Creating alts in this game stinks

I'm looking your way, Traits!
It takes MONTHS (perhaps even over a year) to research all traits. That's fine on your main, but it's a pure hell if you choose to reroll (like me, escaping the Brokenblade) or you're just an altoholic.
And when you create an alt, you have to start over..

Why not at least make alts research traits ALREADY KNOWN BY OTHER CHARACTERS on an account 80% faster? Isn't it enough that each character has to do every single quest in the game just to level up, and feed horses for 49 days? Do we really have to impair them even more by trait research?

I sometimes envy enchanters and alchemists, they don't have to deal with researching at all.. they can just "experiment" (read: look up recipes on webs)..
  • Sacklunch
    Ummmm ya why don't you just have your main make the gear for all of your alts? Problem solved.
  • Blackhorne
    Why do you feel the need to learn every craft on every alt?

    I'm an altoholic; I'm holding myself to three right now, but as soon as I'm done leveling those, I'm filling my slots.

    I've got woodworking and blacksmithing on the first, clothing (leather) and alchemy on the second, and clothing (cloth) and enchanting on the third. (All of them level provisioning.)

    I'll probably continue this with my remaining 5 slots, trying different permutations for fun. I won't feel bad about the research times, because I know if I need a particular piece with a particular trait, I can have one of my three senior alts make it.
  • Blackhorne
    Hey, here's another option.

    You've got eight character slots, there are eight traits on each piece of equipment.

    Assign each alt a trait, have them learn that trait on every piece of equipment.
    Since they're each only learning one trait per piece of equipment, that's a constant 6 hours per trait and 8 pieces of equipment at a time.

    You could have all traits researched on all equipment (34 pieces total) in 34 6-hour sessions for a total of 204 hours, or 8.5 days.

    This doesn't even count the skill buffs to shorten and allow multiple researches per character.

  • Cogo
    You are asking for WoW features.

    One of the main HUGE factor why people like this game, not all, but quite alot, is just that your character is unique. You are what you do.

    To make alts get stuff that your main has, makes most of this game useless to play, unless you want 8 highlevel character with different builds to only PVP or do the raid dungeons.

    This is not that kind of game....
    Oghur Hatemachine, Guild leader of The Nephilim - EU Megaserver
    Orc Weapon Specialist and Warchief of the Ebonheart Pact - Trueflame Cyrodiil War Campaign
    Guildsite: The Nephilim

    "I don't agree with what you are saying, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it"

    "My build? Improvise, overcome and adapt!"
  • Rev Rielle
    Rev Rielle
    I think new characters should be just that; new characters.

    Crafting is a character investment like any other skill. The game's been out a couple of months and you're complaining about something that, as you say, might take 'years'. That seems a little strange & nonsensical to me to be honest

    It seems your problem arises more due to how you play (want to play) the game, not the game itself.
    If you can be anything, be kind.
  • ArRashid
    The problem with just your main crafting is that you have to relog A LOT, and keep your materials mostly in bank, which is really hard as it can barely hold mats for clothing/bs/ww, let alone adding mats from other professions.

    So far I'm at 4-5 traits on most light armor, heavy armor and staves, but that means I don't have any time (and research slots) to research medium armor or BS weapons so far. I can't even make an alt that would use medium armor, because I have no traits for that, and I would have to make a plain non-set armors.
  • Sharee
    Blackhorne wrote: »
    Hey, here's another option.

    You've got eight character slots, there are eight traits on each piece of equipment.

    Assign each alt a trait, have them learn that trait on every piece of equipment.
    Since they're each only learning one trait per piece of equipment, that's a constant 6 hours per trait and 8 pieces of equipment at a time.

    You could have all traits researched on all equipment (34 pieces total) in 34 6-hour sessions for a total of 204 hours, or 8.5 days.

    This doesn't even count the skill buffs to shorten and allow multiple researches per character.


    You won't be ever able to craft set items that way tho, as for example crafting a sword with a set bonus requires you to have 3-8 traits researched for swords, on the character that wants to craft the set bonus(having researched on alts does not count)

  • Drachdhar
    My "main" is my main crafter for Clothering and Blacksmithing. No issues, have let my other characters focusing on not crafting... Since there is not much point in Alchemy and enchanting is a complete pain to level.

    Regarding research times, yeh it sure takes awhile. But still my main average at least 5 traits on every piece of armor in the game and I did not invest in the full amount of extra research slots until very late sadly. If I did that earlier I would have more.

    What I am saying, do not redo stuff you've already done. There is no point in doing that.
    Edited by Drachdhar on 7 June 2014 11:46
  • Beesting
    The main problem with researching on alts is that you have to level them up a lot to be able to get to the special set locations without being killed on the way there from the wayshrine.

    And a level 6 alt will never be able to make voidstone armor, unless you level the blacksmithing up to like 50

    The sets are not even that great compared to the dropped sets so i just research everything i want on my main, and focus on stuff i use.
    Did 8 on bow, 8 on healing staff. Now i am going all light armor on my nerfed dk after doing 6 traits on medium and heavy, so started researching light a few days ago.

    But in the mean time i just wear the light dropped sets, easy to get in the guild stores.

    I am sure it will be worth doing research in the long run, but i intend to stay for many more months, so we'll see.
    Beesting, Bosmer Magica DK, AD EU, crafter
    Slager, Dunmer Magica DK, DC EU, pvp
    Farmer, Dunmer Magica DK, AD EU, trials build

    Every major patch looks like the end of the world but somehow i just cannot stop playing.
  • Kayvee
    Drachdhar wrote: »
    My "main" is my main crafter for Clothering and Blacksmithing. No issues, have let my other characters focusing on not crafting... Since there is not much point in Alchemy and enchanting is a complete pain to level.

    Regarding research times, yeh it sure takes awhile. But still my main average at least 5 traits on every piece of armor in the game and I did not invest in the full amount of extra research slots until very late sadly. If I did that earlier I would have more.

    What I am saying, do not redo stuff you've already done. There is no point in doing that.

    Alchemy is *extremely* useful, you may want to reconsider your position.

    To the OP: There's no reason to have 2 characters do the same profession. There are 2 possible exceptions, Clothing and Blacksmithing in the event you want to split those into Light/Meduim and Weapons/Armor on 2 separate characters.
    VR Dragonknight Mitigation Healer and Ardent Flame DPS
    Altmer for the Ebonheart Pact
    Wabbajack since Early Access
  • ArRashid
    With the very limited bank space, you can attempt just about 3 professions at once.
    I have Blacksmithing/Woodworking/Clothing, since they have common trait stones and racial stones. I can manage that since I'm storing most resources in the bank quite regularly, and still have about 60 free space in inventory for loot.

    Now I've made an alt which was supposed to be Alchemy/Enchanting, but since my bank is already full, I must store all reagents in her own inventory, which is not possible. I had to give up enchanting to be able to store plants and a few dropped items..

    I wish there was an unlimited "bank" space like in previous TES games - maybe we just have to wait till they implement player housing, and HOPE they won't let player thieves rob us blind while we're out of house :D It would undoubtedly be a fun thing to do, but also really, really frustrating with the amount of griefers playing online games.
  • twev
    ArRashid wrote: »
    The problem with just your main crafting is that you have to relog A LOT, and keep your materials mostly in bank, which is really hard as it can barely hold mats for clothing/bs/ww, let alone adding mats from other professions.

    So far I'm at 4-5 traits on most light armor, heavy armor and staves, but that means I don't have any time (and research slots) to research medium armor or BS weapons so far. I can't even make an alt that would use medium armor, because I have no traits for that, and I would have to make a plain non-set armors.
    ArRashid wrote: »
    With the very limited bank space, you can attempt just about 3 professions at once.
    I have Blacksmithing/Woodworking/Clothing, since they have common trait stones and racial stones. I can manage that since I'm storing most resources in the bank quite regularly, and still have about 60 free space in inventory for loot.

    Now I've made an alt which was supposed to be Alchemy/Enchanting, but since my bank is already full, I must store all reagents in her own inventory, which is not possible. I had to give up enchanting to be able to store plants and a few dropped items..

    I wish there was an unlimited "bank" space like in previous TES games - maybe we just have to wait till they implement player housing, and HOPE they won't let player thieves rob us blind while we're out of house :D It would undoubtedly be a fun thing to do, but also really, really frustrating with the amount of griefers playing online games.

    I have B.S. on 'toon #1, Cloth/Wood on #2, and Alch/Ench/Prov on #3.

    Alch/Prov are Lvl-50, Ench is Lvl-20, and the others are in the 30's.
    I have to go out brawling with each one so I can get the points to level my skills, so each one is also a gatherer while out in the world.
    'Toon #1 is Lvl-25, #2 is Lvl 19, #3 is Lvl 32.

    I have to move stuff thru the bank to each storage 'toon (5 storage 'toons based on material/craft) til I have enough stuff to warrant crafting, then back through the bank to a crafter for refining and crafting. Then back through the bank to storage for materials, traits and style stones..

    I spend hours every day looking at the loading screen while I'm logging to different 'toons so I can just shuffle stuff through the bank.....

    I'm thinking about buying a subscription to a database program, or maybe Quicken, so I can use all my new dBase and accountling skills to level those up when this game gets boring.

    Yeah, I could stop doing all that, sure, but then I'd just cancel my sub and delete the program, because I don't see a point in playing with just one or two crafts.
    Most all the guys I used to play with already abandoned this game, so all the skillsets they were working on to share with the group all vanished with them, along with the mats and crafts I'd sent to them.

    If I wanted to deal with mundane RL crap, I wouldn't have to turn on my computer and log in, too, would I?

    Edited for speeling and to shoehorn in the 2nd quote.
    Edited by twev on 8 June 2014 18:52
    The problem with society these days is that no one drinks from the skulls of their enemies anymore.
  • ErykGrimm
    I am leveling all the professions between 3 characters and have been having no issues with research or bank space. Keep what you need, sell what you don't. Its pretty easy.
  • Woolenthreads
    ErykGrimm wrote: »
    I am leveling all the professions between 3 characters and have been having no issues with research or bank space. Keep what you need, sell what you don't. Its pretty easy.

    You say that now, but you are obviously not suffering through the Infused or Divines issues that some people have whined about. Come to think of it I have a Training gap on my weapons :). There are 34 lines of 8 traits each and the research period doubles for each additional trait researched. To keep your bank free requires more storage or very advanced planning :).

    Or we can use the Alt trick that someone else pointed out. The Alt who studied the trait can build a new one and stick it in the bank. I wish I'd thought of that, now to use it in my favour :D
    Edited by Woolenthreads on 8 June 2014 23:53
    Oooh look, lot's of Butterflies! Wait! Butterflies? Get out of here Sheo, stop bugging me!

    Having issues with Provisioning Writs? A list of problem Writs and people willing to help in game can be found in this Thread
  • Vanathi
    I do one craft per toon and all do provisioning. I only actively play two of them. Share the researchable/decon loot between them all and all of them have crafting skills higher than their actual skill level. They each also retain their own crafting mats freeing up bank space. Plus one pure mule toon to hold the pre order maps and stupid collectibles I am unable to make myself destroy.
    "M'aiq was told to stay away from Oldgate. This confused him. M'aiq remembers when it was called Gate." M'aiq The Liar
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