hit. When a RNG roll with Crit Chance to land and when it land, its call critical hit right? Critical Hit implies you apply a critical damage bonus to it (this is how you get BIG number damage). So...what is that when you land a critical Hit WITHOUT apply a critical bonus to it, what is it? Is it not just a normal hit? Did I miss something?
  • smercgames_ESO
    I'm pretty sure it means you don't get the Critical hit stealth modifier. Hits from stealth from the sides/back do ALOT more dmg than a normal hit. My Concealed Weapon hits for 300, crit would be what 450 or 600? (Forgot if it's 150% or 200% in this game) but my stealth Concealed weapon from behind hits for 1600.

    This stealth crit bonus is broken for all DW skills but when using most other skills without a travel time (doesn't work with Funnel health, shield charge, etc.. etc.. but does work with Teleport Strike) you get a huge damage bonus. This dmg bonus with Veiled Strike (which I feel gets an extra bonus to it) is usually high enough for me to either 1 shot a like level mob or bring him into execute range. Usually I veil strike, heavy attack to knock them down, killer's blade for the kill.

    So I assume this "nerf" means Death Stroke will no longer get the huge stealth dmg bonus and only do an auto crit from stealth. I've never used it as an opener but a fully charged Death Stroke must do insane dmg from stealth if it received the stealth modifier. I could be wrong though but thats what I took it as.
  • Evergreen
    Daendur wrote: »
    yes, instead of fixing the broken morph that doesn't grant critical damage they nerfed the basic skill....
    this is an undeserved nerf

    Maybe this is punishment for wanting our broken class fixed. I can't even fathom how nerfing one of our abilities somehow made it on the priority list over the fixing and re-balancing we need.
  • aresdestructorub17_ESO1
    I'm pretty sure it means you don't get the Critical hit stealth modifier. Hits from stealth from the sides/back do ALOT more dmg than a normal hit. My Concealed Weapon hits for 300, crit would be what 450 or 600? (Forgot if it's 150% or 200% in this game) but my stealth Concealed weapon from behind hits for 1600.

    This stealth crit bonus is broken for all DW skills but when using most other skills without a travel time (doesn't work with Funnel health, shield charge, etc.. etc.. but does work with Teleport Strike) you get a huge damage bonus. This dmg bonus with Veiled Strike (which I feel gets an extra bonus to it) is usually high enough for me to either 1 shot a like level mob or bring him into execute range. Usually I veil strike, heavy attack to knock them down, killer's blade for the kill.

    So I assume this "nerf" means Death Stroke will no longer get the huge stealth dmg bonus and only do an auto crit from stealth. I've never used it as an opener but a fully charged Death Stroke must do insane dmg from stealth if it received the stealth modifier. I could be wrong though but thats what I took it as.

    There was a video of a guy doing a 6k hit with soul harvest (death stroke morph) from stealth after stacking bonus damage from reaper's mark (mark target morph) kills. Also, I think normal crit damage is around 1.5x and sneak damage is around 4x (though i'm not sure on that number either). I always thought sneak damage was something different and not a crit but I guess it's a guaranteed crit with extra damage. If death stroke is just going to get normal crit damage now then I guess that guy's damage will go down to around 2200.

    The stealth bonus does work for dual wield skills I think with the exception of steel tornado (not sure about the base and other morph) and I don't know about flying blade. It only works on the first hit though so it sucks with flurry and twin slashes' damage is too low to waste a sneak attack on. It worked really well with shrouded daggers for me when i had to solo some groups in coldharbour.
    Edited by aresdestructorub17_ESO1 on May 22, 2014 5:09PM
  • GeeYouWhy
    They basically are stopping the double dipping of critical multipliers for this power. A nerf for sure but a logical one IMO.
    Konrandir, Vampire Sorcerer
  • demonlkojipub19_ESO
    I'm pretty sure it means you don't get the Critical hit stealth modifier. Hits from stealth from the sides/back do ALOT more dmg than a normal hit. My Concealed Weapon hits for 300, crit would be what 450 or 600? (Forgot if it's 150% or 200% in this game) but my stealth Concealed weapon from behind hits for 1600.

    This stealth crit bonus is broken for all DW skills but when using most other skills without a travel time (doesn't work with Funnel health, shield charge, etc.. etc.. but does work with Teleport Strike) you get a huge damage bonus. This dmg bonus with Veiled Strike (which I feel gets an extra bonus to it) is usually high enough for me to either 1 shot a like level mob or bring him into execute range. Usually I veil strike, heavy attack to knock them down, killer's blade for the kill.

    So I assume this "nerf" means Death Stroke will no longer get the huge stealth dmg bonus and only do an auto crit from stealth. I've never used it as an opener but a fully charged Death Stroke must do insane dmg from stealth if it received the stealth modifier. I could be wrong though but thats what I took it as.

    There was a video of a guy doing a 6k hit with soul harvest (death stroke morph) from stealth after stacking bonus damage from reaper's mark (mark target morph) kills. Also, I think normal crit damage is around 1.5x and sneak damage is around 4x (though i'm not sure on that number either). I always thought sneak damage was something different and not a crit but I guess it's a guaranteed crit with extra damage. If death stroke is just going to get normal crit damage now then I guess that guy's damage will go down to around 2200.

    The stealth bonus does work for dual wield skills I think with the exception of steel tornado (not sure about the base and other morph) and I don't know about flying blade. It only works on the first hit though so it sucks with flurry and twin slashes' damage is too low to waste a sneak attack on. It worked really well with shrouded daggers for me when i had to solo some groups in coldharbour.

    I'm fairly sure ive gotten hit by this while In cyrodil. I wear heavy armor, overcharged, and the guy hit me for 3.2k cuz I didnt turn around fast enough. Insta kill :neutral_face: I did have that mark on me too so my armor was reduced a bit I guess.

    Suppose this means I wont be getting 1-shotted by any more stealth attacks, unless theres something that can do higher than deathstroke on a normal day.
    Edited by demonlkojipub19_ESO on May 22, 2014 5:27PM
  • Evergreen
    GeeYouWhy wrote: »
    They basically are stopping the double dipping of critical multipliers for this power. A nerf for sure but a logical one IMO.

    Yeah it is really important Nightblades don't have a skill that works too well. At least Nightblades being nerfed despite the pathetic state of their class will leave no room for other classes to complain about being nerfed.
  • monsieurtofu
    It now does less damage than veiled strike from stealth. Can we at least get a skill point refund like other classes have gotten with this patch?
    Edited by monsieurtofu on May 23, 2014 1:19AM
  • leovuoeb17_ESO
    Are you seriously whining about this? And one even asking for a frigging refund? Geez...
  • monsieurtofu
    If they're going to refund Impulse skill points over a cost increase, I don't see why it's so unreasonable. It's not exactly the end of the world, but it never hurts to ask.
  • vicNBitis
    Yeah, they should definitely consider refunds when something is changed or a tool tip is misleading. Not everyone uses Undiscovered and has skill points to throw around.
  • Zsymon
    I guess Death Stroke now is just something you use in the middle of a fight in combination with Shadowy Disguise. Though even in that setting the damage isn't enough to justify it being a melee single target ultimate.

    Though as Soul Harvest it recharges so fast that you can use it like an extra normal ability, and don't consider it an ultimate.
    Edited by Zsymon on May 29, 2014 8:55AM
  • GwaynLoki
    Zsymon wrote: »
    I guess Death Stroke now is just something you use in the middle of a fight in combination with Shadowy Disguise. Though even in that setting the damage isn't enough to justify it being a melee single target ultimate.

    Though as Soul Harvest it recharges so fast that you can use it like an extra normal ability, and don't consider it an ultimate.

    I use it to gain ultimate fast and use my Veil of Blades on the other bar more often.
  • Jaxom
    GwaynLoki wrote: »
    Zsymon wrote: »
    I guess Death Stroke now is just something you use in the middle of a fight in combination with Shadowy Disguise. Though even in that setting the damage isn't enough to justify it being a melee single target ultimate.

    Though as Soul Harvest it recharges so fast that you can use it like an extra normal ability, and don't consider it an ultimate.

    I use it to gain ultimate fast and use my Veil of Blades on the other bar more often.

    That's exactly how I use it as well.
  • Jeremy_gelber_ESO
    Evergreen wrote: »
    Daendur wrote: »
    yes, instead of fixing the broken morph that doesn't grant critical damage they nerfed the basic skill....
    this is an undeserved nerf

    Maybe this is punishment for wanting our broken class fixed. I can't even fathom how nerfing one of our abilities somehow made it on the priority list over the fixing and re-balancing we need.

    see templar jabs for explaination.,
  • Evergreen
    Zsymon wrote: »
    Death Stroke the damage isn't enough to justify it being a melee single target ultimate.

    Agreed. Look at the regular Sorc class skill Crystal Fragments in PvP which hits harder than our melee range Ultimate post nerf under the best circumstance.

    I'm not defending bringing Deathstroke back but you can see how crazy balancing is in this game not even touching the insane DPS from Sorc Crystal Fragments while nerfing Nightblade DPS last patch, and an Ultimate for that matter.

    I know Zenimax is not intentionally trying to destroy Nightblade viability but it would almost seem that way.


  • uktitanb16_ESO
    I feel this is an unjustified nerf. An ultimate that does Less damage from stealth than a normal Nb skill. Pre nerf my Death Stroke would crit for around 3.6k and my Surprise attack for around 2.4k.

    After the nerf my Surprise attack still does around the same, But Death Stroke now does 1400 if im lucky. Switched to using Soul Tether now =(
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