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How to conquer the "mighty" VR6+ dungeons [Spoiler Alert]


I got stunned, what do I do?
Hold right mouse button and press left mouse button to Break the stun. (Cost Stamina)
This works against most stuns, even some boss mechanics but not all.

How can I easily increase my survivability and damage output?
Use potions and food / drinks.
Using food/drinks does not just increase the amount of HP/Stamina/Magicka but also your damage. The higher magicka you have the higher damage you get on your spells and so on.

Which Armor type should I have?
Heavy Armor: Tanks only.
Medium Armor: Stamina DDs.
Light Armor: Magicka DDs and Healers.

Why is this important?
Cause of the passive skills that each Armor type has. There's no such thing as a DD with full Heavy Armor. It's a tank. And a Healer or Magicka based DD with Medium Armor misses out on all the Magicka regen, decrease spell cost etc.

Your Armor type matters! This is quite often the reason why some groups fail.

Light Armor Passives:
Evocation III: Reduces Magicka cost of spells by 3% per piece of Light Armor equipped.
Recovery II: Increases base Magicka regeneration by 4% per piece of Light Armor equipped.
Spell Warding II: Increases base Spell Resistance by 8% per piece of Light Armor equipped.
Prodigy II: Grants 10% chance for Spells to cause Critical Damage while a Light Armor set of 5 or more pieces is equipped.
Concentration II: Player's spells ignore 6% of enemy Spell Resistance per piece of Light Armor equipped.

Medium Armor Passives:
Dexterity III: Increases Critical Strike chance with physical attacks by 3% per piece of Medium Armor equipped.
Wind Walker II: Increases Stamina regeneration by 4% per piece of Medium Armor equipped.
Agility II: Increases attack speed by 10% when a Medium Armor set of 5 or more pieces is equipped.

Heavy Armor Passives:
Resolve III: Increases Armor by 3% and base Spell Resist by 3% for each piece of Heavy Armor equipped.
Constitution II: Increases Health regeneration by 4% per piece of Heavy Armor equipped.
Juggernaut II: Increases power with melee attacks by 1% per piece of Heavy Armor equipped.
Bracing II: Decreases cost of blocking by 20% when a Heavy Armor set of 5 or more pieces is equipped.
Rapid Mending II: Increases healing received by 1% per piece of Heavy Armor equipped.


Wayrest Sewers (Easiest)

Malubeth the Scourger
This boss is all about positioning.

* It spawns 2 circles on 2 of the people in the group so mind where you stand.
(Hint: Don't stand on altar when you don't have to)

* The boss will randomly pick up one player. It must be canceled by pressing both altars or it'll kill the player.

Skull Reaper (Optional)

* It's basicly a Bone Colossus with more hp and the adds that spawn will heal the boss, so focus the adds directly when they spawn.

Since this boss doesn't drop any epics (at least not on 40+ runs) I always skip it with my group but I guess it's good exp if you're not yet V10.

Uulgarg the Risen

* Uses fear on everyone who stand close, they'll run away in random directions and spawn fire circles. This skill can be avoided entirely by standing at range. If you still manage to get feared or play as Tank you can just break it. Counts as a stun (Hold right-click then press left-click.)

* Has a Heavy Attack that must be blocked by Tank or it'll do alot of damage if not one shot you.

Garron the Returned

* This boss will randomly drop spells allover the place, just avoid the circles.

* Kill adds ASAP when they spawn, if you don't kill them fast enough they'll explode and do insane amount of damage. There's always 4 adds that spawn, you can see the chains coming up from the ground.

* When the boss teleports, stack next to the Healer for AoE healing. It'll charge a beam on each of you that does alot of damage.

The Lost One

* Stand behind it if you're not Tank, avoid the frezze waves and interupt the spell if you're tank. Can one shot tank if you get hit by all waves at the same time.

Varaine and Allene Pellingare

* Make sure that you deal balanced damage to both of them. If one drops 15% lower then the other it'll gain a shield so it takes almost no damage.

* Avoid the red areas. The Melee boss will use a Cone and Circle attack (marked red on the ground), just run out of it.

* After about a minute or so you'll get teleported to the center of the room and adds will spawns. Stack up on eachother and AoE.

If you want the Undaunted Achievement:
Kill 15 zombies during the boss encounter. A easy way to do this is to bring the pack of zombies with you from the tunnel and the one directly to the left inside the boss room. Once you've engaged the boss just AoE.

Darkshade Caverns

The Fallen Foreman

* Kill all the adds

* This boss uses a fire skill that rotates around the boss, everyone except Tank can easily avoid it by standing upstairs where the adds come from.
The Tank will have to dance around the fire downstairs with the boss.

Transmuted Hive Lord

* Focus your damage on the Hive Lord, no point in attacking the Scribs, they'll die when Hive Lord goes down.

* The scribs uses a skill that knocks you down and drain your Stamina, this can be broken just like a normal Stun.

* When the scribs goes underground and the Hive Lord is smashing the ground, stay close to healer for easier heal, boss is immune to damage during that smashing.

Transmuted Alits (Optional)

* You need to kill all of them within a couple of seconds. If you don't they'll come back up again but with much less HP so it's not really any problem, just AoE.

This boss just like the Skull Reaper in WS does not drop any epics so I usally skip it. Then again if you're not V10 it might be worth it for the exp.

Grobull the Transmuted

This boss has 2 phases:

In phase one you'll have to kill the adds and stay away from the boss AoE. (It teleports around)

* There will spawn red circles on the ground, if you run into them you'll get lifted into the air and hold for a few seconds. It's possible to break it like a normal stun.

In phase two the boss is stunned, full nuke on it.

Mech Army

Not really a boss but can be challenging for some groups.
Pull back a group at the time and AoE them close to the water.
If you AoE them to close to the other Mechs you risk aggroing more without getting a break.

* Watch out for the Sphere's attacks, they hurt like crazy specially the earth attack and make sure that the tank pick up the big ones.

The Engine Guardian

Once you've entered this room and engaged, the door will be locked permanently! If you wipe do NOT res at the shrine, you'll be locked out. Same thing goes after you've killed the boss, you can't exit. You can complete the quest after the boss by teleporting to the entrance and running back to the other side of the door. If you killed the boss and still suffer damage cause he was in green phase then press the levers in mid to end it.

Easiest way to kill this boss is to move around as a group, everyone needs to be ranged. No one melee, not even tank.

The boss has 3 phases:

Shoots fireballs towards players. Run out of the circles to avoid damage. Do not stand close to the boss.

Boss shots lightning and adds spawn. Avoid the lightning by runing away from the boss and hiding behind a pillar. Nuke the spheres and wait for the phase to end.

The boss does damage to everyone in the room.
Here you have 2 options.
You can either go into the middle and press all 4 levers and end the phase or stack up together with healer and nuke the boss like crazy. This is usally the nuke phase for my group. It doesn't matter if you stand next to the boss just be prepared to move when the phase changes.

Remember to move as a group or the healing will be really tricky.

You get the undaunted achievement if you do not press any levers during the boss fight.

Elden Hollow (Hardest)

Dubroze the Infester

* Kill the adds and stay away from the fire breath (red cone).

Dark Root

You need to be spread out on this boss or the beam will hit serval people and do insane damage.

* During the bossfight there'll spawn 2 adds. One green bug and a blue bug.
When they die there'll spawn a cloud on their corpse. Green bug spawns green cloud and the blue one.. yea make your guess.

If you stand in these clouds you get insane Stamina Regen in the green one and Magicka regen in the blue one. It does just work for 1 person though and remember that you want to be spread out.

I usally ninja the green one as Tank so I get unlimited Stamina, spam ransack and shield bash like crazy. Can get 650+ dps as Tank.

Azara the Frightener

Just kill adds when they spawn and remember to block heavy attack as Tank.


This boss has 2 phases.
When you're in the "light phase", avoid the circles.
When you enter the "dark phase" run into the circles.

Watch out for cone attack from the boss and block Heavy Attack or dodge all together.

The Shadow Guard

Avoid circles and nuke boss.

Bogdan the Nightflame

Here we go, currently the hardest one ingame.

The hard thing about this boss is that everyone in the group really have to pay attention.

* Bogdan raises his head into the air and shoots out fire towards every player. Directly after he has raised the head you need to roll (dodge) to avoid it, if you fail to dodge it a circle of fire will spawn at your location.

* Adds: Throughout the entire fight there will spawn adds that needs to be killed ASAP. They mindcontrol people so it becomes hard for them to dodge the fire.

I really recommend Silver Bolt (Fighter's Guild skill) here if you have Stamina based DDs. It does good dmg against the adds and interupts the mindcontrol. Remember to have enough Stamina to dodge the incoming fire.

* Bogdan does a Fire breath on the Tank that is almost impossible to dodge, it does alot of damage so be prepared for spike damage.

Simplified: Avoid fire by rolling > kill adds > damage the boss.

The undaunted achievement (hardmode) on this boss is all about dps.

It's just like normal mode + one white add. The white add heals the boss so it needs to be killed.
You trigger hardmode by reading the scroll before you run over the bridge.

Summary and personal thoughts:
Once you know the tactics and maybe even use food/drinks.
The dungeons become alot easier.

When you hit V10, start getting some gear and play with other people who knows the tactics it's more or less faceroll.

These dungeons does not need to be nerfed. I'd say the opposite.
People just need to learn how to play their characters and the dungeons.

Good luck and have fun!

Edited by kristiannyman88b16_ESO on 6 May 2014 15:39
  • Axer
    Good guide.

    1 error:
    Transmuted Hive Lord
    You say continue nuking while he's smashing the ground..

    But actually he's 100% immune to damage during this phase.

    So better to simply conserve mana, or activate abilities that restore your ultimate, if you aren't healing or buffing the parties armor.
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • kristiannyman88b16_ESO
    Axer wrote: »
    Good guide.

    1 error:
    Transmuted Hive Lord
    You say continue nuking while he's smashing the ground..

    But actually he's 100% immune to damage during this phase.

    So better to simply conserve mana, or activate abilities that restore your ultimate, if you aren't healing or buffing the parties armor.


    Yes this is very true, thanks for pointing it out. I'll edit the main post. :)
  • Tr1n1ty
    Soul Shriven
    You forgot the most important point...use a Nightblade tank and disable all boss mechanics cuz Zenixmax programmers seem to be fresh from college
  • Locke_ESO
    Axer wrote: »
    Good guide.

    1 error:
    Transmuted Hive Lord
    You say continue nuking while he's smashing the ground..

    But actually he's 100% immune to damage during this phase.

    So better to simply conserve mana, or activate abilities that restore your ultimate, if you aren't healing or buffing the parties armor.


    Yes this is very true, thanks for pointing it out. I'll edit the main post. :)

    It's also better to just focus kill the scribs imo. When they die his hammering the ground damage is vastly reduced in duration and hes just a big low damage hp bar at that point.

    Something worth adding for Healers is that using a restoration staff heavy attack returns 10% of your mana which is an extremely useful skill over a long fight.

    Edited by Locke_ESO on 7 May 2014 01:56
  • Reece82
    Soul Shriven
    Great guide! Thanks for putting it together.
    Tr1n1ty wrote: »
    You forgot the most important point...use a Nightblade tank and disable all boss mechanics cuz Zenixmax programmers seem to be fresh from college

    Can you explain this? How is a Nightblade tank disabling all boss mechanics? I'm ignorant to this, just looking for an explanation.
  • Axer
    Axer wrote: »
    Good guide.

    1 error:
    Transmuted Hive Lord
    You say continue nuking while he's smashing the ground..

    But actually he's 100% immune to damage during this phase.

    So better to simply conserve mana, or activate abilities that restore your ultimate, if you aren't healing or buffing the parties armor.


    Yes this is very true, thanks for pointing it out. I'll edit the main post. :)
    Actaully upon further investigation, I was wrong heh.

    The way it works:
    He's 100% immune to damage indeed. But he has a secret, hidden damage shield. Once this expires, he stops the ground pound.. (Rather silly the UI is so poor you can't tell this, but yea figured it out the hard way)

    So yea we figured this out the other night when my guildies finally listened to me and all stopped attacking - he pounded for like 50 seconds straight heh.

    So yea you should continue to do full dps, to stop the ground pound/immunity shield.

    (you should ignore scibs imo, tho HEAVY aoe classes that get ultimate fast for hitting multiple mobs - EG: DKs only... Can probably kill him faster aoe'ing to get more standards down)
    Edited by Axer on 19 May 2014 07:28
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • xxslam48xxb14_ESO
    I kinda disagree that eldenhollow is the hardest dungeon. Maybe my group was just really good, but we only wiped like 3 times on the last boss because people didn't know how to break fear even after I told them. The last boss in dark shade is just way too complicated for most groups though! I personally don't have issues, but most people I have grouped with have a hard time adjusting because its more like a raid boss then a dungeon boss. Plus using melee on that boss is way risky and if you have two melee dps it turns into a really long fight!
    I wrote a poem that I titled, "The ganker's delight."

    As you lay upon the ground, cry not little pawn.
    The pain will pass as quickly as my blade did take you,
    but my delight will last and you will respawn.
    My heart simply cannot contain my joy, when I ply my trade.

    The fault lies with you, your skill was lacking.
    Now your salt is mine forever, can't you hear the laughing?
    Once you were so proud and now you are reduced to this.
    A miserable, loud deuced fool.

    With every tear you drip, with every excuse you let slip.
    All of your insecurities and worries bring a smile to my lip.
    From your despair I have ripped endless glories,
    but our affair is over now. Be afraid for I will return for more.

    I have received many titles, to my allies I am The sniper Emperor and Grand champion hero of the Pact. However these titles mean little to me, it is the ones given to me by my victims that I prefer. To them I am "Xv1er", "trash", "no balls", "zerger", "noob", "cringe", "no skill", "camper", "100% new", "the reason this game is dying", "pathetic", "a sack of piece of [snip]", "mediocre", "absolute inbred", "beyond a virgin", "ganky dork", "fat smelly 40yr old virgin", "little girl", "daddy", "exploiting loser", and every [snipped] word known to man.
  • Seroczynski
    Transmuted Hive Lord displayed a shield in the UI, as to which we noticed we should nuke him down. Not sure if this is added in later or that it's just my addon ggFrames that shows this.

    Yesterday we managed to get up to the Mech Army in Darkshade Caverns. After a few troublesome wiped we got to the last group and jinxed the entire thing and died: everything respawned. We seem to be having trouble pulling small groups. If we do get a good pull, at least one Centurion and two to four Spheres decided to get into combat with us later on (we fight by the river). Is there any other tactic to this fight? As to us it seems totally random when they decide to join the fight.
    “To alcohol! The cause of, and solution to, all of life's problems.” ― Homer J. Simpson
  • Axer
    I kinda disagree that eldenhollow is the hardest dungeon. Maybe my group was just really good, but we only wiped like 3 times on the last boss because people didn't know how to break fear even after I told them. The last boss in dark shade is just way too complicated for most groups though! I personally don't have issues, but most people I have grouped with have a hard time adjusting because its more like a raid boss then a dungeon boss. Plus using melee on that boss is way risky and if you have two melee dps it turns into a really long fight!

    Stats wise: Elden requires better gear. A has an actuall dps check on th first boss (attacks much faster at low health, and on the last one, if you do undaunted.. So it's harder, stats wise.

    But player skill required/mechanically, Darkshades certainly harder.

    Infact the hardest in that regard is Fungal grotto, with each major boss fight all requiring a much higher degree of player coordination.
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • JinShepard01
    What is the best way to get people to do the right thing on the Yellow phase of the last boss in Caverns? As a tank, those adds are al over the place, and with 6 of them running rampant, I just cant keep my group save.. I tried saying, group up at me during that phase but they dont listen..
    Why do people complain?
    ''Because players want to provide feedback and help shape a product they still see as having the potential to be great.''
  • Axer
    What is the best way to get people to do the right thing on the Yellow phase of the last boss in Caverns? As a tank, those adds are al over the place, and with 6 of them running rampant, I just cant keep my group save.. I tried saying, group up at me during that phase but they dont listen..

    Group with less bad players.

    No other way.
    Axer. Main tank and Leader of Crush it! (NA-EP highly skilled trials guild)
  • dylanjaygrobbelaarb16_ESO
    Reece82 wrote: »
    Great guide! Thanks for putting it together.
    Tr1n1ty wrote: »
    You forgot the most important point...use a Nightblade tank and disable all boss mechanics cuz Zenixmax programmers seem to be fresh from college

    Can you explain this? How is a Nightblade tank disabling all boss mechanics? I'm ignorant to this, just looking for an explanation.

    its been fixed and dosent work anymore.
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